Chapter 15

"This is Glen reporting. We have arrived near the enemies' campsite," I said quietly through the intercom. "This is Bella also reporting. We also have arrived near their campsite. Opposite where Glen's team is in," Bella said as I heard her from the intercom. We were in our camouflages so we could hide on the ground. We already prepared our plan and strategies. All we had to do is eliminate their leader and the others if needed. We are spying on them right now, still waiting for the right time and opportunity to shoot. The signal is the only thing we had to wait for. We have to wait for one of the officials to shoot one of them and we will execute our plan.

Just a few moments later, a gunshot was heard throughout the forest. One of the enemies dropped dead and the enemies prepared their guns. They shouted, "Soldiers!". We come out of our hiding spots and started shooting. One by one, the enemies dropped dead. There were fewer enemies now and until the last one was shot. We were not done yet since the others are still hidden. We checked their huts and cottages if there are still some left who were not shot or hit. We tried to find their other camp until one of the soldiers dropped. We immediately hid at different huts or cottages and looked where the gunshot was from. Many enemies were out and tried to attack behind us. We didn't leave the soldier who was just shot as he was just shot on his leg. The others tend to his injury as we started shooting the enemies. The gunshots were firing back and forth from ours to theirs and back. Some of us went out of our spots and shot them back.

Even though we shot many of the enemies, some were injured and dead on our side. Two teams were in each of the campsites. We found out that there are two enemy campsites so we decided to split into four teams, two in each campsite.

After the shooting, we looked at the ground where all the dead soldiers are. We wanted to immediately help them but we can't because we might get distracted and die as well. We took their name tags and removed them from their necks. We wore their tags to make us stronger. So we could feel their souls and energy to help us throughout the war. We left and went to find the other campsites.

We heard gunshots echoing through the forest. The loud sounds reached us and we immediately started to follow the direction of the sound. We successfully arrived at the camp and saw chaos. There were more enemies here than in the other camp. We helped the others and started shooting then enemies. It was a bit difficult to shoot them as they were well hidden but we still managed to shoot them. "We need backup. We are in need of backup," I said quietly as I spoke through the intercom, hoping the others who were left can hear me. As I said, we split up into four teams but there were still others left who are served as a backup unless something happens to us. "Just surrender! You are no match for us. We have more people still on your side. Surrender or else you join your dead friends," the leader shouted as his allies laughed. We didn't say anything as we just silently prayed for our safety. While waiting for backup, I closed my eyes and reminisced some of my good memories.

My family who are happily talking and eating with each other at the dining table. My friends who were there with me ever since I met them. Joey who I became sworn brothers with throughout our training. Bella who is my first love during the months we talked with each other. And my father... My father who died but not before leaving an important message. He left a wonderful message that stayed in my mind and heart. "Glen," my father said as he held my shoulder. I was ten years old at that time. My father continued, "Just remember, you can do anything you set your mind to, but it takes action, perseverance, and facing your fears." My face lit up and I changed it to a determined face.

I opened my eyes and saw backup has arrived. I smirked and shouted directly to the enemies, "You might want to take your own offer." As I said that, the people who were backups started firing behind them. We joined them as one by one they dropped dead.

What caught my eye was the leader who pointed directly at Joey. Everything went in slow motion as I widened my eyes and aimed the gun at their leader. I was too late as he already shot Joey who fell down on his eyes. I shouted angrily as I pushed the trigger and the bullet hit his chest. I ran to Joey and put his head on my lap. He coughed out blood as I looked at the part where he was shot. I tore a part of my shirt with my knife as I covered his wound. I lightly pressed it to his wound and I could tell from his pained expression that he didn't like that I did but still appreciated what I did try to do to help him. I carried him carefully, hoping that I won't hurt him too much and hid him. "I will be back so just stay here and try to open your eyes for as long as you can. Do not try to die on me," I said to him as I set him down carefully on the ground. He laughed and said, "I'll try but I can't promise that." I just laughed lightly and left. I helped people as much as I can.

Dead bodies were everywhere. The was has ended. It was utter chaos earlier. It was almost like I couldn't remember what happened earlier during the chaos. We went back to the soldier who died and covered them up. Once we get back, we will be giving them a proper ceremony and burial. Later, I saw Bella running up to me. I couldn't comprehend what happened as she immediately hugged me. She buried her face on my shirt "I'm so happy that you are alright," Bella said as she was slightly muffled by my shirt. I pat her head and said, "I'm also happy that you are alright."

We went back to our main camp. The officials made a letter to be delivered to the families of the dead soldiers. After a few days of preparing for the ceremony and burial, the families have arrived and we also went to give respect to our friends and acquaintances. It sure hurt a lot especially if you made a great bond with them. Even it was just a few months, we still made some memories that we shall cherish.

~Ten Years Later~

I arrived at the cemetery where all the soldiers were buried. They weren't just soldiers, they were heroes who died to save our country. They did their duty and it was their fate to rest. I had many flowers in my hands. I walked through each of the tombstones and placed one flower each while saying thank you for doing their duty. "You will always be remembered," I said for the last time as I placed the last flower at the last tombstone. I smiled as I looked at all of the tombstones. "Hey, Glen. We were looking for you," a voice said behind me. I looked behind me and saw my wife, Bella. She was holding our 3-year-old daughter who was smiling. I smiled as I went to them. Bella gave our daughter to me because I knew she was already tired. "What were you doing here? We were looking for you," Bella said, slightly mad. "I'm sorry. I was just placing flowers for them,' I said as she smiled. "I understand," Bella said. She then took our daughter and carried her. She then said, "We will just be there. You can come with us or you can stay here for a while." "You can go first. I'll stay here for a while," I said as she just nodded and went to the mat. While I was just standing there, I remembered the time I met Joey.

He sat beside me where I was located at the back of the bus. He brought out a picture and kissed it. I raised my eyebrows confusingly when he suddenly looked at me and caught me staring. "Oh sorry. It's just a picture of my girlfriend," he smiled awkwardly, embarrassed that I caught him kissing a picture. He then glanced at my bags and back at me. He then asked, "Are you joining the military? 'Cause if you are then we might be going to the same destination." I answered his question, "Um. Yeah. I was assigned by the military at (xxx). How about you?" He widened his eyes and smiled, "We are going to the same military camp," he said and emphasized the word "are". He then introduced himself, "Oh. By the way, my name is Joey." He brought his hand up for a handshake. I put my hand to his and shook it, "My name is Glen. Pleased to meet you. He answered back, "Likewise. I have to catch up with my sleep. I slept late just to hang out with my girlfriend." He laughed and I also laughed slightly at his statement. He slept at the other side of the seat, near the window. *Guess we're acquaintances now.*

We then later arrived at the camp. I woke Joey up and we carried our bags, going out of the bus, him following behind me. We both heard some people shouting and counting. We then went in front of the camp just to be greeted by a soldier in uniform. He had this kind of aura that held authority. "Are you the two men assigned at this camp?", he said with a stern voice. We both answered too quietly and soft for his liking, "Yes, sir." He squinted his eyes and shouted, "I can't hear you!", near our faces. We were surprised and jumped a bit and answered loudly, "Yes, sir!" He grunted, nodding his head. He took out a clipboard and asked for our names. We both said our full names and he started looking at his clipboard in his hand. "You're both assigned at the same quarter, quarter 13. Just look at the map and find it yourselves. Don't get lost," he said and pointed behind him where the camp is. Joey and I looked at each other and carried our bags, dragging our feet to the camp.

I laughed and smiled at the memory and heard someone called me. "Hey, Glen. I was finding you. i thought you suddenly disappeared," a person as they walked towards me. "Why would I even disappear, Joey?", I asked him. He just sheepishly laughed and scratched his neck, "I don't know. You know what? I'm just going to sit there with my wife and play with your daughter who is now my goddaughter." I just nodded and laughed while he went back to the mat. As for Joey, he, thankfully, didn't die. He lost a lot of blood and I donated him mine. After then years, our families met each other, He married his girlfriend who is now his wife. Bella and I met his wife and became friends. We made him a godfather of my daughter and he was happy with that thought.

I then went back to them and we all ate snacks. We talked with each other about our happy moments. Talking about how our life is already perfect. That even though after what happened we still stick with each other.

It was time to go home. Joey and I went back near the tombstones. We both saluted and smiled. "Thank you for saving our country," we both said as we put our hand down. We walked back to our vehicle and left.

~The End~