After months of training, we all felt like we are ready for what is to come. I feel scared but I have to feel brave because I have to fight for my family and my own country. We still have to be cautious because we don't know our enemies or how our rivals fought and strategize their way in. I also have to check Joey especially after that weird dream I had a few months ago. Even though that dream was a long ago, It still never left my mind. It scared me that if I ignored that dream, Joey might actually die. I also have been training with Bella a lot more and sometimes her friend and my friend, Vangie and Joey, join. Now I have a lot to keep an eye on during the war but I know they are strong. "Hey, Glen! Let's go. We still have to do training with the other two. What are you even doing right now? Are you serious? Hey, Glen!", Joey said as he waved his in front of me, confused and irritated at my lack of response. I shook my head as I stopped my daydream. He snapped his fingers and smiled, happy that he got my attention already. "Are you done daydreaming about Bella?", he teased. I looked at him, clearly irritated. Before I could even respond to him, he cut me off, "You can tell me later about your little daydream about Bella. For now, we have to go outside the camp and train with Vangie and your love, Bella." He coughs before saying Bella's name. I rolled my eyes as he just laughed and grabbed my wrist, dragging me to the field. I had to remove his grip from my wrist so I could walk properly and not bump into other soldiers.
We arrived at the field and went to our usual spot where we usually do target practice. Walking towards our place, we both spotted two figures. The two figures looked back and looked at us. "You know it's rude to let women wait especially in hot weather," Vangie said. Joey just laughed and responded, "I was already prepared but I had to wait for Glen who was daydreaming again." Vangie looks at me as she smirked knowing what was going on. She just shrugged it off and went to her own spot as Joey went next to hers. Bella walked to me and asked, "Are you ready for another friendly competition?". I smirked and nodded. We both went to our own spot and started the competition. "I'm getting better, you know. So I might beat you," Bella says without even sparing me a glance. I looked at her then asked, "You are saying this because...?". She looked at me and shrugged, "Just a heads up." *Getting cocky, are we?* I smirked as I continued shooting at the target.
I laughed in victory as I looked at Bella, who was sulking. "I thought I was gonna beat you now even for just one point," Bella says. I laughed once again and said, "Even though you are getting better at some parts, you still wouldn't beat me. I am actually the one who taught you, remember?". Bella looked at me and scoffed at my cockiness, "You may be the person who taught but soon I will beat you." I looked at her and smiled, "I don't think you will beat me at this time especially during the time of war." Before she could even reply, the alarm around the campus rang and so we waited for the other two then left.
"When do you think we are going to leave? For you know... the war?", Joey asked. Judging from the tone of his voice, he was scared. We all had our own fun from the past few months of training, but now, we have a war to fight in. We all may look brave and ready but inside of us, we are still scared, scared that we might die and fail to protect our families. I sighed and looked at Joey who was waiting for my response. "I'm not sure when but it will be soon. For now, we just have to train and prepare for what is coming," I smiled, slightly frowning. He sighed as well and smiled back widely. He looks fine but I know that he is nervous and scared. After months of training and having Joey as my friend, I know what or how he is hiding things, his attitude when he is with me or when he is alone. We both went back to our training and started. We trained harder causing our hearts to beat rapidly. The counts of our Sergeants becoming quiet as we all became more focused on our training. Our thoughts going somewhere else, imagining that we are with our families. Scared and nervous, secretly praying that we will get out safe so we can go back to our families.
After training, we all went back inside the campus, took a shower, went to eat dinner. I ate quickly and finished mine as well. I went back to our quarter with Joey following me from behind. We both saw a cart full of letters and we tried finding the letters from our families.
I looked at the draft letter I made in my hands.
Dear family,
I received your letter that you sent me. I miss you all very much. Thank you for praying for my safety and I also hope that you all are safe. I've been homesick but I try to hide it though I tend to think about the home I left, where you all are. I do miss home a lot. I miss how we all would wake up together to cook. I miss how I would help tend the fields with my brothers. I miss how I get to play with my younger sister. I miss how I bond with all of you. I miss how I would just be there and be able to see all of you happy. I miss how we were all still complete. I just miss your presence beside me. I wish to be home with all of you again. I promise to be back soon. I also purposely left some of my clothes there for my sister since she requested me. Also about Joey, I'll bring him there some time so you get to meet him. That's all I have to say for today. I love you all.
I then looked at my family's letter. I opened the envelope and saw not just one but two letters. I looked at the first letter.
Dear Glen,
We have received a letter. It's been months and we haven't seen you and talk to you. We know that you are still training. We also miss you a lot especially your siblings. Don't worry we are safe here in our town. The authorities as well have been helping us and I hope they are too in your training campus. The war is coming so be careful there. We will still be continuing to pray for you. Pray for your safety. I know that you don't always pray a lot but you still have to. God will keep you and your comrades safe. I hope you pray, alright? About your friend, tell him to be safe as well. I hope you bring him here soon. Also, don't forget to send us a letter. It's been months since we've talked to you. By the way, your youngest sister sent you a letter also. I already guessed that you saw or read the letter already. That's all I have to say in this letter. Hope you are safe.
Your mother and siblings
I laughed and smiled at the letter. The tears slightly forming on the corners of my eyes. I then looked at the second letter which is what my youngest sister wrote. I opened the letter and read it. I chuckled at my sister's penmanship. There is that one part that made my tears start falling. Tears falling onto the letter, slightly wetting the paper.
Dear brother,
I know I have bad handwriting but I'll try to write a letter to you. I actually had to ask mother to allow me to write a letter for you. I hope you are safe there and always eating proper meals. I heard that you have a friend and I wish to meet him soon once the war is done. I also hope you have a new girlfriend because you've been kind of lonely here. I also have been dreaming of all of us being complete with our oldest sister and father as well. Both of them are happy while we are all together. They also said something like, "We are happy because you all are. Please also do tell Glen that I am proud of him and I'm sorry that I never told him that. The same goes for all of you, I am very proud of what you are achieving. I am sorry that we had to leave so early." Our oldest sister also said, "I am very sorry that I pushed all of you to do things that you don't like. I am just scared that something may happen to you and you won't succeed and might feel down in the future. IT is because I, myself, didn't finish school so you all could study." Well, that's all they said, and my hand kind of hurts from writing so that's all. Bye, big brother.
Your sister
I kept all the letters and wrote a letter to them as well. After writing, I went to my bed and slept.
The alarm rang louder than usual. We all sat up from our beds, preparing quickly. Wearing our uniforms for war. We didn't know what was happening when suddenly a Sergeant went inside and shouted, "Terrorists!". We got shocked and went to get our guns. I went with Joey to make sure he was alright. We all went outside our quarters and immediately heard gunshots. We saw some enemies inside the campus and started shooting them. "It is time," the soldier beside us said quietly.