This is Only the Beginning

I was hyped up on adrenaline. Killing Sentry was something I knew i had to do, but still left a bitter feeling in my mouth. I've always told myself I'd be okay with killing but it's....very different when you actually have to do it.

Im flying upwards as my old friend bleeds out over my shoulder. The city a wreck in our rampage, but Earth made it clear that it's not my concerns. I didnt look back until something stopped me. A little red and gold ball came flying in front of me with a voice recording.

"Excuse me sir, may i ask of you to wait before you leave the atmosphere?"

I was taken aback as i recognized Jarvis' voice. I instantly wanted to leave and avoid this guy but eh what's the worst that can happen. A few seconds later i heard the sounds of jet propulsors coming my way.

It didnt take long before Shiny Can-Man came up, up, in my way with a few suits flying solo behind him. The middle suit stopped right in front of me as the face mask lifted revealing the smirking playboy.

"Damien Nyxxus, Director of StarLabs, where ya going buddy? You made quite a mess down there. You should know mutants can't cause trouble in my backyard right? Why dont you drop the dead guy and come with me pal."

I look at Stark and can't help but chuckle. He's clearly cautious as his helmet slides down. "Tony, you never change. Whether its hitting on my girlfriend in front of me. Or insulting me to my face calling me a mutant. Tell me Stark, can you afford to anger me?"

Stark and his bots all line up around me as they started charging power and he spoke "Yea Yea Yea Yea buddy. I've heard it all, but you can't blame me, Natalia was hot. But seriously, you can't just destroy half a few dozen blocks and leave like it's no concern. I've already caught your face, StarLabs will get hit."

I raise one eyebrow like he's crazy and i adjust my grip on the hapless body growing cold on my soggy shoulder, "Stark i haven't been in charge of StarLabs in months. Im not even sure who's running it since we all left. But i will tell you this, if i wanted to leave, there isn't a goddamn thing you can do to stop me."

We stand there in a faceoff when Stark's suit beeps. It gets awkward as the beeping continues before he gets irritated and answers it. The little gold and red drone flies over as a hologram of Fury pops up.

"It's good to see you again Invincible, or should i say Damien. Its been a trying six months without OverWatch around."

"Wait wait wait," Tony said "YOU'RE INVINCIBLE as in THE INVINCIBLE? Oh man that's rich. Wait til i tell Pepper the guy that tried poaching her was the second best superhero.....wait didn't Sentry kill you?"

Ignoring Tony i turn my sight to the holographic Fury who clearly looks older than he should. Serves him right.

"Fury, what do you want?"

"I just want to talk. A few months after your supposed death a few million people disappeared from around the world. Would that have been your doing?"

"Oh now you see them as people? From my understanding you all seemed so ready to declare metas as 3rd class citizens and put us in special "Centers". I really hope President Kelly didn't cause you too much stress Fury." i say laying on the sarcasm really thick.

"Wait hold on don't ignore me," Tony said.

"Anyways, its good to see you back Invincible. The world needs OverWatch now more than ever."

"You have me wrong Fury. I'm only here to settle personal matters, OverWatch was disbanded due to your government making it illegal to don our masks. Sure you can let Stark run around doing as he pleases, but one day when someone sinks his house just know why we protect our identities. Not that we need them anymore."

"We know about your Satellite and surely you cant just expect to keep OverWatch up there forever," Fury asked in a stoic voice.

"Fury, I've always respected you. So let me assure you, we're fine. Leave us be, Earth hasn't welcomed us so we left. Simple as that. What meta-human kind does off world is no longer your concerns. If that's all then i need to go."

Saying my words i try to take off again only to be intercepted again by Stark.

"Woah hold on buddy, Invincible or not you have to answer for all that destruction. Also Sentry while an asshole is still one of the president's men. You can't take the body."

I float over to Tony looking him directly in the eye and i simply pat his armoured shoulder, "Yea whatever you say Shiny man."

I dont look back as i blast off into space, creating a small bubble around me and Sentry seperately so i dont lose his blood, quickly leaving the Earth behind me. I cant help but think about what I've just done. Earth was my home right? So why is it that i feel nothing towards it.

Oh well, it takes me a few minutes flying at full speed before i can land down in the courtyard we were in before. I touch down to see everyone waiting for me. Kara slowly recovering, Komand'r and Koriand'r sitting around chatting, Me'gann talking with Nat, Ororo and Susan scolding Laura for being reckless, and Domino watching the kids under a giant umbrella with Amara, Hisako, and Ellie nearby.

My friends and family all gathered here. It brings a small smile to my face as i touch down alerting them of my presence. Selene walks in through a portal with her two padawans trailing her as always.

It doesn't take a second before Amara, Susan, Laura and Kara all tackle me. It was an awkward huddle of bodily fluids being swapped and shed everywhere. Mostly tears and snot from Amara seeing me return. It takes almost 35 minutes for everyone to calm down as they introduce me to the kids.

I couldn't help but grin seeing my children and it was at this moment i didn't regret. Everything i do is to enjoy my life in this Marvelous universe.

"Well i think thats enough of the melodramatics," Natalia clapped grabbing our attentions and she grabbed Natasha from me. I sulk for a bit but that goes away when Domino sits next to me and hands me Diana. Her silky black hair growing in strongly, her fingers packing power behind them already.

"Let's go home Damien. Besides dont you think the people of Viltrum finally get to meet their King" Domino purred in my ear.

"Also that project we talked about before is done. With a few more tweaks we'll have our own force on par with the most advanced fleets in the galaxy" Selene inputted.

"Plus let's not talk about your duty as a husband" Ororo chimed in expectantly while getting massive support from Susan and Komand'r.

"I'll also be sticking around for a bit, to help out with the fugitive relocation mainly. But i believe you owe me a date as well mister" Kara chimed in.

I cant help but sigh thinking about all the work left to be done. But i just smile and take a look around. I've always had the best people around to share these burdens, so why stress now?

"Right.... sigh I can't even take break after death huh. Well then what are we waiting for ladies. Let's get to business shall we?"


Bonus Scene

Deep in a Bunker underneath the Hoover Damn was a lab. Nathaniel Essex was working on his latest project. The most important thing he needed was something he was unable to obtain.

Clone after clone destroyed over the years after Damien had escaped left him desperate. He hasn't left this location since 2003. Releasing Sentry was a gamble in and of itself. Releasing an unstoppable force to get rid of his immovable object.

Unfortunately OverWatch took Damien's body but that hadn't stopped him from getting some of the blood of the awakened Damien. Without some sort of stimulus or something to keep his DNA healthy then his next body wouldn't be able to handle the awakened bloodline.

But this time he got even better. A drop of Robert's blood which he couldnt obtain after the procedure succeeded but finally obtained due to Damien's unexpected resurrection, Damien's blood which he got 6 months ago, Wolverine's dna to contain all the aggressive tendencies of Damien's blood, with a touch of Mystique's blood to adapt the body better. He even managed to get a sample of that Blonde woman who's cells were even more astonishing than Damien's.

Essex stood up in his chair watching the vat float in front of him. The body floating in the vat seemingly looking about 8 years old. The epitome of his research. No matter what this would be his masterpiece. The results he wanted when he first succeeded in the Sentry Serum, when he first found Damien, when Laura was successfully born carrying Damien's aggressive genes. Even starting a war amongst mutants and humans.

All to obtain his immortal, undying body.

"Soon, the world shall cower before the name Sinister."