He's Surprised

"Millie, Life is full of choices and you're the one who's gonna decide. So, are you going to sad about missing the same class, or going to be happy about getting a new set of people? Tell me." Her tears faded and, her beautiful little smile appeared. It was a pleasurable moment to see her smile. She complimented with a short note, "thank you for being there for me." And, left the room, making me feel blessed.

I held my hand out and gently pulled her towards me, once again, "take this." I said, giving her the gift I brought. Millie smiled and thanked me once again, saying, "thank you, but when did you buy this?" I nodded in reply, "in the morning, did you like it?" She happily walked out of the room, saying that she did like the gift. I always felt happy to help someone, being an introverted personality. She went into her room, and I continued to stay in my room. I could hear my mom and dad being loud with their arguments at night. And, it was obviously about me and Millie.

Later, I let myself rest on the bed. My mind was bored out. I didn't have anything to do, the words of Mrs.Celie wondered, "What makes you happy?" I questioned, And there was a reply from myself, weirdly. "Reading, helping, and comforting," I replied to myself. I questioned once again, "only that?" I smiled at myself looking into the mirror, "yes, you have set your standards too high for yourself to even reach." I honestly didn't know what was going on with me, but I was questioning and replying to myself, is that a psychological problem? I dont have any idea.

I went back to sleep, planning to not think about anything else. Until my mind started to give me certain thoughts. "What If the girl you saw in the morning was made for you?" No, but I never believed in destiny, It felt like unexistent. It sounded too fantasized and unreal, and, I never had any opinions about love and destiny. The words, "Love" and "Destiny" were not meant to be together, I always felt. It was just a coincidence. Somehow, I ended up staying up to 3 Am, thinking about myself, more and more. No, it didn't help me to know myself better, but talking to myself helped to clear out my opinions and know what I really wanted to do. I could develop to do this and maintain myself calmly, maybe? I thought.

It was a new day, finally. Nothing mattered to me except my betterment today. And, I dont know why, but I started to take care of myself and my mental health, all of a sudden. I guess it was because of that girl in Mrs.Celie's house. Or was it because of myself? Im confused, as usual. I dressed up for the Pizza delivery, As I walked out of my room I saw my mom commenting on me, "Last night what were you doing?" I bit my lip with embarrassment. When I was trying to reply to her, My sister interrupted, "He's practicing for the play." My mom questioned, "Are you playing for the theatre this weekend?" I nodded to take up my sister's words.

We had a theatre nearby our house, It was a weekend show, people come and do some plays. I last did it, because my mom forced me to do it when I was ten years. Now, I need to do it for convincing her that nothing happened to me last night. While I was literally acting all cursed and weird last night. Okay, I had to leave now. I thought. And, walked back to my dad's bike to travel to the shop. I drove towards the theatre, after like six years. I walked inside, and the theatre didn't have anyone in it. I questioned the empty hall, "Anyone here?" Once I heard the reply, I saw a female behind me. I screamed at her sudden appearance, "Oh my god, calm down." She spoke gently. The voice was familiar, I tried to look into her eyes. She questioned, "okay, so, you're here for what?" I looked back down Because my heart started racing faster looking into someone's eyes.

I braced myself and questioned, "A-are the plays still going on?" She suddenly screamed out of happiness and replied, looking into my eyes. That was it. I fell for her. It felt like a feeling of wanting her, wanting her for my whole life. I smiled at her, she smiled back and spoke, "Finally, there is someone who wants to do plays!! Like someone!" I nodded and replied, "yeah..." She was quite enthusiastic about me. I realized that she was the girl I saw in Mrs. Celie's home. I tried to question, "Are you...um..um" I stammered. She slid her hands into mine, she gently rubbed one of my hands, trying to comfort me, she spoke, "Yeah, tell me, I am there for you, now breathe in and out." I tried following her instructions. "Now, look into my eyes," she said. And, she didn't know how big of a challenge that was for me. I breathed in and out slowly, I tried to look into her eyes. Since my messy hair was covering my eye contact, she gently pulled my hair back and looked into my eyes. My exposed forehead felt weird with pimples, it hit me so differently that she was comfortable to see my whole face without any flinch.

I stared at her for a minute, she was the reason behind the magic of my betterment. She then spoke, "Now tell me." My heartbeat slowed down, I felt comfortable with her hands in mine. "Are you the one I met in Mrs.Celie's house?" I finally questioned, letting it out. She replied smiling like an idiot. I didn't know why would she smile at a question like that. She replied, "And, What if I say I am her daughter?" I stood shook, my mind functioning stopped, was she the one I have been dreaming and having fantasies about?