
This afternoon’s flight practise went much better than this morning’s chase. I think the fear of falling has been taken away, after actually falling, because Sunshine caught me before I hit the ground. Sunshine watches me from on my rug as I make a collage with the torn up pages of history book. Looks a mess. Well it is an experiment. Sticking random words to paper is relaxing.

Knock. Knock.

Rat tat.

Bang. Bang.

I lean back in my chair listening to my three comrades whispering out in the corridor. “Come in.” Should be okay to see them as it’s only nine thirty. I’m sure I can shoo them off before midnight.

“Are you alright?” Danny strolls in first.

“Sure. Why shouldn’t I be?”

“We haven’t seen you all day. Geordie said you flounced off in a proper mood.”

“Banished from Clover’s classes aren’t I? And I didn’t flounce. My trousers had a hole in them.” I tuck my hair behind my ears as Geordie slopes into my room. “Awkward!”

“Too right,” mumbles Geordie.

“Do I hear an apology?”

“Me apologise. Should be the other way round.”


“You nearly got yourself killed. Flew towards danger without telling me. I said I’d look out for you up there.”

“Then you ought to persuade Chunk to give you rides then you could look out for me all you want. Otherwise you’ll be stuck on the floor.”

“Cheeky gimp.” Geordie swats me round the head then seats himself on top of my desk. “I'll have you know Chunk let me ride him right after you flounced off. Was awesome. We clicked straight away up there.”

“And came straight at me and Hotaru nearly knocking us out of the sky,” sighs Charlie as he stares into my room from the doorway. No idea why. Maybe he’s shy to come in. I run over to him. Yank him fully into my room.

“What’s Sunshine doing in here?”

“Sssh.” I press a finger to my lips and close the door. Give a loud theatrical whisper. “He sleeps here. I think the other griffons might bully him. He prefers staying in my room instead of where griffons chill out.” Charlie’s still staring at me. “What’s up?”

“You look different out of uniform.”

“You’ve seen me out of uniform before, silly.”

“Only on your first day really, and you looked run down then.”

“You’ve had your head way deep in your books. Did you go to Clover’s class today?”

“Yes, we all did. I talked Clover into letting you back into class.”

“Why do that?” I wail. “Her classes are boring.”

“Because we need the information she gives away in her lectures. I’ll take notes while you three sit and try absorb some of what she’s saying.”

“You should have seen Clover’s face darken when he sat at the back with us after pleading your case,” says Danny.

“She wasn’t expecting that,” snickers Geordie. “You best not be a double agent Charlie boy. I don’t believe you’ve turned.”

“Turned. What are you on about?”

“I still say you’re a teacher’s pet. I give it two weeks before you’re sat on the front table.”

“Can’t. It’d be wrong.”


“Collette’s there.”


“She’s a bully. Tanya’s never liked Collette and has only gotten friendly with her on the basis she’s been put in logistics. I can’t sit with someone who thought it okay to terrorize Corey.”

I fling myself on top of Charlie.

“What the…”

Danny flops onto my bed. “You’ll get used to the random embraces. He’s no clue about boundaries when it comes to personal space.”

Ooo I still have Charlie's stamped on book. I pull open the desk drawer and dig through paint brushes, old paint tins, silver coins I made selling my sketches, and pictures which didn't work out, until yay here's Frankenstein. I hold the battered book out to Charlie. He seems more interested in the sketches I have tacked to the wall. Reaches out to touch a limb of the Hollow Tree. "What is this?"

"I'd call that abstract. Sort of like a metaphysical state of a tree." Everyone looks at me as though I changed forms myself. "How I see trees in general. They're going hollow, dying like people, as though their souls have been sucked from them. Like turning the tree inside out." Seen as Charlie is still gazing thoughtfully at the Hollow Tree I pull it gently off the wall and place it into his book. “I hope your book wasn't sentimental. I tried to straighten out the pages.”

Now the Hollow Tree is out of sight Charlie is distracted by a paint tin on my desk. “Is that paint?” He takes his book half-heartedly.

“No, it's cheese” says Geordie.

Charlie takes up the tin, and opens it up, marvelling over the different blocks of colours. “Where did you find such high quality paints Corey, let alone afforded them?”

“A thief ain't he?”

“Stolen from where?” Charlie turns to my wardrobe which I've left half open. Has a shifty peek inside. “And these clothes aren't exactly your average everyday attire.”

True. He's wearing his uniform even when we have free time as do most trainees.

“This shirt is made from Japanese silk,” exclaims Charlie. “You'd have had to have close dealings with the Hillcrests to acquire this type of material. What are you doing at Cloud High, Alex Harlington?”

“He stole all that shit.”

“No worries Geordie. He's sussed me out.” I kneel next to Sunshine; stroke his head, remembering why I ran away in the first place. Thinking about it there were several reasons. The affliction made me run but now my mind is clearer I see other factors in my subconscious reasons for leaving. “Jess died, Casey was ignoring me, and I was suffering with depression.”

“How did Jess die?” prompts Charlie.

“Depression?” Geordie yells over him in shock. “How the hell can you have depression? You're the least sad person I ever met.”

“I was in a bad place because my best friend got killed. No one understood how I felt. Everyone at school teased me because of my panic attacks.” I show them a smile. “I was faking these on arrival at Cloud High. Then you and Danny let me be your friend. Now the smiles are real, and I don't feel depressed anymore.”

“You could have told us mate. I'd have helped.”

“You already did.” I point to his note tacked to my wall.

“Stop glaring at me like that.” Charlie backs onto my bed, sits sort of close to Danny as though seeking moral support. “I won't tell anyone Corey is Alex.”

“I'll put you in the ground if you do.” Geordie makes a point of flexing his fist.

“Consider yourself warned,” chimes in Danny. Ooo we can't be fully trusting Charlie yet if Danny's backing Geordie's death threats.

“Look at the time. I'm tired. Excuse me,” says Charlie as he flees my room clutching at his book.

I shake my head. “Meanies.”

“You can't be too careful,” musters Danny.

Pheeew they've patched up their differences and are still best friends forever. Danny would do absolutely anything for Geordie when approaching a cliff edge ready to shove.