Chapter - 5

Today is Valentine's day.

I'm excited because I'm gonna express my feelings to him. I wonder how he reacts to that. I carefully kept my gift inside my bag. I woke up late as usual. Why? Because of him. If he keeps on appearing in my dreams, how can I get to my class on time? I laughed.

I came downstairs. Mom was so eager about the gift than I was. She wished me, "All the best!" with a thumbs up. Dad gave me a ride to college since he had time for his work.

I was walking to my class with excitement, eagerness and a little bit of nervousness and fear.

I saw Ace outside the class standing and looking into his cell phone.

I walked past him.

When I entered the class, it was flooded with girls. I tiptoed on my legs to see Wil. I think girls from other faculties also came to give gifts. I proceed forward.

The girls around me gossiping about something. As I keep nearing him gossiping gets high.

I saw him.

He looked handsome with sleeked hair towards the back wearing a black leather jacket with torn black jeans.

He was talking to some girl. I finally get close to him.


Why she's here?

Is she's also here to give a gift?

She didn't say she was one of his fans!

I was surprised and confused to see her in my class.


What is he doing?

Is he's holding her... hand?

Clara found me in the middle of the crowd and whispered into my ears, "She's claiming that he's her boyfriend! And seems like he agrees to that!"


Blair is Wil's girlfriend!?

While I was standing puzzled, Blair came to me.

"I should have told you before but I couldn't. I hope you don't get mad at me for this. Right?"

I didn't say anything. The girls were started to fight dividing into two groups like the one who still supports him and the one who hates him for hiding the girlfriend thing. I couldn't stand it so I walked out of that place. My friend is calling out my name but I didn't respond. When I came out of the class someone grabbed my hand.

I turned to see who it was.


I tried to remove his hand.

He asked, "Where are you up to?"

"It's none of your business.", I shouted.

"You are my business!"

What! I think he lost his mind. I pulled my hand forcefully from his grip and ran away from him.

I was passing by the boys' room and stopped when seeing the gifts in front of Wil's locker.

I took my gift. "You lost your worth!" I threw away the gift and left that place.

I was running.

I didn't know where I'm heading to. But I'm running.

I stopped to take a breath. My chest was rising up and down. I felt my heartbeats getting fast. I tried to pick my breath.

I took a look around me. I'm in front of the Basketball court. I went inside and found it be empty and sat on the stand.

Wil... He... He's already in love.

How did I blindly followed him?

I felt something wrong with my heart. Because it skipped a beat when I came to know the truth. And I couldn't take it. More to that he's in love with my best friend???


How could you do this to me!

I thought I'm your best friend!

Back in school, we were so close. We shared everything back then. After we got into different faculties, the distance grew between us. You begin to start hanging out with your new friends.

I don't know what I should be worried about?

Is my Mr.popularity already have a girl... or that girl is my childhood friend... or my friend Blair hid her love from me?

I started to sob badly. Tears came down my eyes without my consciousness.

Someone sat beside and hugged me from behind and said, "I don't know for what you're crying but don't worry everything will get better." I lifted my head to see who that is.


He shushed and hugged me. It was a warm embrace.

I said while sobbing, "It won't!", broke his embrace and left from that place. I wiped up my tears and walked out.

I went to class. Girls were gone who crowded the class before. Only my classmates were there. Wil's seat was empty though.

I walked to my place. Clara looked at me worriedly.

"Are you alright now?"

She hugged and consoled me.

I nodded and said 'yes'

Wil came for the class in the last hour.

How can he act like nothing happened?

Something hit my head. I looked down. It was a crumpled paper. I looked around to see who throwed at me. It was Ace. I took and opened it, 'Stop staring at him!'

I crushed it and throwed through the window.

'What's with him?'

The college got over. I started to my home.

Wil came from nowhere and patted on my shoulder, "Hey!"

I didn't respond and remained silent.

"Don't get mad with your friend. I was the one who told her to keep it a secret."

I remained silent.

"And you know why I said that because if those girls in the Fanclub knows I have a girlfriend they'll gossip about her. I don't want that. I don't want them to talk about her in a bad way. I want her to be safe."

All he does is talk about Blair. By his talking, I came to know that he cares for her a lot. But... why does it feel painful for me? I just have a crush on him or do I like him more than a crush? Whatever... it does not matter anymore. He already has a girlfriend.

He continued, "Blair's friend is also a friend to me. And I like hanging out with you. We three should hang out together...I mean... after you two sort it out. " He smiled at me and patted on my head and went.

I went home and went straight to my room. I dropped my bag aside and fell on the bed. Those neon stars seem like they were far from me. I reached out my hand towards the ceiling, It was too high that I couldn't reach it.

I thought my dream would come true someday but never thought it would remain as a dream forever.

More to that I shouldn't dream about him anymore because he already belongs to someone. He's not mine anymore.

Why the hell it hurts! I think I fell hard for him. Was it more than a crush? Do I like him more? Did I fell in love with him? Omg! Did I just say, Love? Even if it is, it's too late for that.

Wil has a girlfriend. I should remember this.

Without my knowledge, I slept.