Chapter - 6

Next day in college,

Clara, Luna and I were having a Chocolate drink in a cafeteria. Luna went to class before us.

While we're on the way to class, Clara stopped me asking, "What's with this black-eye? Have you been crying all night!"

I ignored it and continued walking.

"Stop whatever you're thinking now! If You like him. Go and tell him."

"FYI! He has a girlfriend!"

"So What?"

"You are crazy!", I know she cares for me but I can't do this.

She continued, "Today's the game! Science versus Architect Faculty."

"I'm not going."

"I didn't ask you. We're going."

We came to class. Hours went by through lectures, Gossips and Quiz tests.

Clara dragged me to the Basketball court once the classes got over. The court was filled with many people cheering up and taking pictures of themselves and the players. Architect faculty students seem to be more in number than us. The players were warming up beside the stand. Everyone had a prop to cheer them up. The College Newspaper head was here. Some people were selling drinks in between. I saw Blair seated in the second row along with her classmates. We're seated in the middle.

"Clara! I'll be back. Watch my place."

She nodded, "Don't think of running away."

She gave me a scary face.


After I came out of the restroom, A bunch of roses was bolted before my face and...

"Benji! I thought you went home! Join us... And what with these flowers?"

"It's for you. I bought it yesterday to give it to you but work came so I couldn't."

He lends it to me.

"Yesterday? Do you mean... These flowers are a valentine gift?"

"Yes...kinda... Even though you're a lesbian it doesn't mean I shouldn't express my feelings. Right?"

What did he just say now?

"Wait! What!?"

He smiled and gave me the flowers, "These flowers represent my support."

"What are you talking about? And what's with this support thing?"

"Did you keep it as a secret?"

"Wait. Who said that I'm a lesbian to you."

"You're confusing me. Are you a lesbian or not?... Ace said that to me in the Boys changing room when he found out that I had a crush on you. I bet everyone heard him."


Ace again. I don't know what he wants from me. Why does he like to humiliate me this much? So the whole class knows. I can understand why no one has approached me so far.

"Sam! Is that a lie?"

"I'll explain that later. And... thanks for the flowers. I like them. Can you keep it for me? I'll get it later."

I rush to the court to find Ace. Neither he wasn't playing nor he wasn't in the stand. I went to the changing room to find him. He was alone in there changing into his jersey.

I yelled, "Why are you doing this to me?"

He removed his shirt and came towards me shirtless.

"What are you talking about?", asking like he didn't do anything.

"Am I a lesbian?"

He smiled and walked towards me, "How do I know? Want my help to find out?" and caressed my cheek.

I pushed him back.

Some girls passing through saw us and asked me is anything wrong?

He said, "It's okay. She's a lesbian and we're just talking." turned to me and said, "Am I right?"

He got on my nerves. I rushed out of the changing room.

They blocked me and asked that is he saying the truth. I got mad, "Yes!! I'm a lesbian! So what?! Do you have any problem with that???"

I went to where Clara was seated.

Clara asked, "What took you so long?"


The Game began. Players came in and waved to everyone. People encouraged them with their props. Both the coaches seem so serious about the game. The timer starts and all the players started to play the game. Both the teams were scoring even. Suddenly everyone started to gossip and checking their phone. My phone popped with many notifications.

Clara, "Sam! See this!". She showed me some video, I'm confused. It was me in that video. The video clip was about me when I shouted to those girls that I'm a lesbian.


"Why did you say that?", she asked confused manner.

"I was being mad at..."

Everyone started to look at me weirdly. I felt so embarrassed. Everyone eyes were on me. I stood and started to walk out of the court. I can hear them talking about me.

Clara, "Where are you going?"

I ignored her and started to walk among the crowd. I can hear them talking.

'There she is. She's the girl in the clip!'

'I know she's gay because she always hangs out with the girls'

'yeah, I too never saw her with a boy'

'This explains a lot why she wearing boys clothes.'

I bet Everyone would have seen that clip by now since it was released on our University Board Page. I walked fast in the steps to get out of the court. Tears started to well up in my eyes. I don't know how I'm going to face this. But right now running away from it, is the best way.

Someone shouted my name, "SAM!"

I don't want to stop. I continued to walk fast.

Someone grabbed my hand.

I turned to remove the hand.


Suddenly Senior Calix hugged me and brought me into a kiss on my lips. I was stunned. I tried to push him away but he's too strong for me. He held me tightly and kissed me.

He broke from the kiss and shouted out to everyone still holding me in his embrace,