"So are you going to tell me now?", Joey asked. Another day of Joey's pestering. He wouldn't stop asking me about the note. Joey may be my friend but that doesn't mean I get to tell him everything. I just sighed and faced him. We were walking right now but stopped as I stopped and faced him. He just grinned widely and ready to listen to what I was about to say. I sighed, "Why do you want to know?". He pouted, "Because we're bros-bros. So you gotta tell me." *How childish of you* I shook my head, "Don't you pull the "bros-bros" card at me. You know that's not gonna work-." "I won't ask you again about that girl if you tell me about the note," I stopped once he offered that kind of deal. I know he won't stay true to what he said. Maybe during Bella and I's target practice later, he'll ask more things about what happened. I shook my head at the deal, not believing what he is saying. "I don't believe you saying that you won't ask me again but I'll just tell you," I told him. He grinned widely, celebrating in the inside quietly. *What is up with this guy?* "Bella and I are meeting up later for target practice. She asked me to teach her some techniques in shooting right," I informed him. He looked confused and suddenly asked what made me want to disappear in existence, "Who is Bella again?". I slapped my forehead, "How dis you even forget-" He suddenly laughed, "No. I was just kidding. I remembered her. Go get her." I'm the next one who became confused, "What do you mean-". Before I could finish my question, the alarm rang indicating it was academic training already. Joey suddenly was gone. I looked around and tried to find him but he was already gone. *He's good with being quiet. Not expected from his loud mouth.* I just went to my own class.
While walking, I was already nervous due to the fact that later we will be having target practice later. I wasn't good with socializing especially with women. The only women or girls talked to are my mother and my siblings who are girls or my sisters. I don't usually go outside much and be with other people or groups. I would always study alone in my house or just work in the fields to my help my brothers. I sat in my usual seat and waited for Sergeant Louisa. Eventually while waiting, Bella arrived with her friend. They were talking with each other. I couldn't help but stare at her. I felt like I was still in high school again, admiring a girl far away. Yet this is not high school and this is a training camp for soldiers. I shook my head away from my thought and stopped staring so I wouldn't be labeled as a creep or a pervert. Later arrived Sergeant Louisa and we started our academic training.
After a few hours, academic training was finished. I saw Bella's friend saying goodbye to Bella, who was approaching me. I fixed my things and saw her. "Hey. Are you up for target practice with me?", she asked. I looked at her and nodded. She smiled and gestured for me to follow her. We walked side by side with each other. It is a bit uncomfortable since both of us were quiet. I decided to break the silence. "Hey-", "Hey-," we both accidentally spoke together. She must have thought the same thing as me but I gestured her to continue to what she will say, "You can go first." She smiled and put her hand up for a handshake, "My name is Bella but I think you know already because of my friend, Vangie, mentioning my name to you." I smiled as well, "My name is Glen. And yeah, she mentioned to me your name before when she was asking about the take we had." We started walking again. Even though it was silent, it was comfortable. Just both of us enjoying each other's company.
"You have to focus on the part you want to shoot at. Do your stance properly. Don't be stiff," I informed her. We were already outside during lunch for target practice. It wasn't a problem if we practiced or train outside because the Sergeants allowed us to train. They think it will be better if we have time to train. "I'm trying but it's a bit difficult for me. Can you do the stance again? I'll copy you," she requested. I did the stance again as she copied me. We were a bit serious while training so we can focus a bit more on the practice. Though I was a bit nervous earlier, she made me comfortable. "Okay. Now try shooting in the middle. Do what I told you," I told her. She did the shooting stance, focusing on the middle then fired. "Not bad," I complimented her. The bullet pierced through the side of the middle part. "I'll try again," she said as she went on to the stance again. She . focused then fired. "Perfect shot," I complimented her once again. "Thanks," she said as she smiled. The alarm rang indicating the next academic training session. "We can continue this next time. If you want to," I told her. She looked at me and nodded, "Sure. I don't mind. I think t would be better if we practiced together. Thank you for helping me by the way,". I smiled slightly and nodded, happy on the inside because I helped her. We both walked together to class and sat in our own seats. As I was minding my own business, I didn't notice the bickering of the two friends.
"So, how did it go?", Vangie asked her friend in a teasing manner. Bella looked at her, "It was fine I guess. He's a great teacher." "That's it?", Vangie frowned at her friend. She thought she would get some more information but Bella didn't seem to like gossiping about it earlier. "Yes. Why?", Bella bluntly said. Vangie just pouted and looked at her front and waited for Sergeant Louisa.
Training went on for hours. Eventually, training ended and the soldier in training get to rest. Glen took his things as he went outside to find Joey. Once he found Joey, they walked together to the cafeteria. They ate but then this is when Glen got irritated again. "So, what happened?", Joey suddenly asked. Glen looked at him, "And I thought you wouldn't ask anymore." Joey frowned, a bit offended at what I said, "I know. I know. But you know me." *I already expected before you would even ask me.* "We just did target practice. That's all," I told Joey, him resulting to groan. "How boring. Anything more than that?", Joey asked, hoping to get some more information. "Nothing much. We just introduced ourselves and practiced," Joey slumped his shoulders, frowning again at my blunt reply. "Anything else," he asked again. I sighed and told him, "We will practice again next time." As expected, Joey becomes more energized, his frown turning to a teasing expression. I sighed thinking, *Not again.*
"So, when will you meet again?", the person walking with me, Joey, asked. We were walking back to our quarter. "The next time we have academic training. We'll only train at lunch," I informed him. "So another date again," Joey whispered quietly. I only hear murmurs so I asked him, "What did you say?". He looked at me quickly and grinned, "Nothing to worry about." I just shook my head at his antics and continued walking.
Once I arrived at our quarter, I went to my bed. I was doing nothing so I decided to write a letter to my family. I sat up, took a piece of paper and a pen. I sat on my desk provided beside my bed and started writing.
Dear family,
I received your letter that you sent me. I miss you all very much. Thank you for praying for my safety and I also hope that you all are safe. I've been homesick but I try to hide it though I tend to think about the home I left, where you all are. I do miss home a lot. I miss how we all would wake up together to cook. I miss how I would help tend the fields with my brothers. I miss how I get to play with my younger sister. I miss how I bond with all of you. I miss how I would just be there and be able to see all of you happy. I miss how we were all still complete. I just miss your presence beside me. I wish to be home with all of you again. I promise to be back soon. I also purposely left some of my clothes there for my sister since she requested me. Also about Joey, I'll bring him there some time so you get to meet him. That's all I have to say for today. I love you all.
I ended the letter and put it in the mail. I went back to my bed then slept.