Reunion pt. 1

Damien POV

"The Lantern Corps. These rings allows us to have 3000 space ready fighters that are capable enough to go against a ship of ravagers alone. Many planets are left outside of the protection of Nova Prime and are just left to their fates to the likes of Kree or Shi'ar." I give a quick explanation to Natalia as she's thoroughly enjoying her new ring.

I look down at baby Natasha to see her giggling and reaching out for her mom. Natalia smiles and forms a light to our daughter and picks her up in a Violet sphere before bringing her over to her. I can't help but be happy looking at my wife and daughter. Domino is due soon too.

"Well as much as I enjoy a touching family moment you have yet to tell me your plans for the third Lantern love" Selene interrupted bringing up her question. Tandy and Nat perked up hearing the question.

"Yea. Why didn't we just use Tyrone's dark force for the third," Tandy asked.

"Quite simple. If I used his powers for the Lantern then every dark ring would have to pair with a light ring to keep them stable. While the dark force is more abundant and trickier than the light force it also brings its share of corruption. Ty can handle it mostly in part to being around you and being a natural channeler of said force. Anyone else would have all the negatives with half the positives. Personally I'm leaning towards something happening next year to grab the perfect power source. An infinity gem."

Selene's eyes snapped open while the others just gauged from her reaction that it wasn't something simple. "Infinity gem? Impossible! You know where one is?"

I smirked at her and said "I know for a fact next year there will be three of them on earth. One of them is in the hands of an ally so worry not about it, but the other two well finders keepers right?"

Selene matches my evil grin as we can't help but plan our next move when.


I pull up my watch to show a hologram of Mars with two incoming projectiles moving at quite a fast speed. "Well ladies evil plans later, Tandy babysitter duty Nat let's go see what's falling in our atmosphere."

With a nod she hands Natasha over to Tandy who is honestly the best babysitter we have around. If Selene didn't have dibs I would keep her as a nanny. Sigh I guess it's not technically necessary since I have 8 girlfriends. Hmm I also have to go on a date with Kara soon and take Starfire back to Tamaran. I can't just kidnap the princess without saying anything.

Anyways Nat and I teleport outside of the 'Lockdown' and take off into Orbit. It takes all of 25 seconds for us to be seen hovering in space, her in violet and black, me in black and grey both with a nice lavender glow around us.

"Eyes open Nat, we don't know what could be coming and I'd rather not be caught unprepared."

"Then why didn't you invite us to the party?"

I turn around to see Kara and the Tamaranians flying up to us. "You didn't expect to be able to leave the atmosphere without me hearing it? Also Nat? Nice suit, how are you in space?"

She was about to answer when everyone felt a wave of power that made even Kara and I tense. Our heads snap 30° to the left to see two faint glows heading towards us at a fast speed. One of them is a light pink and the other is

"Captain Marvel? What the hell is she doing here?"

"Do you know her?" Koriand'r asked.

"I know of her and from my information she should be somewhere closer to Kree territory making a mess of their Galactic maps. I don't know why she's here but be careful she's powered by something that even Celestials covet."

With a nod all of us prepare for the worst while hoping for the best. Captain Marvel, I hope you come in peace.


Terra Pov

We're close. I don't know why but I'm more nervous than I thought I would be. It's just my little brother it's not like I'm visiting a Galactic Emperor.

"I see the Planet!" Carol said. I can see her trying to ease my nerves, but this can't be helped. I'm getting butterflies when I notice a what looks like two glowing beings flying towards us before stopping at the edge of the planet.

Hmmm that glow almost seems like an Anodite's but that can't be? How can they both have It? I have so many questions. "Carol?" I was about to voice my opinions when three others join the first two. Carol gets a bit defensive seeing we are officially outnumbered. Not that it really mattered since we've seen worse, but we just want to find my brother not cause problems that can be avoided.

One of the women, she has blonde hair and a blue suit with a red cape draped around her waist like a skirt. "Hello Travelers. My name is Kara Zor'El. May I know the reason you all are traveling to our planet."

Okay so at least it's not an immediate hostile greeting. Carol and I lock eyes and have a quick conversation.

C- You speak

T - You know I'm not a forward speaker

C - Nah your brother your problem Terra. Come on you can do it.

T- Carol pleaseee.

K - Anyday ladies yes i can eye speak as well

C - ...

T- ....

"Cough, my name is Terra Greyson and this is my girlfriend Carol Danvers. I was told by Nick Fury that my brother is most likely on this planet. I've searched a few galaxies to get here and normally it wouldn't be an issue but I was really nervous and I just wanted to check and see if he was here but if he's not it's okay too. Maybe he doesn't even remember me anyways, this was a bad idea we should just go before-"

"What Terra means to say is Nick said Damien Nyxxus is on this planet. We came to see him as he may be Terra's younger brother. I'm not sure if you can help us meet him?" Carol intervened saving her train wreck of a girlfriend from further embarrassment 😳.

Kara floated there silently for a second dumbfounded and said "Uh one second."

She flew back to her group before all five decided to come flying forward this time. Did they want to fight? I hope not.

The group came up face to face with us and talk about diversity. Two of the girls had orange skin and black or red hair with glowing purple and green eyes. What race were they? And the last girl had red hair but more sunset orange and she had the anodite like glow.

Then there was the guy, he was tall, tanned, dark haired and his face was familiar. A bit like Markus but his eyes were a soft green that I had only seen on two people, one being myself and the other being mom.

I found myself slowly floating towards him as he did the same. We locked eyes and at that moment we both knew, even if we haven't met in 20 years, even if he was a baby, even if....


It wasn't a question, it wasn't confirmation, it was warm.


Somehow neither of us noticed the tears streaming out the corner of our eyes as one second we were standing apart from each other and the next we found ourselves locked in each other's embrace. Afraid to disappear again if we separated.

"You're alive, what happened to you? Where have you been?" He threw question after question but all I can do is stare at my baby brother and say.

"'ve grown so much. If only mom and dad could see you now, you've become such a fine young man." A smile makes it way to my tear stained face as he chuckles in my ear and say

"A lot has happened Big sister. It's a long story if you have time?"

We finally seperate and I take a good look at his face and I can see the same thing that has haunted our family since before my father's father was born. Pain and Hurt hidden behind the love in his eyes. I'm glad he's found someone to keep him anchored.

"I plan to stick around for a bit. After all I owe you at least 26 years of birthday presents."

He grins as he turns towards the red planet and motion us to follow him "Come on let's finish this reunion in the atmosphere. Wait until you see New Viltrum, also aunty you gotta meet your nieces and nephew."

My brain short circuited for a second before having my mind blown. OMG IM AN AUNT I HAVE TO SPOIL THE KIDS AND MAINTAIN MY NUMBER ONE POSITION. A fire is lit in my eyes as I glance at my number 1 competition for best aunty aka Carol. Sorry my love but in this war I will be victorious.

"Well what are we waiting for Damien, let's go hurry hurry take me to my nieces and nephew, stop stalling and fly boy."

With a weight off my shoulders I finally relax as Carol's arm slings around me and she smirks whispering in my ear "I'm totally gonna be the coolest aunt."

Fuck. This war will be fierce.