Chapter 3.

"Nakamura (Y/n), please tell us about your cooking style?" The black-haired female -- who also happened to be her interviewer, and who is now also giving the (h/c)ette a scrutinizing look.

"Ah...about that -- I don't have a particular style, but I'm quite comfortable with Japanese and Mexican cuisine," (Y/n) calmly answered.

"Any specific reason for following these two specific styles?"

"Not really," the (h/c)ette casually shrugged. "Apart from the fact that I always found myself drawn towards the two styles and my training under my mentor only strengthened my roots."

She was not in the mood to disclose more information about herself-- at least not yet.

"You really think that you can make it into Totsuki?" The interviewer haughtily asked - quite obviously looking down on the female Nakamura. Looks like the rumors of (Y/n) and Souma being commoners from a regular diner may or may not have already reached her.

(Y/n) inwardly smirked at the woman. 'She is underestimating me, huh? Just you wait - I'll show you who's the boss here.'

"I know that I will make it in here."

That one single line was enough to wipe that damned smirk off the interviewer's face. The interviewer was taken aback by the (h/c)ette's response. It was quite obvious that the interviewer didn't expect such a confident answer from a lowly commoner.

"Okay then," the interviewer started while clearing her throat. "You can proceed with your physical tests."

On hearing that, the (h/c)ette wordlessly got up and moved towards the cooking area, where other candidates were also waiting.

There was an air of awkwardness and anxiousness surrounded the candidates as all of them waited for the person who will preside over the exam.

A white-haired boy, who appeared to be slightly older than all of the students, followed by a cheery red-haired girl -- both of them wearing Totsuki's high-school division uniform.

"I'm Tsukasa, the first of Totsuki's elite 10 and this is Rindo -- the second seat. We will be overseeing your practical skills today," he announced -- his voice gentle but strong.

Murmurs instantly erupted among the students when they heard him.

"The elite 10? Do we even stand a chance against them?"

"I should just drop out now!"

"Now, now, don't get disheartened so easily!" The redhead popped up behind the two students -- scaring them to death.

"If you're thinking of getting even before fighting -- you don't deserve to call yourself chefs," the redhead -- Rindo said, a menacing aura radiating from her.

The two students who were whispering among themselves gulped nervously.

"You have one minute to withdraw. After that, we won't be accepting any more withdrawals.

'What a bunch of wussies!' (Y/n) bitterly thought at their lack of convictions.

Well...that was quite a bunch! Don't ya think Tsukasa?" The redhead girl was quite amused at the scene as she turned to face the white-haired boy.

The first seat sighed tiredly -- his tall figure instantly slumping.

"I was so nervous. The piercing stare of those people was terrifying!" Tsukasa continued while clutching his chest as stress marks appeared on his face.

"Have some faith in yourself, will ya! You're the first seat for God's sake!" Rindo cheered while aggressively patting the back of the white-haired male.

'What a strange bunch!' (Y/n) thought while staring at the dynamic duo.

"Well for those of you who stayed," Rindo started while turning to face the remaining candidates.

"If you wish to join the prestigious Totsuki Culinary Academy, you have to pass the entrance exams which involve making a dish according to the given theme that will satisfy our taste palette," Rindo continued. "Tsukasa....what should be our theme?"

"Rindo! Why are you putting me in such an important position?" Tsukasa whined nervously, much to the disbelief of the rest of the candidates -- including (Y/n).

"Okay then! I -- Rindo -- will decide your theme!" The redhead enthusiastically announced.

All of the candidates held their breath as they waited for her to decide the theme.

"Ding Ding -- ya'll be cooking any type of cuisine but the main ingredient should be mackerel and you have to present it within 40 minutes. Now scram!" She yelled towards the end.

(Y/n) quickly picked up a basket and went to gather all the ingredients while the other candidates sweated over what to prepare in such a short time period.

After getting herself a station, she tied the customized Yukihira apron that Tamako had made for her.

'I will make all of you proud -- Papa, Tamako-san, Joichirou-san, and Souma!' She thought while taking out her knife from its case. The blade glinted dangerously along with the eyes of its wielder.

She grabbed the sweet potato, and red pepper -- swiftly cutting it into uniform chunks. She then soaked the rice and black beans in water as she pondered over the next step.

'It's showtime!' The (h/c)ette smirked while glancing at the elite ten.


"Ne, ne -- you 're disqualified!" Rindo sighed in exasperation.

"But why? I've followed all the steps properly. It's supposed to be great!" The now disqualified student yelled in desperation. They didn't know what they did they do wrong to have themself disqualified by the 1st and 2nd seat.

"Sorry dude -- you're dish was a sham. It will take me an entire day if I have to sit down and point out all of your mistakes," Rindo explained -- her words almost tearing up the examinee as they left the room.

"Looks like we will not have a single decent transfer student this year. What a disappointment!" Rindo sighed tiredly. The lack of creativity of these so-called chefs was honestly getting on her last nerves.

"I won't say that Rindo, " There Tsukasas gentle voice spoke up from beside her.

The redhead perked up at the boy's comment.

She glanced up and saw that Tsukasa was staring at someone -- an ( h/ c ) haired girl, who was making her way towards them with two plates in her hands.

"Hey!" (Y/n) greeted the two Totsuki students as she made she placed the plate in front of them.

"So.... what did you cooked for us today, pretty girl?" Rindo teased the (h/c)ette -- causing a blush to appear on her cheeks.

"Rindo...I don't think that you should tease her like that." Tsukasa sweatdropped at the antics of his friend.

"What have you cooked for us.....?" Tsukasa trailed off as he was not aware of the identity of the (h/c) haired female.

"It's Nakamura (Y/n), and the name of my dish is Nakamura style Mexicans Mackerel and rice. Not a very fancy name -- I know -- I'm really bad at coming up with an impromptu fancy name."

Rindo gave out a loud laugh when she heard (Y/n)'s words. She is now definitely interested in these supposedly lowly commoners, who came from a downtown diner. Yes, those rumors had also reached the elite 10's ears.

"Well Nakamura-san, we'll be tasting your dish now," Tsukasa announced but Rindo had already dove into (Y/n)'s creation long before Tsukasa was even able to finish his sentence.

"It's delicious!" The redhead moaned in delight.

"It's a yes from me," Rindonsaid while giving (Y/n) a thumbs up.

" can't just give out your judgment like that!" Tsukasa was exasperated while the said female, only laughed boisterously.

"Don't fret over silly things Tsukasa. She's a talented one, I can tell ya that much," Rindo said while munching happily on her mackerel.

Tsukasa only sighed tiredly at Rindo's antics before getting ready to take a bite.

' goes nothing!'

Tsukasa momentarily lost control of himself as the flavors burst open in his tongue.

'The freshness of mackerel hits like a wave of the tsunami, but the pleasant essence only compels you to eat more and more!'  Tsukasa thought as he continued to eat till his plate was empty.

More! He wanted to eat more of this (h/c) haired female's wonderful creation. But why? Why is he feeling like this towards someone else's cooking? A commoner out of all people. Just why?

As he pondered over the thought, Rindo quickly shook him out of his intense thinking process because she wanted his opinion.

"Huh?" Tsukasa let out in a dazed state.

"You have to give your opinion about

(Y/n)-chan's food...." Rindo spoke slowly as if she's talking to a child -- or maybe she is talking to a completely new person because she has never seen this type of expression on Tsukasa's face.

"Um...about pass," Tsukasa simply stated, much to the utter disbelief of Rindo, who was staring at him as if he's grown two heads.

And what was (Y/n) doing? Simple. She was enjoying the drama. The only thing missing now was some popcorn.

'I wonder if I can get some here?' (Y/n) thought as her eyes scanned her surroundings.

"What? Tsukasa, are you sure? I know that pretty girl's food was great, but you never give out results -- just like that. It's not like you to give out decisions on a whim," Rindo rambled.

"Rindo, why are you saying that?" Tsukasa sweatdropped.

"Because you don't behave like that." Rindo sprouted out the facts.

"I just liked her cooking," Tsukasa replied in a bashful tone as he turned to face the other side, and just for once, Rindo decided to let it slide -- only for now though. She will tease him till he bursts into tears once they reach the elite 10 building.

"So, I guess it settles then," Rindo stated as she turned to face (Y/n), who was munching on some popcorn.

"You passed the test. Welcome to Totsuki Tea Ceremony and Culinary Academy -- geez, what a tacky name!"

"Anyways, as Rindo said. Welcome to Totsuki, and here is your acceptance letter," Tsukasa stated as he handed her the acceptance letter -- a small smile adorning the white-haired male's lips.

The (h/c)ette's trembling hands slowly moved upwards and gripped the letter as she stared at the letter. She knew that she will get in but holding this letter with Totsuki's symbol on it -- it felt like an entirely new experience.

"Thank you," she slowly breathed out. "Thank you so much for having me here."

"Don't ya mind that kid -- I have a feeling that you and I are going to be great friends. So, let's exchange digits kay," Rindo announced while looping her arm around the (h/c) haired female's neck.

A small smile appeared on both (Y/n) and Tsukasa's lips before both of them burst out in laughter.


"So, we'll be seeing when the new school year begins," Tsukasa stated as the two members of elite 10 and the new transfer student finally parted ways.

A sigh of relief escaped her lips as she maneuvered her way around the empty halls of the massive building of Totsuki -- trying to find a way out.

'I wonder if Souma was able to make it through. What am I even thinking? Of course, he will make it through, but I wonder who was his proctor?'

The (h/c)ette was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice the person in front of her, and ended up bumping into her.

"Ouch, that hurt!" (Y/n) groaned.

"You!" The person that she bumped into let out accusingly.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened in surprise when she heard that voice. She glanced up and saw the owner of the voice.

"Nakiri Erina."


"So what is your cooking style again?" The red-haired girl asked, as the blonde-haired girl beside her -- who also happened to be Nakiri Erina -- (Y/n)'s cousin, gave her a scrutinizing look.

'I knew that accepting her invitation to catch up over some tea was a bad idea. It's only been a few minutes since I met her and she's already giving me those judgemental looks. I should've just given an excuse and slipped out of here!' (Y/n) thought as she fiddled with her fingers.

"About that...I don't have a particular style, but I'm quite comfortable with Japanese and Mexican cuisine," (Y/n) calmly answered.

"Is there a particular reason for that?" The red-haired female -- Arato Hisako -- asked.

The (h/c)ette cleared her throat lightly. She was already expecting this question and she was damn prepared for anything that is thrown her way.

"For as long as I can remember, I have always found myself being drawn towards Mexican cuisine and I honed my Japanese style under my guardian.

"I just have one question," Nakiri Erina stated haughtily.

"Yes, Nakiri-san," (Y/n) replied icily. She may have wanted to reconcile with Erina, but if The God's tongue treats (Y/n) poorly, she would receive the exact treatment from her.

"Why? Why did you stay hidden for so long? Why didn't you make any efforts?" She asked coldly, but her heartless person was slowly crumbling.

The (h/c)ette sighed dejectedly as she mustered up the strength to answer the blonde-haired girl.

"Honestly, I didn't remember much about you. I knew that we have met before but all of my memories are quite fuzzy. My relationship with you only came to light on my 13th birthday when I received a letter that my father had written before he died. He wanted me to practice hard and hone my skills if I want to protect you -- I still don't know what he meant by that though. As for not showing up till now -- I didn't know how to approach you, or rather -- I didn't have the guts to show up. After everything that has happened to you because of the Nakamura family, I thought that you hate me, and from the looks of it -- I'm not far from the truth."

Erina's cheeks had a light hue of red on them. It was quite obvious that she was feeling embarrassed.

"Well, I didn't mean it like that. I-I don't hate you," she replied as she turned to face the red-haired girl and gestured something to her. Following the instructions of her lady and mistress, the red-haired secretary instantly left the room -- giving the two cousins adequate privacy.

"Looks like you got in?" She started. "Congratulations, I guess."

"Thanks...?" (Y/n) trailed out in confusion.  She is still wondering what she is doing here.

'Souma must be waiting for me.'

"I just want to say that...." Erina stopped and took a deep breath before continuing, "just because you were accepted in Totsuki, don't think that I will accept you that easily."

"I know that," (Y/n) stated sadly and somehow it also made Erina's smirk falter.

"It's just -- I've always wanted a younger sister."

'Huh?' (Y/n)'s ears instantly perked up at what the current wielder of God's tongue saying. 'Little sister? What is she saying?'

(Y/n) looked up and saw that Erina was currently sporting a triumphant look on her face. 'Why is she smiling like that?'

"If you want me to accept you, you have to call me Nee-chan."

"Heh?" This took the (h/c)ette by surprise.

"That's all?"

The blonde-haired female just nodded her head.

"Alright then....Erina-nee-san," (Y/n) said while smiling. She finally felt a weight off of her shoulders.

Before Erina can say anything, a shrill feminine voice stopped the ongoing conversation.

"Ne ne Erina, what do you have here?"

Erina and (Y/n) turned around and came face to face with an albino girl with silky white hair, and ruby red eyes -- wearing the standard Totsuki uniform, followed by a tall black-haired dude who looked like he hadn't had a proper night's sleep in days.

"Alice," Erina acknowledged the pale girl.

Erina then pointed towards the (h/c)ette and said, "this is Nakamura (Y/n), my cousin. She will be joining Totsuki from next term."

The pale female's smile falters a little before quickly averting back to its original state.

"'re Nakamura Azuza's daughter?" Alice questioned the obvious while the said girl just shrugged her shoulders in response.

"Good to know that yours somewhat sane," she continued.

(Y/n) just stared at the new girl with confusion. 'I honestly don't know how to react. Should I feel relieved or should I feel offended?'

Unable to decide between the two, (Y/n) just decided to continue giving her a puzzled look.

"Anyways, I'm Nakiri Alice, and this lazy bigger is my aid -- Kurokiba Ryo," the albino girl -- sorry, Alice, introduced herself and her secretary -- the latter greeting (Y/n) with

a lazy 'Yo.'

"Anyways, I should just get going now,

Nee-san," (Y/n) stated as she gathered her things, "otherwise I would miss my train."

"What? You will be taking the train? And that too alone?" Erina gasped out in surprise.

"Not acceptable. It's totally unsafe for a sweet and beautiful girl like you," Nakiri Alice declared as she comically shook her head from side to side.

"Surprisingly, I agree with Alice," Erina said as she gave (Y/n) a look of disapproval.

"(Y/n), since you've been accepted as part of the Nakiri family, you are more than welcome to live in the Nakiri estate," Erina stated, and for the first time, some sort of emotion was appearing on the blonde-haired female's face.

'Is it perhaps.....worry that I see?' (Y/n) thought.

"That was very thoughtful of you

Erina-nee-san, but I really can't stay with you. It was really kind of you to provide me with a space in your residence, but I really have to decline your offer," (Y/n) said as she bowed a little before parting ways.

She can't wait for the school year to begin.


Nikaido Yoshiaki was devastated. That was the only word that can describe what he was currently feeling.

'If only Nakiri Erina wouldn't have been our proctor for the entrance exam!'

He was brought out of his thoughts of self-pity when he saw the redhead boy from the diner, walk out of the building, but (h/c) haired girl with him from earlier, was missing.

Nikaido let out a gasp of surprise when he saw the confident look on Yukihira Souma's face.

" are! It can't passed Nakiri Erina's test?" He all but yelled at the redhead.

At this, an embarrassed blush appeared on Souma's face. "It good."

Nikaido was about to reply when a mesh of (h/c) jumped on the red-haired boy.

"I got in! I got in! I got in!" The (h/c) haired female continuously mumbled as she buried her head on Souma's chest.

Realizing that he was intruding on something very personal, Nikaido decided to leave the two of them alone.

"I'm glad that you got in," Souma said as he ruffled her silky hair.

(Y/n) was puzzled when she heard Souma's words.

"Souma, what happened? Why are you talking like--"

She cut herself off when she finally deduced the scenario in her head.

"Souma....don't tell me, you--"

"Yeah, I failed the entrance exam," Souma stated as he averted his gaze away from her.

A calm expression appeared on (Y/n)'s face as she took his hand in her own.

"Let's go home. I will cook something for you," she stated while smiling up at him.

Home. He liked that idea. His home. Their home.

Souma felt relieved when (Y/n) just decided to not delve into the topic of his failure, and instead decided to perform their ritual.

Cooking -- that was their ritual. Whenever one of them was feeling down, the other would cook for them.

He always wondered how (Y/n) was able to understand him. Despite her usual awkward self, she always tried to cheer him up, just like how he used to do when he first arrived -- when she was still hurt because of losing her loved one.

'Thank you (Y/n), for always being there.'

"So what do you wanna eat?" The (h/c) haired female questioned.

"I don't know.....fried rice, maybe," he just said the first thing that came to his mind.

(Y/n) instantly beamed at his answer.

"Fried rice it is then."