Damien Nyxxus
King of New Viltrum
Seated around a large table were some of the most powerful and influential people in New Viltrum, each person here was gathered to finally make plans for the future of the nation. Ororo Nyxxus the Minister of Education, Emma Frost Minister of Finance, James 'Logan' Howlett the Minister of Defense, Natalia Nyxxus the Royal Spokeswoman and Advisor and her new incredibly helpful secretary Sage, Selene Gallio the Magic Expert, with Jean Grey acting as an Ambassador to the other nations present on our planet.
Damien walked in the conference room greeting his half finished cabinet, he still needed more trusted people for Agriculture, Sciences, and other various departments but those can be filled in with time.
"Ladies and Gentleman I'm glad to be here today with all of you and I do hope that today's agenda won't take up too much of your time. I've spent the last week going over with Natalia of the planets initial development and what short term plans we have so I'm here to broaden the scope and hash out the finer details."
Taking a breath he noticed everyone's eyes on him being fully devoted to what he would say next knowing it would decide their future path.
"Starting from now we need to get the citizens used to being Martians, as weird as it sounds now we do need to establish that. Later on we can trade with Earth but we do need to firmly establish our interdependence from that planet. Also now that the Lantern Project has started in the initial stages we can begin our projects. The Savage Lands, Wakanda and Haven will all be the biggest allies to our planet's ability to stand and speak in this universe but make no mistakes that we must find our own ways to strive. Logan, Selene and I will go over the finer details of the rings with you later pick out 50 for each Corps for now their main jobs will be Asteroid retrievals and being guards for our merchant fleets and civilian ships.Any questions?"
Logan took a second writing some notes on his hard-light notepad before asking "Any additional requirements on troops? Also how do you want to go about setting up rankings?"
"No one under 25 or above 50, space travel using the rings will be mentally taxing so we should try to limit those in their prime years, as for rankings go 1-5 stars. 5 stars being the highest and you only get promoted based on overall performance, Natalia will get with you on that later and work out finer details."
I looked at him nodding and making more notes before turning to Jean. "Jean as our Ambassador your first goal is going to be a big one. You're going to go the Nova Central Empire and arrange meeting with Nova Prime. Your only goal is adding Mars into the Galactic Maps. While Earth is on the maps they have nothing the universe wants but I believe some of our stuff will be a hit in the stars. Your secondary task is to mark any remarkable planets or asteroids you find and Logan will send Lanterns to check em out."
"I understand, how many am I going with?" Jean ask as she starts making a list of things to check on before she leaves.
"Other than the standard crew you'll get to hand pick your teammates but no more than 8 you don't want to make too big a fuss as soon as we show up, also I asked Carol to show you the way and she agreed. Get with Emma before you leave to get some resources to exchange for the universal credit."
"Anything to be careful of while off planet?"
"There's a lot of dangerous creatures floating around the vacuum. Be careful of Klyntar, a race of symbiotic parasites that cling to your body and try to take over. Their main planet was destroyed but as far as I'm aware some survivors still float on meteors. The Shi'ar, Skrull, and Kree territories shouldn't be on your path but be careful for any solo scouts or strays. Then there's also wormholes, be careful you don't get sucked into one and end up on some waste planet like Sakaar. Oh if you find a giant dismembered head call immediately because that's a gold mine."
".....can I get more than 8?"
"Denied, you have a Captain Marvel on call you'll be fine. Emma after the mining project starts we'll be doing business with multiple planets across the stars so I need your best business face. It's okay to not make much but it's impossible to be played by aliens. Be careful with your ability though, some aliens are immune to mental fluctuations."
"As far as education standards go I refuse to be as casual as Earth. Geniuses are a dime a dozen and if we don't push forward a strong education we'll only be hurting ourselves so Ororo you and I will get together later and set up some standard education guidelines and requirements."
"I know its going to be rough but we took the first step already. We separated from Earth giving us a chance to grow and live unimpeded and unsupressed. Whether we grow from here or fall all depends on our ability. Now any other questions, comments or concerns?" I ask the group looking around before glancing at my watch checking the time.
Ororo took the initiative to "we should be able to handle it, although I still have some questions on the Lantern Corps, but you seem to be in a rush? Is there something else to do today?"
Everyone looked at me except Natalia and Sage who knew my plans. I exhale and tell them "I plan on recruiting some inhabitants for that large island between The Savage Lands and Haven. I heard the Inhumans are still on the moon so I figured I'd give them a better offer than a closed moon city."
"I see. Sorry for asking, but indeed letting the Inhumans inhabit it will increase trade.partners while increasing the planets' self defense ability."
I give Ororo a warm smile before looking around, seeing no one else speak up "Alright then thats it for today ill be meeting with all of you individually throughout the next week for follow ups but that might be delayed if the inhumans don't agree so I'll keep you updated through Nat. Alright everyone dismissed.
Crystal couldn't help but hold back the tears in her eyes as her elder sister just brought the worst news possible.
"Crystal calm down you know he's in a tough situation as it is."
"So you speak for him Medusalith? After he has practically forced your hand in marriage. You speak for the same man who sold our parents to that 'Collector' because he offered a few years worth of supplies?"
"ENOUGH" the redhead sternly yelled as he hair flung wildly around her figure as she took a deep breath allowing herself to calm down, "I do not speak for him Crys, but our people are at the point where we don't have any options left. Please see the bigger picture."
"BUT ITS RONAN, MEDUSA! That guy only knows how to make trouble and I'd rather not marry a Kree after they experimented on us. No thanks."
"Sigh, well just think it over please Crys, if you still decide not to I shall speak to Blackagar for you and help plead for you. Goodnight little sister
please do think about it."
The redhead walked out of the room leaving the young blonde confused. Her mind was in chaos thinking of all the people under their dome depending on their royal family to provide for them. It was getting harder and harder to stabilize themselves as time went on but what other chose did they have? Terrigenesis is fatal for normal humans so they can't stay on Earth, but they can't stay here either.
The blonde continued to be lost in her thoughts not noticing herself slowly walking to the city walls as she looked up. It was a rare night where you can see the bright sparkling red planet with oceans of blue now adorning it. The inhumans noticed the change but without knowing the exact cost or if it was survivable over there they wouldn't take the risk with theyf dying numbers.
"Its beautiful isn't it" Crystal heard a voice coming from her ear as she jumped and turned on the spot staring at the figure who appeared next to her silently. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you. But I just saw Mars from here and I just couldn't help but marvel at how different it looks with the oceans."
Despite her nervousness Crystal was actually calm as she responded "Yea I wonder what it's like over there now. I'm very curious."
"Well do you want to go? I can make it happen, I'm very powerful you know!" Watching the 6'5ish well built young man with lightly tanned skin making different flexing poses brought a smile to Crystal's face and a giggle in her mouth. The man held out a hand with a rougish grin as he stated "Damien, Damien Nyxxus and its nice to meet you Ms?"
She looked at his hand for a second and something told her to grab that outstretched hand and hold on to it tight or else she would regret it. So without hesitation she locked hands with him while staring him in the eye with a sly vixen grin "Crystalia Amaquelin, but you can call me Crys."
And that night a powerful alliance between two royal families was born.