Chapter 8

"You were weird earlier. Like really weird," Joey looked at me with his eyebrows furrowed. "That was nothing. I just thought something happened," I told him, trying to avoid the topic. He looked at me, suspiciously. Knowing Joey, he wouldn't actually believe me unless he gets information out of me but to my surprise, he didn't ask and just kept quiet. I also kept quiet and followed him.

After eating breakfast, Joey and I went to our own class for our academic class. I told him that he could and eat with his own friend group since I will be with Bella for target or shooting practice. "Hey, Joey. You don't have to wait for me at lunch later. I have target practice with Bella later. You can eat with someone else," I informed him, internally hoping that he wouldn't tease me about Bella again. But since life is playing games with me, Joey suddenly asked about Bella. I was questioning whether Joey is on good terms with God and they planned on teasing me about Bella. "Is it another date? Were you the one who asked instead to have practice in shooting? Is it a cover-up so she wouldn't know that it is actually a date? Have you realized that you actually love and not just like her?", he bombarded me with questions but I couldn't quite hear what the last question asked. "Okay. Just relax. I'll answer it one by one," I said to him softly. I sighed and answered, "For your first question, it isn't a date," I said as he frowned. "For the second question, she was actually the one who asked me and I just agreed," he frowned deeper. "For your third question, it is only for training and I'm not making an excuse like, 'it's for target practice but it's actually a date' kind of cover-up," he pouted. "Also what was your last question?", his face suddenly changed and he grinned widely. *Talk about mood swings.* "It was nothing, Glen. Don't worry," he said, still grinning widely. *You're lying, Joey. And how do you smile like that? Don't your cheekbones hurt?* "Also, by the way, there is something wrong with you. You've been nicer than before. I mean I'm not complaining and I'm not saying you were mean before. It's just that today is different and new and-," he continued ranting. I didn't pay attention because my mind was already in another place. What he said was true. I became nicer to him than before. After that weird dream, it made an impact on my attitude towards Joey. I shook my head off my thoughts. When my mind was back in the present, Joey was still ranting. I blinked once then twice and decided to stop him. I laid my hand on his shoulder. He suddenly looked at the hand that resting is on his shoulder then at me, he looked freaked out. "You're ranting, Joey. We still have academic classes," my emotionless face with my blunt reply made him sweatdropped, nodding at my statement. I removed my hand from his shoulder then walked to my class. He stared at my back, still freaked out. He shook his head and started mumbling to himself. I didn't quite hear what he said but just ignored it, imagining that he was just spewing out nonsense. "His face and voice are scary. I still don't how or why I'm still alive. I mean if he accidentally killed me then people would suspect him and he will immediately catch a case," Joey said as he stared at Glen's back. He started asking questions and rant to himself when the alarm rang. He immediately stopped ranting and ran to his own class.

Our academic class went on as usual. We learned more strategies, discussed plans, and more. We took down notes and made scenarios in our heads. The room was quiet except for Sergeant Louisa who was discussing in front of us in our academic class. I was waiting for the time to pass as I was waiting for another of mine and Bella's shooting practice. It was nice because, throughout our academic class, we all learned about different guns and how to use them. It was almost time for lunch and I caught myself staring at Bella. There was something about Bella that intrigues me but I can't quite point which is it. I still kept staring at Bella that I almost didn't notice that it was already lunch. I only became mentally present when I saw Bella walking towards me after she talked to her friend, Vangie. As I was organizing my notes, Bella suddenly asked. "Hey, Glen. Let's go?", Bella asked. I took a glimpse of her face and nodded. She smiled and waited for me. I hurriedly organized my notes, it was rude to let Bella wait. When I finished organizing my notes, I stood up. Bella walked out of class first while I followed behind her.

We arrived at the field and went to find a vacant space for our target practice. We started reloading our guns with bullets and keeping an extra magazine in case we run out of bullets. In the corner of my eye, I saw Bella smirking. It made me confused but continued loading the bullets into the magazine. After we loaded our guns with bullets, Bella suddenly suggested something that surprised me of her boldness. "Hey, Glen, Want to have a little competition?", Bella suddenly asked. I raised my eyebrow and looked at her, "What kind of competition?". She looked at me as if I was dumb. "Isn't it obvious? Since we are in target practice, we will have a shooting competition. See that target?". So that's what she was smirking about. She pointed at the target at the other side of the field. "That has five circles, starting from the middle to the outer circle. The middle consists of five points, the second circle has four points, the third has three points, the fourth has two points and the fifth and outer circle has one point. Are you up for the challenge or are you scared that I would beat you?", she teased me. She teases like Joey and now I think they are relatives. I smirked at her, chuckling at her boldness, "Bold of you to assume that I would easily back down at a challenge." I looked at her then put up my hand for a handshake, "I accept the challenge." She looked at my hand, putting her own hand up to mine. She looked at me then smirked, "May the person who has most points win."

We started our competition and we grabbed other soldiers' attention. They stopped what they were doing to watch our competition. Bella and I started gaining points. We both only had ten bullets each so we wouldn't waste too many bullets. Bella suddenly suspected something and asked that made me laugh, "I'm surprised that someone like you who can shoot the middle consecutively, can also get just 3-4 points. Are you going easy on me, Glen?". "Maybe I am going easy on you," I responded to her question with a bit of teasing. She scoffed and I chuckled at her. I figured that she doesn't like anyone who goes easy on her just because she was a woman. "I was just kidding, you know. I'm not perfect," I told her, hoping to reduce her irritation on me. She looked at me and chuckled, "Who said I was mad?". *This woman.* We continued our friendly competition ended with a tie score. "I actually thought you would win and surpass me," I told her. "I actually thought too but turns out that we are equally great," she said to me. After our little competition, soldiers went back to what they were doing and some went back inside the campus. She continued, "After all, I have a great teacher." She looked at me then smiled widely. I guess I do think that I'm lucky.

After target practice with Bella, we stayed on the field since we will also have shooting range with Sergeant Louisa. Bella went to the women's field and waited for Vangie while I stayed in mine and waited for Joey. I saw Joey walking towards me. We both talked with each other for a while since we still have a few minutes before our training starts and soldiers to crowd the field. "So, how was your 'target practice' with her?", he used air quotes with his fingers. I laughed quietly, "You really had to do the air quotes?". Joey rolled his eyes and said, "Of course I had to. I still don't believe that you only had target practice and not a date with Bella." It was now my turn to roll my eyes, "Let me remind you that this is a training camp and not a place for dating." He just scoffed at my response and made a bet, "I bet that in the future, you and Bella will end up with each other." I just looked at him, thinking that he made a bet as ridiculous as that. "Sure. Bet what you want," I chuckled and he just pouted.

After training, we went to eat in the eating lounge, went back to our own quarters then rest. I was praying and hoped that get another weird dream. I also wonder when will my family send me a letter. I just closed my eyes and fell asleep.