
My team mates have a three way fight under the watchful eye of Master Hugo. I sit by the shed with Sunshine’s head on my knee. I rub at my thumb nail. This morning when I woke up the white spots were showing through old nail polish. I had to re-polish them. A part of me is convinced the affliction is gone. These spots are but a reminder.

Geordie’s posing as a Thunder while the other two try taking him down. Weapons practise gets lonely. I’m always out the mix sat watching them or learning defence skills.

Ashley comes around from the outside of the shed swinging a sabre. “What you doing sitting pretty?”

“I’m under-skilled. What are you doing at our class?”

“My mission this morning is you. Master Hugo says you need an opponent.” Ashley taps the side of her nose. “I’m in the loop about your night time classes.”

“So he can tell people but I can’t?”

“Only me because you need an opponent.” Ashley pulls me up and links arms with me. “If anyone asks we’re skiving off together because we’re ever so naughty.” She deposits me in the woods where I’ve been doing my training and lifts my hands to my eyes. “Count to thirty while I hide. No peeking.”

Eek I’m gonna get my ass kicked. I count out loud to let Ashley know how long she’s got. On fifteen hands smack into my back. I crash down and get pinned to the floor. Ashley is several inches taller than me and sure has a tight grip.

“I’m not letting you up. You’ll have to get out this compromising position yourself. Don’t be afraid to hurt me. I’m a tough girl.”

“Just so you know I’m not a tough boy.”

“You could be if you got over being sensitive over physical contact. Strange being able to kiss me without blushing but when I have you pinned down you get stuck. What are you thinking?”

“This is embarrassing like when Max tried to drown me in the pond.” The memory makes me shudder.

Ashley lets me up. “You’re going to be a challenge. Master Hugo did warn me. When did you start getting panic attacks and freezing when threatened?”

“When Jess was killed.”

“Killed! I thought you meant the affliction got her.”

“I let her down. Hid in my room. I’ve always been jumpy but after Jess I got worse.”

I fall into silence as Collette runs through the trees out of breath and red in the face. “Ashley you’re needed in the sky. Thunders are approaching Cloud High. This is not a drill.”

“Thunders here?” I gasp.

“Remain calm. It wouldn’t be the first time this year. The masters shield you from the attacks until you reach third year. Want to go on a practical, Corey?”

“Will it be safe?”

“Definitely not.” Ashley swishes her sabre. “We’ll be keeping Thunders busy until reinforcements can reach us. Are you coming?” Ashley looks through the trees watching for her griffon. Seconds later Snowshoe sprints over to us.

Sunshine jumps up and down in the same crazy rhythm as my heart. “I should ask Master Hugo first.”

“No time.” Ashley mounts Snowshoe. “I have to leave this second.” She nods her head at Collette in a professional manner. “Tell Master Clover her message has been received.” Off she goes, galloping through trees.

Sunshine’s jumps get even more excitable. Riding after Ashley is a bad idea. I’ll most likely freeze up there and cause more problems rather than be any help.

Hey!” Sunshine tugs at my sleeve. He really wants to go up there. I reckon all he’s interested in is going for a fly. “There’ll be Thunders in the barrier.” Sunshine tugs my sleeve again as though to say please. “Okay we’ll have a quick look. No getting too close to the action. We’re not ready for encounters with Thunders.”

I swing onto Sunshine. As soon as I’m seated he tears through the woods after Snowshoe. His speed catches in my throat. Every time I ride him he seems to get faster. Once we’re clear of trees, Sunshine launches himself into the air. No screams come from me. I’ve toned down to gasping.

“Great you’ve decided to come.”

“Sunshine was being insistent.”

“Right here’s what’s going to go down,” says Ashley as we fly by Cloud High. “You do exactly as I tell you, unless things get messy, in which case you’ll have to use your initiative.”

“I thought I could get away with observing.”

“This is not a drill. Observing is a no go. Shadow me. Stay in my line of sight. You understand, cadet?"

Cadet. “Understood.” My situation suddenly becomes real. I should have stayed on the ground. No going back now. I’d look like a coward if I flew away.

Three grey cloaked Thunders ride right at us on skeletals. Ashley keeps flying towards them. There’ll be a collision. I pull at Sunshine screaming, demanding him to pull away. He does as I wish however jerks me too much. I completely lose balance. As I fall off Sunshine, Pepper and Dede swoop down from higher up, fly alongside the two outside skeletals. Ashley takes on the middle; plunges into him with her sabre.

Air rushes through my sleeves and ears as I fall through the sky. In seconds I’ll be a bone bag on hard earth. Sunshine dives then comes up beneath me. Breath explodes. I clasp round Sunshine’s neck, scared I’ll fall off. We’re losing control. As a result, we’re unable to gain any more altitude. We’re going down and someone’s on my tail. A Thunder!

What did Charlie say about staying on when a flight gets rocky? To grip with my knees. I try relaxing. Not happening. Going down. Down. Down. Down. Can’t straighten myself up.

I slip and fall. Ouch. Ground. Poor Sunshine’s upside down on top of his head. At least we reached the ground alive. There’s a thud nearby. The Thunder has landed. I roll over. Crawl towards Sunshine.

The Thunder grabs my leg. “Cloudy down.”

Squelch a blade stabs into the top of my leg. “Mmmm.” The Thunder pulls out the blade then brings it down this time aiming for my back. I roll over, slip a switchblade from off my arm. Hold the hilt pointed at my attacker. Flip the switch. Whoosh. All I can do is grip my switchblade uselessly. The Thunder plunges for my heart. Sunshine leaps so he’s stood over me. Swings his head knocking the Thunder’s sword away with his beak.

The skeletal rattles a bony head as it charges full on at Sunshine.

I must react. We have to run. I get up. Stand on one leg. “Let’s go.”

Swiftly Sunshine turns his back on the skeletal as I fling myself onto him.

“Run, like Master Hugo said.”

We’re by those rocks that lead to Watch Post. Sunshine skids down the rock strewn hill. The Thunder and his skeletal are quick to follow. Flakes of rock scatter as we slide.

“When we reach the bottom fly okay? I promise to stay on this time.”

Flying isn’t scary, not one bit. If I fall Sunshine will catch me but I won’t fall because I promised to stay on. Here we go. Up. Up. Up. Deep breaths. Isn’t scary, not one bit.

“To Master Hugo’s shed.”

I have to use a whole lotta will power to remain calm and keep a gentle hold. Cloud High is soon in sight. This Thunder is relentless. He follows into the grounds where my friends are still training.

“Thunder!” I shriek as we descend towards the arena. “Thunder!” He’s relentless until he sees Master Hugo then makes a sharp turn. Disappears into the clouds.

“What the?” Master Hugo moves a dreadlock out the way of an eye. “Weren't you in the woods a moment ago?”

“This is not a drill.” I fall forwards onto Sunshine’s neck as breaths get tight in my throat.

“What are you talking about lad?”

“Collette came to find Ashley. Told her Thunders were attacking. Not a drill. Asked if I wanted to go along. I said I should ask you first but Sunshine was keen. I thought we could watch from afar. They came. I panicked. Pulled away from shadowing Ashley. Then one chased me.”

“Ashley invited you on an attack?” Master Hugo merely gives a slight shake of his head. “Impulsive girl.”

Danny drifts over to me. “Are you getting off?”

“Fine here. Fine fine.”

“You’ve gone pale mate.”

“And your leg’s bleeding,” points out Charlie.

“Oh that. I took a sword to the leg.”

“You did what?” Geordie strides over. Pulls me down from Sunshine. “How’d you manage that?”

“I fell off Sunshine. He caught me. We crash landed then that Thunder stuck a blade into my leg. Only the fleshy part.”

Geordie pales whiter than me.

“I'm okay. Was a quick in out jab.”

“You need some salve,” Geordie tugs me non too gently over to the shed, “or you run risk of infection.” He gives Master Hugo who’s vacantly polishing weapons a glare. “Aren’t you gonna scold him or summat for flying off without being trained proper for that type a situation?”

“You’re field agents. You can train as hard as you like but every situation is going to be different. My job is to prepare you to fight; your job is to make your own decisions.”

“Fine.” Geordie turns his intense glare on me. “Flying after Ashley without letting me know was a wrong decision. You’re in my squad not hers.” Geordie manoeuvres me onto a bunk. Leaves me there as he lights a stove where he sets to work boiling water.

“Hey!” I get pushed onto my stomach. “How about asking me to lay down?”

“How about asking permission to fly when there’s Thunders in the sky?” Geordie holds onto my leg, inspecting the wound, then starts cleaning away blood with the boiled water. “You’re lucky he only stabbed your leg.” Gets a pot of salve off a shelf and rubs the brown sticky goo over my wound.

“That stings!” I wail.

“I’m glad. You might remember what I told you if you’re hurting.”

“Meanie!” I try getting up but Geordie holds me still as he bandages me up. He’s real strong. Has more force behind his arms than Ashley. That’s three times I’ve been pinned down today. People must get a kick out of embarrassing me. When done bandaging, Geordie stalks out the shed without another word to me. I shoot up and brush down my clothes. Take myself outside and try slip off down the slope.

“Where’re you going?” says Master Hugo.

“To change my trousers. There’s a hole in them.”

“We’ve an hour’s practise left. Geordie needs a partner to fight seen as Charlie and Danny have gone to find those young ladies to inform them they’ve no need to search for you.”

Great. I pivot slowly towards the arena. As I go to stand in the centre I keep myself from limping even though I want to. Bear the nasty pain; it’s not unbearable. Master Hugo throws me a practise sword. I miss the catch. No surprise there. When I reach Geordie in the centre I tilt my head, smiling as sweetly as possible. I kind of feel like giving him a whack for humiliating me. I roll my head round my shoulders to clear my mind of how he pretty much man handled me. Mean. Mean. Mean. He should have asked.

“Let’s get this over with,” sighs Geordie. “What do you want me to do with him?”

This practise sword is heavy. Much heavier than my switchblades.

“Treat him like you would anyone else.”

“We’ll be done in seconds.” Geordie gets into an attack stance. I’ve not fought with him proper since my panic attack four months ago.

Here comes his swing. Right for my shoulder. Those midnight lessons must be paying off. Without having to think I instinctively send my sword at Geordie. Miscalculate because there’s more reach in a sword than my switchblades.

“Shit!” yells Geordie as my sword smacks right into his armpit rather than connecting with his sword.

I jump back, ready for any retaliation. My mind tells me now is a fine time to attack. I step forwards. Curve my hilt into Geordie’s wrist which results in Geordie dropping his weapon. Real quick I swipe it up.

“Where did that come from?” Geordie stares at me in shock as he straightens himself up.

“I sit watching you three fight a lot from over by the shed. I knew where you were aiming for. In a real fight I’d be useless.”

“You didn’t freeze.”

“I only freeze when I panic.”

“You sound weird. Not like your usual cheerful self.”

“I’ve been pinned down three times today.”

“You’re pacing in a circle.”

“Three times. Sure I lack height and I can’t stick up for myself but that doesn’t mean you should man handle me.”

“I was helping your leg.”

“You didn’t ask.” I do one more circuit of my circle then head down the slope.

“Corey, there’s forty five minutes to go,” says Master Hugo.

“I need to change my trousers.”

Once out of sight I let myself limp. Sunshine brushes up beside me, letting me lean into him. “Seen as I’m banished from Clover’s classes want to get some flight practise in after I’ve gotten changed?”

Gentle purring. I’ll take that as a yes.