The Abomination

Its been two weeks since i returned home. Naturally i was scolded by my girlfriends for going out and bringing a girl from another dimension into our home. Oh but that wasnt the worst of it. When Amara told them about Kara, i thought Laura was gonna bisect me.

I spent 4 days sleeping on the couch. Just goes to show never think with your dick. However Komand'r fit in the group of girls just fine. She was a bit quiet at first but she slowly started to open up to them.

Her, Laura, Natalia and Domino ended up forming their own little 'I was experimented on' group. While she ended up helping Ororo with her garden and yoga sessions. She hasn't really gotten along with Sue just yet but they're getting there.

"DAMIEN! ARE YOU ALMOST READY?" Natalia yelled from the living room. Today we we're heading into star labs to let Jemma take a look at the girls and check them out. Laura has been pushing it aside due to her hatred of lab equipment, but when Natalia convinced her that it was necessary to make sure the baby is okay she finally reluctantly agreed to go.

"Im coming!" i yell back to the excited Redhead. Ever since she got pregnant Natalia has been holding her breath over the pregnancy. Laura was traumatized because she killed her mother. Nat was traumatized because she never knew what it meant to have one.

I rush down stairs to see the girls all sitting on the couch ready and waiting to go. Nat has her hair in a ponytail with leggings and a loose jacket. Susan was wearing a pale blue summer dress. Ororo had on a biking jacket with black jeans and heels. Laura was wearing one of my T-shirts and a pair of ripped jeans. Domino was dressed in a blue t shirt with a white jacket over it and a pair of white jeans that stopped mid calf. Komand'r was wearing a purple top with black jeans and a small silver choker.

We get in the minivan and make our way over to StarLabs. The gate security was baffled since they usually never see me come in or out but today was special and we wanted it all to go as normal as possible. We go through security and finally make our way into the Star Labs building to find Jemma and her newest apprentice Anna, who decided she wanted to be a doctor, waiting for us.

Jemma started firing off as soon as she saw us, "There you guys are, c'mon lets go every is so excited to finally see what's in you two....Oh that sounded off but nevermind come on let's go."

We were led to the labs below to see Cho, who practically lives here, Forge and Fitz working on something new as always. We ignored them and Jemma took blood samples from all of us using our adamantium needles and then led the ladies to a private room to change and the rest of us went into the waiting room while Komand'r went off to find her newest friend Jean Grey.

The girls were gone for about 20 minutes when Logan walked in the room. He was trying not to show it, but you could tell he was excited to find out about Laura's baby.

"Yo Logan. Hows the team fairing?" i ask him. I genuinely stepped back from the team and let him run it all. Other than serious threats or Logan thinks they need me i wont get involved.

"Hey bub, long time no visit. The recruits are looking up. Jessica came in just to beat the purple man near death but we stopped her so she left. Luke was unwilling to join but he still said if we ever need some muscle he'll show. That Nova kid is alright. He still has some growing to do but him and Johnny really kicked it off. And that Spided kid. Seems to have a knack for trouble. Added 4 new people to the holding cells just by patrolling with Gwen. The kid attracts the weirdest dudes in suits."

I smile hearing his report and i knew i put my trust in the right guy. We talked some more about the direction he wants to take the team and about one of our new transfers Bruce Banner who refused to leave his cell.

He said something about theres no safer place to stop him if he lost control. So they upgraded his cell a bit giving him a phone, a tv, and a mini fridge.

A few minutes later Jemma walked in with the girls and a couple of manilla envelopes. My fingers twitch in excitement as she walks in the room with a big smile. She kept the results a secret from even the mothers as per our request.

"All right ladies and gentleman. I have the results of our tests. Who wants to go first?" Jemma questioned the group. After some discussion we decided Laura would go first. "Well from the looks of my tests, your child is very healthy Laura, almost top healthy but thats to be expected when considering the parents." She reads off some more results and finally ends with telling us Laura was having a girl.

I couldnt help but fist bump the air and put a silly grin on my face. Im gonna spoil my daughter rotten and i already know it. We move on to Natalia who was barely sitting still as Jemma opened her envelope.

She went over the results telling Nat to get more iron in her diet and some other mumbo jumbo which Natalia took extremely seriously making notes. Then she finally got to the good part "Alright that about does it. All thats left is the most important part. Congratulations Natalia after checking my scans i found not one but two fetuses growing in you. Youre having twins!"

Nat short circuited as a tear rolled down her cheek and i was just paralyzed. A two for one? I have to start buying matching outfits now.

"Oh one last thing." Jemma spoke up "Um i was running your blood works earlier" she said as she held up a sheet of paper then passed it to Domino "Congratulations Domino it seems as if you're pregnant as well."

The whole room went quiet as we absorbed that information. Domino smiled while Ororo and Susan had a fire in their eyes letting me know they cant accept theyre the only ones. But that didnt stop me from jumping up and letting out one big "FUCK YEA!"

Meanwhile in the streets of Manhattan Gwen Stacy aka Ghost Spider was teaching her new protege the ropes. Shes been a spider person for 2 years and her new protege the 13 year old Peter Parker was enjoying swining through the cityscape.

"Wooooooooooo! This never gets old!" screamed the adolescent Spider.

"Calm down Spiderkid we're patrolling not joy swinging. C'mon lets keep going we have 30 minutes before Johnny and Nova comes to switch out with us." Lectured the blonde female fatale.

The two continued their thwipping stopping two muggings and a carjacking around New York. Half an hour later they saw the flying Duo headed their way signalling their shift ending.

"Took you guys some time. For people who dont need to mind traffic you two are slow." Gwen complained since she had a date tonight with a hot platinum blonde she met.

"Sorry Sorry GS. Nova here was playing tag with Kurt and his helmet" Johnny explained. The four were going over some details when Gwen and Pete's spider senses started tingling.

The two turned around fully alert only to find a car flying at them. Pete jumped out of the way while Gwen webbed up the car and Johnny and Nova were looking around for the perpetrators.

When all of a sudden they heard a loud "WHERE IS HUUUUUUUUUUULK!" Snapping their heads to the sound theyre met with a giant greyish monster Koolaid man bursting through a nearby building.

The monster was easily 14 feet with a sickly grey skin complexion and an ugly face to match.

"What is that Abomination?" asked Gwen holding back the urge to vomit after looking at the creature.

Johnny looked over at Nova and said "Call it in kid. We might need back up."