Chapter 7

The alarm rang loudly and we immediately woke up. Doing the usual morning routine the heading to the cafeteria. The atmosphere seems weird today like I feel like this... is not even real. I feel like I'm in a hallucination. I shook my head and ignored what I was thinking about. I sat at a table and ate. Another weird feeling came to me and I didn't know what it was. I looked around and it looks normal to me except for the fact that the others are glaring at me. I shook my head once again and continued eating. The alarm rang and we all went to training.

When we went to training, the atmosphere seemed to be gloomy. I didn't know why. Maybe I forgot something or I did nothing. I was still confused but still continued training. I was treated rather harshly than normal. Throughout the training, Sergeant Carlos keeps giving me constant punishments. Though I never knew why he keeps giving punishments, I still didn't complain and continued on with my punishments. After training, I tried finding Bella. She was there talking with Vangie. I went to approach her when Vangie suddenly snatched her and took Bella behind her. I was beyond confused right now. Why does everyone act and look like they hate me? I don't even remember doing something. I frowned and slowly walked up to them. "Hey, Bella. What are you two-". I didn't even finish talking yet when Vangie suddenly started spitting hate at me. "Get away from us," Vangie spat out. I frowned, confused at the way she said that. "What's going on?", I asked. "You exactly know what you did," Bella said as she looked at me angrily. I frowned deeply, "What did I even do?". Vangie then said, "Stop acting innocent." I almost shouted at them but I calmed down then started talking again, "What is wrong with you?". Bella looked at me, disgusted, "No. The question is: What is wrong with YOU?", she repeated as she emphasized the word 'you'. They looked at me in disgust and in anger. They then left and went back to their quarters while I stood there dumbfounded. I don't understand what's going on right now. First, people in the cafeteria kept glaring at me. Second, Seargeant Carlos kept giving me punishments even though I didn't even do anything wrong. Third, Bella and Vangie hate me and I don't even know the reason why. I sighed sadly and went to my own quarter.

Once I arrived, soldiers here and there seems to be glaring at me. I walked a bit slowly, feeling the tension in the air. While walking, I suddenly got pushed onto the ground. *What the? Who pushed me? * I grunted in pain and looked up to see soldiers glaring down at me. Their fists were up, ready to punch me. "How pathetic of you. Still here in the camp even after what you did. You've got some nerve, don't you?", one said, their voice laced with anger. They only stepped back and went back to their places when General went inside our quarter. I stood up and also went to my own place. "Hope you are doing alright. Especially after what happened," after he said the last part, General narrowed his eyes at me. I was a bit creeped out but paid no mind to it. Soldiers snickered but then kept quiet when the General cleared his throat. "That is all I have to say. Good night, soldiers," he said as he went to the door. When he was near the door, he stopped then looked at me. "Pathetic," he said as he looked at me with disgust written on his face. I frowned when I heard this. He left and we all went to our own beds. The things that happened didn't make any sense. Why were they all attacking me? I shook my head and went to sleep. *I will surely find out what is wrong.*

The alarm rang loudly and we immediately woke up. Doing the usual morning routine the heading to the cafeteria. The atmosphere seems weird today like I feel like this... is not even real. I feel like I'm in a hallucination. I shook my head and ignored what I was thinking about. I sat at a table and ate. Another weird feeling came to me and I didn't know what it was. I looked around and it looks normal to me except for the fact that the others are glaring at me. I shook my head once again and continued eating. The alarm rang and we all went to training.

When we went to training, the atmosphere seemed to be gloomy. I didn't know why. Maybe I forgot something or I did nothing. I was still confused but still continued training. I was treated rather harshly than normal. Throughout the training, Sergeant Carlos keeps giving me constant punishments. Though I never knew why he keeps giving punishments, I still didn't complain and continued on with my punishments. After training, I tried finding Bella. She was there talking with Vangie. I went to approach her when Vangie suddenly snatched her and took Bella behind her. I was beyond confused right now. Why does everyone act and look like they hate me? I don't even remember doing something. I frowned and slowly walked up to them. "Hey, Bella. What are you two-". I didn't even finish talking yet when Vangie suddenly started spitting hate at me. "Get away from us," Vangie spat out. I frowned, confused at the way she said that. "What's going on?", I asked. "You exactly know what you did," Bella said as she looked at me angrily. I frowned deeply, "What did I even do?". Vangie then said, "Stop acting innocent." I almost shouted at them but I calmed down then started talking again, "What is wrong with you?". Bella looked at me, disgusted, "No. The question is: What is wrong with YOU?", she repeated as she emphasized the word 'you'. They looked at me in disgust and in anger. They then left and went back to their quarters while I stood there dumbfounded. I don't understand what's going on right now. First, people in the cafeteria kept glaring at me. Second, Seargeant Carlos kept giving me punishments even though I didn't even do anything wrong. Third, Bella and Vangie hate me and I don't even know the reason why. I sighed sadly and went to my own quarter.

Once I arrived, soldiers here and there seems to be glaring at me. I walked a bit slowly, feeling the tension in the air. While walking, I suddenly got pushed onto the ground. *What the? Who pushed me? * I grunted in pain and looked up to see soldiers glaring down at me. Their fists were up, ready to punch me. "How pathetic of you. Still here in the camp even after what you did. You've got some nerve, don't you?", one said, their voice laced with anger. They only stepped back and went back to their places when General went inside our quarter. I stood up and also went to my own place. "Hope you are doing alright. Especially after what happened," after he said the last part, General narrowed his eyes at me. I was a bit creeped out but paid no mind to it. Soldiers snickered but then kept quiet when the General cleared his throat. "That is all I have to say. Good night, soldiers," he said as he went to the door. When he was near the door, he stopped then looked at me. "Pathetic," he said as he looked at me with disgust written on his face. I frowned when I heard this. He left and we all went to our own beds. The things that happened didn't make any sense. Why were they all attacking me? I shook my head and went to sleep. *I will surely find out what is wrong.*

The alarm rang loudly and we immediately woke up. Doing the usual morning routine the heading to the cafeteria. The atmosphere seems weird today like I feel like this... is not even real. I feel like I'm in a hallucination. I shook my head and ignored what I was thinking about. I sat at a table and ate. Another weird feeling came to me and I didn't know what it was. I looked around and it looks normal to me except for the fact that the others are glaring at me. I shook my head once again and continued eating- Wait. Didn't this just happen yesterday? It feels like the world around me keeps repeating. I quickly ran to my quarter. The world around me keeps spinning and I already feel nauseous. I arrived inside and looked at someone's bed, Joey. I didn't realize that he wasn't with me. It's like I have forgotten about him. (You left me to die. You're selfish, Glen!) I turned around and saw Joey but in a different form. He wasn't human. He was something else. (You're selfish. You're selfish. You're selfish.) He kept repeating the same sentence. I covered my ears but I still keep hearing him. He then screamed loudly.

The alarm rang and I immediately jolted awake. I breathe deeply and looked around me. I saw a clock and I knew that I was in real life now. I wasn't dreaming anymore. "You alright there, Glen?", someone spoke. I looked in the direction of the voice and saw Joey looking at me worriedly while fixing his bed. I sighed, relieved that he was alright. "I'm fine, Joey-bro," I informed him. He laughed lightly, "You're being weird today." I smiled and laughed with him. What a weird dream.