Chapter 14

Once I arrived in front of the General's office, I knocked on the door. The General then asked, "Who is knocking?". I then answered back, "Sir, Sergeant Glen, sir!". He grunted loudly from the inside and said, "Come in Sergeant." I held the doorknob and turned it, opening the door, and went inside. I saluted immediately as he acknowledges it back. "Why are you here, Sergeant?", the General asked as he raised an eyebrow. "I am sorry for the intrusion, sir but this is important," I said with both hands behind my back. "And what makes you think that your thing is important that the situation we are handling right now?", the General asked, his voice subtly showing irritation. "That is because I am here to share something about the current situation," I said, also a bit irritated because he is not waiting for me to finish my statement. The General squinted his eyes, "Let's see what you have, Sergeant. So, tell me what intel have you gathered about our current situation." I smirked slightly, "I think it is best if we discussed it with the other officers, sir. It is not better if we just talk it one on one without others knowing or getting to gather the information." He just tsked and pressed the button that connects to the telecom, "All officers are advised to go inside my office immediately. We have a meeting that is held right now. Please attend it as soon as possible." He let go of the button of the telecom and stood up properly. "You better have a good intel about what is happening. I don't want to waste my time with such nuisance," the General said as he was starting to get irritated. "I would not disappoint you, sir," I said.

After a few minutes, the officers have arrived. They were confused and curious as to why I was there with the General. "As some of you don't know, our Sergeant over here as some information or idea about our current situations with the terrorists that kept finding our base," the General explained to the other officers around the office. The whispers around us can be heard but I could not comprehend easily what they are saying. I cleared my throat and started explaining, "Sirs, why do you think that the enemies kept finding us? Like they know where to find us? Like how do they exactly know where we are? The specific location where we are right now." The officers started nodding, thinking, and agreeing about what I was saying. An officer then asked, "Do you think that may have been following us?". I nodded, "That will mostly like to happen. But wouldn't we immediately know that especially with our everyday patrols?". The whispers were heard again as they once agreed to what I said. An officer said something that made me smirk, "What if someone is giving intel about our whereabouts?". *And I thought that officers are stupid and pretty useless.* "That is correct, sir. What if someone was actually spying on us and is still in contact with the terrorists? What if there was a traitor? Like... an imposter among us...? And I think... no. Actually, I mean, I know who is the traitor." The General gritted his teeth, "Show us who is it."

In a room full of soldiers standing and one soldier tied up to a chair. "Will you tell us how you are communicating with the terrorists? The enemies?", the General shouted his last question. He was clearly mad and irritated. His face is red and almost all of us thought that his head would explode soon. If he keeps getting mad like this, his blood pressure might shot up. The soldier that is tied up to a chair just laughed maniacally, "And why would I tell you? Do you think that me giving you information can help you get away with this war? How stupid." They said as they laughed loudly and stomped their foot on the ground, clearly showing that they are amused by the situation right now. "You are not taking this seriously, aren't you? How useless," one of the officers said directly at the tied-up soldier. Suddenly, a soldier came inside the room we were in while holding an intercom. "I found this on this soldier's drawer. They kept it there I think," the newly arrived soldier said. He hands the intercom and I took it. "You're life is on the line. Tell us what they are plotting, Vangie," I said. My words laced with venom and anger towards the said soldier. She was one of the people I trusted along with Bella and Joey yet we were still betrayed. Bella and Joey don't know about Vangie being the traitor as it is only kept between me and the officers. "To think that we trusted a roach like you. What do you think will happen if Bella finds out about you being a traitor, to not only the soldiers but to her personally?", I asked her while walking towards her. She just laughed maniacally. It looked like that everything was only to be treated as a joke. "Then it's her fault for trusting me so easily. That woman is so naive. She thinks she knows everything and thinks she is so tough," she said while laughing. I do not think that she will be stopping from laughing soon. "Oh? So I'm the naive one now huh?", a voice said from behind us. We all turned our heads away from Vangie and to the door where we saw Bella standing there. She was glaring daggers directly at Vangie while crossing her arms. She walked towards me and Vangie. I was a bit scared at the scary woman who is walking towards us right now. I get out of the way and she went to Vangie. She pulled her hair as she bent it back but not enough for her to actually break it. "You are so funny, Vangie," Bella said as she punched her. "You think you are so hilarious," another punch. "If I knew that you were just a traitor," a slap from Bella. "I would not even befriend you in the first place and fed your ego to make you feel better," another slap landed on Vangie's face. "Just because your family is murdered and were not saved on time, you can just betray others like that. I trusted you!", that was the last straw for Bella as she kicked Vangie's abdomen. She was clearly mad and is currently fuming with anger. I pulled her away from Vangie by her wrist. She was trying to pull her wrist from my grip. "No. Let her get up. Let her get up," she said, still trying to escape from my grip. "Let me at her. I said, let me at her," she said, still trying to escape. "Okay. Just stop and explain how did you even know we were here," I asked her. "Well...," she started.

"In my POV, I was just walking around the camp when I heard someone. 'And why would I tell you? Do you think that me giving you information can help you get away with this war? How stupid.' They said as they laughed loudly as I heard someone stomped their foot on the ground. 'You are not taking this seriously, aren't you? How useless,'. Suddenly, a soldier came inside the room I was eavesdropping in while holding an intercom. I don't think he even noticed me because he was stating the intercom. 'I found this on this soldier's drawer. They kept it there I think,' the newly arrived soldier said. 'You're life is on the line. Tell us what they are plotting, Vangie,' you said. 'To think that we trusted a roach like you. What do you think will happen if Bella finds out about you being a traitor, to not only the soldiers but to her personally?'. 'Then it's her fault for trusting me so easily. That woman is so naive. She thinks she knows everything and thinks she is so tough,' she said while laughing. And that's where I come in," she finished.

I just nodded and said an okay that may have been sound awkward to her. "We will be taking her and lock her up," one of the officers said as they took the unconscious Vangie with them. "We will be taking her to the infirmary first and then to her cell. We can think of a punishment for her later. For now, you and Sergeant Bella should check andy status with the intercom connecting with the enemies," he said to me as he pointed at the intercom that I was still holding.

We went outside and we see soldiers gathered at the main hall. We went there as I was gestured by one of the officers. "Today, we have found out who is the traitor in the campus and successfully captured them. All thanks to Sergeant Glen so now he is one to lead us and think of a strategy during the war. You are in charge, Sergeant," he saluted as I acknowledge it back. I smirked as I immediately thought of a plan. "I'll avenge all of you," it was directed to the soldiers who were killed.