Chapter 4.

It's been a few days since the entrance of Totsuki, and currently (Y/n) was having the time of her life – doing her favorite thing in the world.

That's right. She was sleeping.

But the sweet and short trip to her dreamland came to an abrupt end when a certain red-haired boy knocked on her door – very loudly.

"(N/n)-chan, open up! You've got a mail from that elite school – maybe it's an acceptance letter or something," he said from the other side of the door.

'Why is he waking me up so early in the morning?' (Y/n) thought as she begrudgingly woke up.

"Are you decent? I'm coming in," he yelled as he waited for her response.

After getting a quick 'yes' from her, he barged into her room – going straight towards the window and throwing open the curtains – immediately lighting up the whole room.

"Close those damned curtains!" The (h/c) haired female hissed as she turned away – covering her head with the pillows.

A few moments later, she felt her bed dip lightly, before her warm and fluffy blanket was ripped off of her body. The cold air entering through the windows made her shiver as she abruptly sat up.

"Souma – you bastard! Give it back!" (Y/n) yelled as she tried to snatch her blanket.

"(N/n)'ve got a mail from that elite school of yours," he said as he handed her a letter with gold and silver lining with Totsuki's emblem on the top, but the weird thing was – it wasn't addressed to (Y/n), instead it was addressed to Yukihira Souma.

"Idiot! It's not for me!" She grunted while shoving that letter towards him. 'Didn't he even check the name before barging in here?'

"Open it," (Y/n) urged as she rested her head against his shoulder – still half asleep.

"(N/n)-chan," he slowly called out after a few minutes, and the said female just hummed in response.

"I got accepted."

That simple line from him was enough to send her into overdrive.

"Wait what! But I thought you completely bummed the test?" She asked – clearly remembering that Erina had found his dish to be – disgusting.

Quite unbelievable, right?

She quickly grabbed the letter and read it over and over again. 'It's true. Souma really got in. But how?'

She set down the letter beside her and immediately engulfed the redhead in a bear hug. The sudden embrace took Souma by surprise, but slowly he relaxed and returned the hug.

"I'm so glad that you got in. I thought that I would be left alone, but now – I don't know how relieved I am," she mumbled while clutching him tighter.

Souma's heart warmed up when heard her words. He wouldn't admit it, but he was glad that he wasn't separated from (Y/n).

"Ne ne, (N/n)-chan, I didn't know that you loved me this much," he teased her like his usual self as he patted her hair gently, and this ultimately made her roughly shove him away from her.

"Baka! You tease me even when I try to be nice to you," she whined while kicking him out of her bed.

Just typical (Y/n) and Souma things. Nothing unusual.

"Owww.....what was that for?" Souma let out painfully and thought (h/c)ette just smirked at him triumphantly.

"You know what...." the (h/c)ette trailed off – internally enjoying the confused and pained expression on Souma's face.

She quickly threw up her hands in the air- in pure glee.

"It calls for a night of celebration!"





'They are so heavy! I should've just let Souma pick up the groceries .'

The (h/c)ette gave out a tired sigh while setting down the grocery bags on the sidewalk – trying to catch her own breath.

'Even though it's still early spring- it's still so hot in here. I can't wait to get home!'

A sudden commotion broke her out of her daydreams. She looked up and saw a few of the neighborhood delinquents troubling some outsiders.

Without any second thoughts, she threw her purse at them – hitting one of the delinquents straight on the face.

'Bull's eye!' She thought while running towards one of them and kicking them straight on their guts while punching the other two in the ribs.

"Now if I were you, I would leave this place immediately – without any second thoughts," the (h/c)ette said in a sinister manner as she cracked her knuckles.

"She is a monster/So scary!" The delinquents yelled as they ran away with their tails between their legs.

"Well....that was fast," she grinned to herself while lightly dusting herself as she turned to face the other bunch.

"I hope they didn't do - RINDO-SENPAI. TSUKASA-SAN? What are you doing here?" (Y/n) asked in complete surprise when she realized that two of them just so happen to be her seniors.

"Damn (Y/n)-chan! That was so cool!" Rindo cheered as she brought the (h/c) haired female in a side hug.

"Thanks for your help Nakamura-san," Tsukasa said as he peeled Rindo off of (Y/n).

"Young lady – you have the soul of a true warrior." Another boy spoke and only then did she realize that other students were accompanying Rindo and Tsukasa.

One of them looked like a modern-day samurai and the other one was a little purple-haired girl – both of them were wearing the Totsuki high school division uniforms.

"Thanks, I guess," (Y/n) slowly replied – not knowing how to react to his strange compliment. 'He reminds me of an Edo Era samurai – not only because he looks the part, but he's also carrying a literal sword!'

"Ne ne, you're such a cute little curious girl, aren't ya?" Rindo teased the (h/c)ette as she moved really really close.

'Personal space much, brush!' (Y/n) internally cringed – trying to put some distance between them.

"Anyways, they are third years from Totsuki. That's Akanegakubo Momo," Rindo introduced the small purple-haired girl who was clutching onto a worn-out magenta stuffed bear.

'That girl is THIRD YEAR?!" (Y/n)'s eyes widened in surprise.

"And that guy over there is – Saito Somei," she finished while pointing towards the modern-day samurai guy.

"Wow! You guys must be really amazing if you were able to survive there till now!" (Y/n) let out in complete awe and admiration for the older students.

"And who must you be young lady?" The samurai guy asked her, but before she can introduce herself, someone already beat her to it.

Rindo quickly took the front stage.

"She's Nakamura (Y/n). She is going to be our new super cute junior from next term."

"I remember seeing her application," the small purple-haired girl spoke up.

"you did?" (Y/n) asked out in surprise – not exactly expecting these students to remember her specifically.

"Totsuki doesn't get many transfer students. In fact, we got only two this year – including you, Nakamura-san," Tsukasa answered.

"Oh, then the other one must be Yukihira Souma – he's my friend. In fact, he just got his acceptance letter this morning. That's why I was shopping today – we are arranging for a small celebration." She spoke excitedly.

"That's so cool!" Rindo mused out.

"Oh. I must get going now!" (Y/n) suddenly realized that it's already late. She needs to leave now if she still wants a feast. Preparing a grand meal takes time after all.

She quickly walked back and grabbed the grocery bags before once again returning to the Totsuki students.

"Those bags look heavy – let us help you. It's the least we can do after all the trouble you've gone through because of us." Tsukasa suggested while trying to grab one of her grocery bags.

'He's acting like a real-life prince!' (Y/n)'s eyes glimmered at the charismatic personality of the first seat.

"It's completely fine Tsukasa-san, I can carry these on my own," (Y/n) politely refused his offer as she retreated.

"Then let us repay you in some other way." This time, it was the samurai guy – Saito Somei – who spoke.

"I agree with So-myan," the small purple-haired girl also agreed.

"That settles then, we will all cook for you – our dearest kouhai, once you join the school," Rindo dramatically announced and everyone seemed to be on board with her plans. (Y/n) just smiled at the antics of the older female. 'She comes out as a little eccentric but she seems to be a good person at heart.'

After exchanging goodbyes with her seniors, (Y/n) finally walked home.

"What took you so long?"

Souma asked her as soon as he entered the Yukihira household.

"Just ran into some old friends."





"Totsuki's uniform looks good on you!" Souma complimented the (h/c) haired female – who was trying to adjust her necktie which was somehow choking her.

"I don't know....the skirt seems to be a little shorter though," (Y/n) said while tugging at the hem of her skirt which fell up to her mid-thigh. 'Thank God for the thigh-high socks – otherwise, it would've been really really uncomfortable for me.'

"Why though? I think the skirt looks perfectly fine though," Souma spoke up – while also trying to control his massive nosebleed. '(Y/n)-chan looks hot!'

The significance of Souma's nosebleed was really disturbing for the (h/c) haired female. "Get away from me – you pervert!" She exasperated while harshly shoving the boy away from her.

"The entrance ceremony is going to commence soon. Please take your positions. After the director is done with his speech, you two will be introducing yourselves." The emcee – who popped out of nowhere informed the transfer students – who yelped out in surprise.

'Where the fuck did she came from?" both of them thought at the same time.

"Look – that's the one who said that my dish was disgusting." Souma scoffed while pointing towards the stage – where her cousin – Nakiri Erina, was accepting the position of the first-year representative.

(Y/n) on the other hand, just shrugged in response as she averted her gaze towards the star-struck crowd.

All the students were mesmerized by the presence of the God's tongue's beauty. They were looking up at her as if she's a goddess. Well, she sure looks the part – not to mention her brilliant culinary skills that further strengthen her reputation as an absolute genius.

From where (Y/n) and Souma were standing – they were clearly able to hear the crowd murmuring among themselves.

"Ah...Erina-sama looks so beautiful today!"

"She was first in every subject of her internal exams."

"Truly, a perfect superhuman."

Once she exits the stage – the

Director of Totsuki Academy – Nakiri Senzaemon, takes her place, his long hair whipping dramatically because of the wind. The director cleared his throat before he started speaking while glaring down at the fresh batch of high-schoolers.

"Ladies and Gentlemen congratulations on entering High School Section. In your three years of middle school – you've deepened your knowledge about the basics of food preparation and its ingredients. You've had classes with cooking drills where you actually cooked and all sorts of lectures about cooking theory, nutrition, sanitization, agriculture, and management. And now you're standing at the entrance to the High School Section, but what will be tested now isn't your technique or knowledge – it's whether you have the guts to live as a chef. 99 percent of you are sacrificial stones to polish the remaining 1 percent gems Out of 812 new years – the number of students that advanced into the second year was only 76."

Fear struck the (h/c) haired female like a fucking lightning as she swallowed each word that came out from the director's mouth.

"We'll mercilessly cast away incompetent and ordinary people. By the time the 1000 first years reach their second year – they will become 100. One hand will be enough to count the number of people who will graduate. You will become one of those handfuls of chefs. DEVOTE TO YOUR STUDIES."

(Y/n)'s eyes glimmered brightly by the end of the director's speech. All signs of her previous worry and anxiousness – vanishing in thin air.

The director's speech has fired up her determination to a whole new level. She can't wait to get this thing rolling.

The (h/c)ette then turned to face the crowd – her (e/c) eyes shining a little when found two familiar faces – Nakiri Alice and Kurokiba Ryo. She mentally cheered when she found them.

The pale Nakiri had also seemed to have caught (Y/n)'s gaze on her because she quickly glanced up at the podium and on spotting the (h/c)ette – she waved wildly. So, automatically, (Y/n) also waved back at Alice before eventually turning away.

"We'll now introduce the students who were transferred to the high school division," the emcee announced. 

As on cue, (Y/n) slightly pushed Souma to go ahead. There is no way in hell she is going first. Her introverted self will choke on her own words, much less give a whole ass speech.

Yukihira Souma went up to the stage and took a deep breath as he got ready to speak.

But (Y/n) on the other hand – was now having second thoughts.

'Why am I suddenly having a bad feeling about this? I don't think this is going to end well – for both of us.'

"Well, I'm sorry for being in this high place," he giggled while taking a pause.

"I have to express my intentions, right? I'm beaten. Do I really have to do this? I mean, saying them on a stage is embarrassing." Souma questioned but the emcee interrupted him saying, "please make it quick."

"Then I'll keep it short, I'll say two or three things. I'm Yukihira Souma. Truth to be told – I didn't expect to get admitted to this academy, but now that I'm here – I don't plan to lose to someone who has never served a real customer before. I will use all of you as stepping stones."

(Y/n) just gave out a tired sigh.

'I knew that this would happen. He always does that. He just doesn't know when to shut up. That stupid, idiot, oblivious brat!'

"Best regards for the next three years," the Vermillion-haired boy finally ended his speech with a little bow.

Murmurs of protest and booing have instantly filled the air as the rest of the student body hurled abuses at the redhead, and Souma being as dense as mercury – was oblivious to all the hate that he was currently receiving.

'I want an attitude like yours Souma. I envy you!' (Y/n) thought as he crossed the redhead to make her way towards the stage.

"Now, settle down everyone. It's time for the second transfer student to introduce herself," the emcee announced and it only seemed to further the students' annoyance.

The (h/c) haired female looked calm and composed as she approached the microphone. She took a deep breath before beginning with her speech.

"Good morning everyone. I would like to keep this short and simple as you guys are already agitated enough."

"I'm Nakamura (Y/n) and I believe that actions speak louder than words – so I'll just let my cooking do all talking. That's all. Thanks for having me." She too ended her speech with a little bow and this time – students were talking shit about her.

"Is she somehow related to the company- Nakamura associates?"

"I don't think so. She was with the diner boy the whole time. No one with a proper familial background would hang around that lowly diner boy."

"The two of them won't survive a day here."

'They are talking about me,' (Y/n) thought while exiting the stage with a smirk on her face.

'Never mind that. Your words will never phase me because I'm here to fulfill my destiny – to assert my dominance in cooking.'

'So game on losers.'