It was already morning but I haven't seen Joey yet. He wasn't even on his bed earlier when I looked at his space. I didn't think much of it so I went on my way. Once I arrived at the cafeteria, I sat at a table alone. It was my first time sitting alone because usually, I would be with Joey but today is not the case. The alarm rang so I went out to training.
Training started already and I still haven't seen Joey. I was slowly becoming worried for him. Is he alright? Why didn't he inform me anything? Should I go and find him? What if I'm not allowed to do that? But he is my friend. *Where is he?* I looked around hoping to find him anywhere and still, he isn't anywhere. I just sighed and take note in my mind to try and look for him.
After training, I went around the training campus. I tried to find him in almost every room but he isn't anywhere. I even tried finding him in some quarters but I of course didn't open it but I just tried to listen in some doors, hoping to hear his voice. I even tried making some soldiers if they see him, some answered, "No. Sorry." or "I don't know who he is or him." I also tried finding him outside campus or specifically on the fields but to no avail, I still haven't found him. He can be anywhere yet I still can't find him. The same alarm rang again and I went out of the campus to the field for training.
Sergeant Carlos was once again leading training even making us have a hard time doing things. Later, a soldier came up to Sergeant Carlos and whispered something to him. I was curious about what they were talking about but I didn't want to eavesdrop in their conversation so I let it be. *What if he knows where Joey is?* I shook my head out of my thoughts and just continued training. I saw Sergeant nodded his head and so the soldier left and went back to the campus. I was guessing that it was one of my upperclassmen who the Sergeant was talking to. After training, we went back to our quarter.
It was almost dinner and Joey hasn't shown up yet. I was really worried now and I still had to find him. *What if he left the camp as he said before?*
("I don't even think I still want to continue training.")
I still remember what he said but I'm positive that he didn't leave yet because his bags are still there. I thought as I looked at his bags near his bed. I slowly looked around when my eyes stopped at a certain spot, his drawer. I went near his drawer but stopped first to look around to make sure no one was looking. Once I confirmed that no one was looking, I went to open his drawer. I only saw a bunch of pictures of his girlfriend and letters that are from both his parents and girlfriend. Still finding no clues, I went to look around but freezer when I saw someone looking directly at me. I was surprised someone was there when I didn't hear anyone coming in. I slowly then realized that person was Joey. I instantly became relieved but he was still looking at me suspiciously. "Why are you looking inside my drawer?", he asked, suspicious as to why I pulled that kind of action. I cleared my throat as I started explaining. "I didn't see you earlier so I looked at your bed but you weren't there. I went to the cafeteria but you also weren't there. I went to the field but you also weren't there. I even went to some rooms to check if you were there!", I explained to him. I left the part where I eavesdrop to some quarters so I wouldn't be labeled as a creep. He raised his eyebrow then said, "That still doesn't explain why you were looking inside my drawer." I sighed, "I was looking inside your drawer hoping to find some clues to where you've gone." He grinned widely, "You know you could've put up your words properly and could've said that you were worried for me." He said as he started teasing me. I rolled my eyes at him and crossed my arms, "As if. Just where did you go earlier?". He stopped grinning and frowned instead, "I woke up at midnight and got caught by one of the Sergeants patrolling. He said that I have to do cleaning duties and help bring the mails to the van as punishment for today. So, I woke up early in hopes I could finish my work early and be done before dinner." I was the next one who laughed at him. His face morphed into an angry one and he started explaining angrily. "Now, you're just spitting nonsense, Joey. Let's just go so we can eat dinner," I said as I slowly turned off my laugh. He grinned again and nodded. We both walked together to the cafeteria, sharing laughs and talks while walking. we both picked up our food as we sat at a table. Some soldiers joining at our table since the cafeteria was almost full. We talked with some soldiers who are trying to strike up a conversation so the table wouldn't be too awkward.
After dinner, we went back to our quarter. Since it is a bit too early to go to bed Joey and I studied topics for tomorrow's academic training. Even though we were studying, Joey would suddenly start a conversation and we would drift off from studying. "We have academics tomorrow, right?", Joey asked. "Yeah, we have," I answered without even sparing him a glance. "Aren't you having shooting practice with Bella tomorrow?", he asked. Though he was asking that question, he wasn't teasing me for once. He was asking in a serious expression while he is studying. I looked at him and asked, "Yeah, we are. What's with the sudden question?". He looked at me with the widest grin he could manifest. *Not this again.* "So it's a date then?", he asked. I slapped my forehead his question.
After the 'serious conversation' we had, I went back to my bed. It's still a bit early so I decided to get the letters I sent and the letter I received from them. Hoisting my bag up, I rummaged through each pocket. I found the letters and put my bag down. It wasn't literally the paper I sent to them. It was just the scratch paper that I used before writing the actual letter. Reading the 1st letter:
Dear mother and siblings,
I have arrived safely here in the camp. I am writing this letter so you'll know that I am safe. Training is difficult but I'll get the hang of it and get used to it. I miss all of you and I'm feeling kind of homesick. Hope I get back to you soon. I also met a guy named Joey and now we're kind of friends. We actually met at the bus that is driving here to the camp. He is actually a friendly guy. I hope you write to me soon. I love you all. Take care. I'll write to you soon again.
Your son and sibling, Glen
2nd letter, the one I received from them:
Dear Glen,
Your siblings and I are missing you as well. It is a bit shallow and empty while you aren't here. We are praying every day to God and Jesus for your safety. I hope you are fine there. Your younger sister misses you a lot than all of us combined. She goes to your room every day and sometimes sleeping there by herself. She also wears your clothes that you left for her and kept hugging the bear that you got for her. I am proud of you, son. Also about your friend, I hope we get to him someday. Take care, son. We love you.
Your mother and siblings
Last letter:
Dear family,
I received your letter that you sent me. I miss you all very much. Thank you for praying for my safety and I also hope that you all are safe. I've been homesick but I try to hide it though I tend to think about the home I left, where you all are. I do miss home a lot. I miss how we all would wake up together to cook. I miss how I would help tend the fields with my brothers. I miss how I get to play with my younger sister. I miss how I bond with all of you. I miss how I would just be there and be able to see all of you happy. I miss how we were all still complete. I just miss your presence beside me. I wish to be home with all of you again. I promise to be back soon. I also purposely left some of my clothes there for my sister since she requested me. Also about Joey, I'll bring him there some time so you get to meet him. That's all I have to say for today. I love you all.
I kept re-reading the letters. I hope I get to receive a letter from them. I truly do miss them. I kept the letters and slept.