Chapter 5.

"So, for your task today – you will be required to team up with another student and cook one of the most common dishes in Sichuan cuisine – Mapo tofu. I will still be writing down the recipe on the board though – just for reference."

An older female with long black hair and glasses started giving our instructions as soon as she entered the classroom.

After she was done writing down the recipe, she turned to face the students. "If you don't know already – I'm Chef Shimizu Kyoko, and I teach Traditional Chinese cuisine here."

'I think that special introduction was for me, rather than the whole class,' (Y/n) thought while staring at her gorgeous instructor.

"You won't be choosing your own partners. It will be decided through a lottery. Now come on settle down everyone – we'll be drawing lots."

A few moments later, (Y/n) found herself glaring at the paper that had the 'No. 10' written on it, as she anxiously waited for her partner to show up.

Just when she was about to lose all hope and thinking that maybe her partner has ditched her – she saw a tall white-haired male making her way towards her. He had gorgeous tanned skin, and long white hair that was pulled back in a messy ponytail, and his emerald green eyes were currently giving her patronizing look.

'Honestly, that was kinda hot though!' (Y/n) thought, before mentally scolding herself. 'HOLY SHIT! What am I thinking?'

"I hope you won't slow me down," he said – spite was literally dripping from his tone.

'HOLY HELL NO! He's totally looking down on me. His attractiveness totally went down by a whole 50 percent because of his sour attitude.' (Y/n) thought as she tried to knock some self into her own self.

"NO promises," she replied to him with a straight face as she tied up her hair – not even a hint of humor in her statement.

"Let's get this party started then – but before that. What was your name again?" The (h/c) haired female asked – now completely normal despite their previous confrontation.

"I'm Hayama Akira."

"I am Hayama-san, hope that we can be civil with each other," she greeted the white-haired male with a sarcastic comment before walking away to collect the required ingredients.

A few moments later, the (h/c)ette haired returned.

"Here, Hayama-san, I got all the ingredients," she said while placing all the ingredients on the counter.

"Hayama-san?" The (h/c)ette called for the white-haired make and he turned to look at the shorter female.

"Can you do the prep work of the spices while I do the cutting?" She asked as she checked the sharpness of her knife – grinning widely. She could easily pass as a psychotic killer with how wide and maniacal her smile appeared. 'Perfectly sharp. Just the way I like.'

The (h/c) haired female swiftly cut the capsicum, tofu, bean sprouts onions, etc. Etc.

Once she's down chopping the ingredients, she decided to make the chili oil mix as Hayama was busy making the perfect blend of spices.

'To make toasted chili oil mix – I first need to heat wok. Then add some oil and fresh and dried peppers.'

While she was rapidly stirring the contents inside the wok – a new idea hit her. She quickly turned to face the white-haired male, "Hayama-san, I've got a great idea."

The said make turned to face her and gave her a puzzled look. (Y/n) just groaned in frustration before pulling him down to her height as she went on to explain her plan.

"Let's give it a shot even though I'm quite skeptical about it," he answered with a conflicted look.




"Phew, all done," (Y/n) sighed while adding finishing to their creation.

Let's take this to Shimizu-sensei," Hayama said while picking up their dish and placing it in front of the instructor.

"You two – are done already?" The instructor asked as she gave them a look of skepticism – but it was mostly directed towards the new (h/c) haired student.

"Just give it a try sensei," (Y/n) pestered and the said female just huffed lightly before taking a bite, and instantly- a gasp of surprise left her lips as she found herself squirming in her seat and feeling nothing but pure ecstasy.

'Huh? What have you done to this? It's so spicy. It feels like my tongue is on fire, but I still want to eat this – again and again. It's like a never-ending loop.'

Thus, the instructor continued eating till her bowl was empty.

"What have you two done to this simple dish? How did you modify the recipe?" She asked while panting heavily.

'She looks like she has finished running a marathon, even though she's just high because of our cooking.'(Y/n) smirked at that thought.

Instead of using normal spices, we added garam masala, and ceyane peppers," Hayama answered.

"This contains so many spices – not to mention the hot and burning flavor it has, but surprisingly – my stomach doesn't feel uncomfortable at all. What's the secret?" The instructor asked out in disbelief as she stared at the students in disbelief.

"We cut open the tofu cubes and stuffed them with an equal amount of allspice and my homemade salsa sauce." This time it was the (h/c) haired female who answered because this was her idea.

The instructor slowly got

The instructor slowly got down from her high – trying to process the words of the two students.

"I  can't believe that you two were able to pull something this amazing. This dish deserves a grade greater than 'A' but, unfortunately, I don't have that kind of authority. So for now – you have to settle for grade A," She said with a smile on her face and quickly dismissed them.

"That went well," (Y/n) chuckled to herself as they returned to the counter to gather their things.


Hayama called for the (h/c) haired female who was busy cleaning her knives. The said female glanced up and saw a look of embarrassment cross his features. Paying no heed to that, (Y/n) just gave him a quizzical look and gestured him to continue speaking.

"I – I shouldn't have looked down on you. I apologize for that. You truly lived up to your words," the white-haired male embarrassingly admitted.

"Well glad to know that you finally acknowledged me, Hayama-san," she beamed brightly at him while letting down her hair.

"Anyways, feel free to call me (Y/n). I don't like when people are too formal with me."

And then the most beautiful thing happened.

The stoic white-haired Hayama – smiled?

He actually freaking smiled – and it was one of the most beautiful sights she has ever still seen.

While Souma's smile can be compared to the warmth of the sun, Hayama's smile was as cool as the soft glow of the moon.

"See you around Hayama-kun," she said while walking away from her.

"See you around (Y/n).




"What's wrong with this school? Why is it so ridiculously big?" Souma was exasperated as the two youngsters made their way uphill – in search of their dorm.

"Never thought that Totsuki was this freaking huge!" (Y/n) exclaimed – who was also panting like a dog by this time.

'Fatigue and hunger were slowly overpowering my body. I don't think I can go on like this for long!' (Y/n) thought as she suddenly felt her legs losing their strength.

Fortunately, someone was there for you – to catch you when you fall.

"I told you to take care of yourself, didn't (Y/n)-chan," Souma said as he tried to support the frail figure of his (h/c) haired companion.

"Here, eat this," he said and stuffed her mouth with a few slices of dried squid. "You're tired because you haven't eaten properly. I will cook somewhere for you once we reach the dorm."

(Y/n) on the other hand just nodded her head in reply, because her mouth was too full to say anything.

"Don't worry Souma. I think we'll get there soon," (Y/n) gestured while pointing towards the lousy map that the student council had given her.

The vermilion-haired boy's eyes instantly lit up when he processed those words.

"This academy is elite, right?" He questioned the obvious. "That means that the dorm must be extravagant, right?"

The (h/c)ette just hummed in response. She stopped dead on her tracks – her (e/c) eyes were still busy analyzing the lousy map in her hands.

"Looks like we're here," she quietly mumbled while glancing up at the building that will supposedly be their residence for the next three years.

All of their hopes came crashing down when they saw the 'Polar Star Dormitory.' Forget about being extravagant – it looked more like a haunted mansion – all covered in vines and weeds. It sure has seen better days, but shouldn't a little bit of cleaning be great?

"Are we perhaps in the wrong place?" (Y/n) questioned – really hoping that she just misread the map. "I mean – this place looks straight out of a horror movie."

"According to the map – yes, but....let's just go in and check for ourselves," Souma said while dragging her with him – causing her to yelp out at the sudden force. She is definitely cursing Souma inside her head now.

"You know Souma – if this was a horror movie – you'd be the first one to die – because you poke around in places where you have absolutely no business," (Y/n) retorted, but sadly – all of her comments fell deaf ears to the redhead.

"Excuse me," the redhead called out loudly – hoping that someone will hear him.

(Y/n) just rolled her eyes at him – mentally scolding him for his callous behavior. Suddenly, she felt a tickling sensation in her nostrils. It felt like smoke – like the smell of burning wood to be more exact.

"Why is there so much smoke? It can't be fire, right?" Souma whispered to her, but she was just too dizzy to understand.

Before they were even able to comprehend the situation at hand, they heard a loud banging noise from upstairs.

"Souma, we should get out of here, ASAP. This place is haunted!" She whisper yelled at him.

Before Souma can reply, the ground started trembling again.

"What is this? An earthquake!" Souma spoke up from behind her.

"(Y/n). Watch out!"

 She was startled when she heard him yell and abruptly pull her back – slamming straight against his chest as a swarm of animals passed in front of them, with a petite girl running behind those animals.

"Usako! Kamosuke! Shikanose! Don't leave me!" She begged or was more like crying.

The (h/c) haired female, who was currently pressed against the redhead, slowly looking up at him – staring deep in his golden hues.


'What is this burning feeling in my chest?"

She thought while referring to the familiar warmth and tickling feeling sensation that she was currently experiencing.

She glanced up once again and caught Souma's golden eyes staring at her again. Unable to take it anymore, she quickly averted her gaze as her cheeks flushed in embarrassment, as she quickly separated herself from him.

She was about to come up with some excuses, but at that exact moment – the intercom crackled to life – interrupting her, and an old feminine and scratchy voice started speaking from it.

"Hey, Room 116! You can't keep the wild game in your room. If it happens again, I will skin you alive!"

The petite girl, who was busy chasing after those animals yelled out an apology before continuing her chase.

"Souma, this is getting really weird," (Y/n) whispered and the redhead just nodded his head – signaling that he completely understands her feelings – not really though.

"And room 208!" The intercom buzzed again. "Did you use a vacant room as a smokehouse again? I'll smoke you over some wood chips!"

"Fine, fine. I'm so remorseful." This time it was a boyish voice that apologized.

"And Room 205! If that floor collapses, I'll punch a hole in your stomach!"

And this time, it was another boyish voice that apologized.

The (h/c)ette thought as she grabbed the redhead's hand, intertwining their finger – getting ready to dash out of the haunted mansion, but before they can do that – they were stopped by a familiar voice, and it came from right behind them.

"You must be Nakamura (Y/n) and Yukihira Souma – the ones who wanted to join the Polar Star Dormitory, right?"

The voice belonged to an old lady.

(Y/n) and Souma just nodded their heads in response as they were still busy grasping the gist of the situation.

"I am Daimido Fumio – aka Fumio-san, the Madonna of the Polar Star," she said with a serious yet arrogant look on her face. "That's what you are to call me."

"We are supposed to call you Madonna of the dorm?" (Y/n) hesitantly asked.

"No. You call me Fumio-san."

"But you just told us to call that."

"I did not – you idiot!"


"How'd I end up in another freak show?" Souma groaned from beside her – making her chuckle at the irritated look plastered on his face.

"Ano.....Fumio-san, what had happened here?" The (h/c)ette asked.

"It's nothing – just your dorm mates being their usual nonsensical self," she paused and took a deep breath, "So what ingredients did you bring with you?"

"What ingredients?" Souma asked in a dumbfounded voice.

"What else?" The caretaker's eyes widened for a moment as she stared down at the students with contempt.

"For Polar Star's specialty – the skill test."

"I didn't hear about this!" Souma protested.  The old woman just gave them an apathetic look.

"Then you lose by default. I can't let you enter Polar Star without having your skills checked – which also means that you have to camp outside.".

"How can you expect us to do that? It's freezing outside!" Souma was exasperated.

"It's not my fault that you forgot to do something this basic," the caretaker shrugged off her shoulders in response.

"Fumio-san!" this time – it was the (h/c) haired female who yelled out to grab the said woman's attention.

"Yes," the caretaker lazily replied as she turned to face (Y/n).

"I have a few ingredients with me, and I would like to give the test," she said with determination.

"Ingredients? Where did you get that from?" Souma yelled out accusingly.

"Leftovers from my class. They said that I can take them home with me," (Y/n) deadpanned. She was so done with this shit. She just wants to lay down and not wake up until the next 2000 years or something.

"Leftovers," Souma mumbled thoughtfully.

"Anyways, Nakamura – you can go ahead  and as for Yukihira – you have to camp outside for tonight."

"Fumio-san, do you have any ingredients in your kitchen?" Souma asked as he straightened up.

"The kitchen has only leftovers. Just give up –"

"Can I use those leftovers?" Souma asked while interrupting the old woman's speech.

"What?" Fumio let out in a surprised tone.

"I'll do the entrance exam. Where's the kitchen?" Souma asked confidently.

A small smile appeared on (Y/n)'s lips when she heard the redhead's words. 'I knew that you'll catch on to the meaning behind my words.'

The old woman then proceeded to lead the two main characters of this book to the kitchen.

'I wonder how the kitchen would be like?' (Y/n) thought as she followed the grey-haired woman. 'Judging from the rest of the place -- I know shouldn't be keeping having high hopes, but please dear lord -- let it just be normal --"

The (h/c) haired female's thought process came to an abrupt halt when the caretaker switched on the lights -- illuminating the empty kitchen, which was surprisingly clean and well equipped. 

Well, the saying about not judging a book by its cover is true after all. 

(Y/n) made a beeline towards the nearest counter and took out all the required utensils, leaving behind Souma to examine the leftovers.

She already knew what kind of dish Souma will most probably be cooking, as her (e/c) eyes were quick to skim through the leftover ingredients. She can more or less, roughly estimate what kind of dish Souma would be making.

'He's definitely going to use the canned mackerel as its main ingredient. So, I must use something that doesn't clash with the saltiness of his dish.'

"Yosh! Let's get to work!" She mumbled to herself as she got down to work. 




"I present you (Y/n) style tiramisu/creme brullè with cherry on top."

The (h/c) haired female announced while placing the dish in front of the caretaker.

The author-chan would've loved to describe the whole foodgasm scene in detail, but due to some technical difficulties-- we'll be skipping that part.

Moving on, a lot of things happened during the time skip, like Fumio-san thoroughly enjoying their dishes and almost kissing the two minor, and (Y/n) desperately trying to protect Souma's innocence, Yada Yada.

The test finally came to an end, and they received their room keys.

"I will be soaking in the bath before going to bed," Souma sighed tiredly, "what about you (n/n)-chan?"

"I think I'll just go straight to bed after unpacking," the (h/c)ette tiredly answered before both of them parted ways.




'Phew....all of my things are finally organized. I can finally get some well-deserved sleep now!'

The (h/c)ette thought while snuggling into the soft texture of her blankets.

'This feels like heaven!' She giddily thought while rolling all over the bed like a puppy.


She was brought out of her bliss when she heard a strange tapping noise as if someone is knocking on her door.

'Huh? What's that noise? Is it my imagination?'


'Is someone at the door?'

This time she yelled for the person to enter since she remembered that she didn't lock the door.

She waited for a few seconds but no one walked inside.

Suddenly, she heard some shuffling above her, or more like from the ceiling of her room.

Fear gripped her heart when she heard one of the wooden boards rattle violently. Fingers appeared from behind the board and as it was finally removed, and the face of a smiling boy appeared from behind it.

And the only thing that the (h/c) haired female was able to do... was screaming bloody murderer.
