Wild Child

We’re on our first perimeter check. For our first few times we’re allowed to pair up. I’m with Geordie. We’re travelling by foot rather than air seen as Chunk decided he would prefer to tear up the training arena than patrol the outskirts of Cloud High. Sunshine’s happy enough skipping ahead with his beak in shrubs he comes across.

“How do you get him to do as he’s told?”

“I think he likes doing what I do. I don’t tell him much save for flight directions. Chunk doesn’t like the Cloud Association organisation much.”

“Why’d he bother choosing a rider?”

“Perhaps he chose an ally. You dislike our organisation too right?”

“Hate it. Don’t you?”

“I think I’m indifferent. I guess I drifted here whereas you were coerced.”

We pause by a wonky tree. “What’s the best thing about Cloud High?”

Geordie shrugs.

“Okay the worst thing?”


“Me! Why me?”

“You’re a pest.”

Stamp. Stamp. Stamp.

We both lean round the tree. Something’s excited Sunshine. No idea what because he’s wandered out of sight. A screech, not of Sunshine’s making, pierces our ears. I want to call out to him, but Geordie places a finger against his lips, un-slots his sabre, then motions at me to follow.

We try to move quietly over to where the screeching is coming from but dry twigs keep snapping under our feet.

“Shade no. You’re being impolite,” shouts a boy, wearing a grey hooded cloak, as he tugs at a skeletal which snaps at Sunshine.

Noticing I’m here Sunshine retreats behind me. I give him a reassuring pat knowing he hates confrontation just as much as me.

Geordie spurts forward with his sabre directed at the boy who’s littler than me.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.

Chunk crashes through the tops of trees, showering us with splinters. The large griffon smacks down on the skeletal, tearing into its film of flesh.

“Please call him off.” The boy shoves through Geordie's sabre with his bare hand then thumps Geordie in the gut to get to his skeletal. “Get off!” He pulls Chunk’s tail which only results in Chunk pressing a talon into Shade’s neck. “Stop please!”

From the outset the boy was trying to stop his skeletal going for Sunshine. My hand twitches onto my sabre. “Get Chunk away from that skeletal,” I muster to Sunshine then rush at the boy, push him away from Geordie’s blade. Manage to get a tear in my sleeve.

“Idiot!” yells Geordie.

“Call Chunk off.”

“He’s a Thunder.”

“You’re Cloudys. Don’t kill me.”

“Too right I will.” Geordie bombs after the boy.

I give Chunk a push, trying to stop him from pecking out Sunshine’s eyes, and squishing Shade’s windpipe. The skeletal’s shriek hurts my ears. Hurts everyone’s ears. Sunshine backs off while Chunk roars; attempting to drown out the noise. Seen as those three are in confusion, more than killing mode, I run over to the boy. Geordie’s got his sword tickling his throat. They're in a grid lock staring competition. Geordie could swing to kill at any moment. One wrong movement from the boy and he’ll be dead.

“Stop being silly.” I pull the boy a relatively safe distance from Geordie’s sabre.

“What you playing at?”

“He’s littler than me so is no threat to you meaning you’re being a silly waving your sword around.” To prove my point, I brush the boy’s hood down. He stares into space with gritted teeth. “You’ve put the fear of hell into him.” I smile at the boy. “Don’t worry we won’t hurt you.”

“We’re supposed to attack Thunders. That creature of his went straight for Sunshine.”

“I tried to stop him but he doesn’t know any different,” murmurs the boy. “And I’m not a Thunder. You should ask before you assume and attack.”

“You’re with Shade and wear a grey cloak.” Geordie twirls his sabre. “How in any way are you not a Thunder?”

“General Midnight experimented on me.” The boy’s eyes grow red, like he’s trying his best to keep from crying. “Shade helped me get away. I could only get hold of a grey cloak. Kill me if you want it’d be better than having Midnight find me.”

“Rein it in Chunk.” Geordie grunts. “Not sure if I trust that story. What you doing on the outskirts of Cloud High?”

“I didn’t know I was until you told me.”

“Where did you think you were?”

The boy pouts. “Do I look like I know where I am?”

“I suppose not,” a little trust trickles into Geordie’s tone, he’s gearing up to show off his generous streak. “Why’d Midnight want to experiment on ya? Does she reckon you’re lucky or summat?”

“I don't know. I can't remember. I've always been at The Plaza.”

“Meaning you are a Thunder.”

The boy glowers at Geordie. “No, I told you already.”

I rub the boy’s shoulder. He’s doing well holding it together. “Do you have a name?”


Scree. Scree. Scree.

I hold Don close as Geordie stares into the sky, scanning for skeletals. They sound real close.

Scree scree scree.

“Are they the Thunders who are chasing you?” I ask.

“Obviously you airhead.” Geordie holds his sabre ready for action. “Get rid of his grey cloak.”

“Why?” Without waiting for an answer, I replace Don’s cloak with mine.

Scree. Scree. Scree.

“You’re no Thunder, right?” Geordie gives Don a poke seen as he’s buried his head against my arm. “Right?”

“Right,” I answer for him. “Look at him. He’s scared of them. Besides blue suits him way more than grey. Yeah this shade is your colour.”

“Really you’re thinking about fashion at a time like this? Let’s get gone.”

“Don too?”

“Yeah if he turns out to be trouble you can take the blame.”

“Do you mean I’m responsible for him?”


“Super. I’ve never been responsible for anyone before.” I help Don to his feet.

Scree. Scree. Scree.

Geordie runs deeper into the woods.

I give Don’s arm a tug to get him moving. “You’re coming with me.”

“Chunk, no flying or you’ll give away our location,” instructs Geordie trying his best to sound firm.

Chunk makes a grumbling noise on lowering his wings. He’d have had a job taking off in these trees. I guess Chunk’s good at crashing through obstacles.

As we flee from the screeing I notice Don’s without shoes. Ouch must hurt stepping through rotting away foliage. “Can you slow down a bit?”

“I can if you want us to be tortured by Thunders. Shut up and keep up.”

“I don’t think Don can. His feet are bare.”

“Then leave him behind.”

Don snatches his arm from me. Grabs my sabre from the sheath. Before I can stop him he runs at Geordie, gives him a thwack to the head with the flat of the blade. “No being nasty to Corey; he’s nice.”

Must have been a heavy blow because Geordie falls over and doesn’t get back up.

“What? You can’t keep up then we’ll have to leave you behind.” Don steps over Geordie, takes a few more steps then waits for me to follow.

“Don!” I give Geordie’s shoulder a shake. “That wasn’t very kind was it?”

“He was causing problems.”

We have an even bigger problem now. Chunk’s seen red. Roars his head off while clawing at the ground readying to charge. He charges but not where I expected. Instead of laying into Don, he takes Geordie in his talons. Leaps then crashes through the tops of trees.

Not happening. Not happening. Not happening.

Don stares at me. “Did I do a bad thing?”

Right calm down me. This is no time to get hysterical. I gaze up at Chunk he’s almost out of sight.

Scree. Scree. Screeeee.

I have no idea what to do. Sunshine’s jumping up and down in excitement. Don’s leaning into Shade traumatised, while I stand staring clueless. I want to run around like a crazy person screaming for help. Those Thunders sound much closer. Too close.

An arm drops from the sky. Almost lands on my head. Shrieking I jump sideways.

The top most branches snap several meters away from where we’re stood. Something or someone is falling from the sky. There’s screams and wails then more snapping branches followed by silence.

My heart grows tight like someone’s wound guitar strings round it. Geordie could be hurt. I run.

My heart won’t move. Dismembered body parts litter the woodland floor. Pieces of skeletal are stuck in shrubs. Thunders’ torsos and limbs mixed up in sticky messes. Amongst the carnage Chunk’s tearing up a piece of skeletal as though it’s merely the ground.

“Geordie!” I wail as I put a hand over my nose and mouth as though that will stop me from retching.

I need to leave here. I back up ready to dart. Sunshine’s behind me cowering to the ground. Time to run. No. Suck it up. Geordie could be in pieces. If he is I need to find them. I move my hand from my mouth. Breathe in deep. Step forwards.

“Chunk, where’s Geordie?”

Tear. Tear. Tear.

The griffon ignores me too busy ripping up skeletal.

I step round the carnage. Eyes wide open searching. Ew, ew, ew. Pretty blonds like me should not be exposed to these types of horrors let alone work with them. There’s a body coated in blood but from what I can make out is still intact.

“Mmmm.” I kneel beside the body. A body which deffo belongs to Geordie. The strings snap as my heart explodes. Unable to speak I poke my friend’s body. He’s like totes covered in blood. I can’t tell if he’s breathing.

Geordie’s bright blue eyes flash open making me scream. “Calm down drama queen.”

“You’re bleeding,” I wail.

Geordie sits himself up. “It’s not my blood.”

Despite running high risk of being smudged by blood I grab hold of Geordie. “For a moment I thought you were a corpse!”

“Chunk has made a mess. Went mental up there. Sure hates Thunders.” Geordie glares at his griffon. “That’s disgusting. Quit it. You’ve killed them already.”

Chunk rocks onto his haunches. I swear down he’s smirking. My own griffon is terrified, crouching in the shrubs, trying to hide himself. I cling to Geordie. Sooo much blood and stringy sinew. “Let’s get out of here.”

“Calm down they’re dead. Can’t hurt you whereas I can if you don’t hurry up and get off me.”

I remain clinging as Shade streaks past us making awful screeching noises at the sight of dismembered skeletals.

“I did a bad thing.” Don stares at all this from behind a tree. “Sorry I hit you.” Don turns from the bloody mess to hide behind his tree.

“You better be you little weasel.” Geordie flicks me on the side of the head before shoving me away. “I warned you about him.”

“He’s harmless.”

“Harmless. He knocked me cold.”

“Only because you were being nasty to Corey. You’re still being nasty.” Don throws a pebble at Geordie from the cover of his tree. “And I’m still doing bad things.” Don shows Geordie his middle finger as he comes to sit with me, real close. “Can I stay with you?”

I wind an arm round him. “How would you like to join Cloud High?”

“Be a Cloudy?” Don smiles at my blue shirt. “I’d like that.”

“Hold up. He’s part Thunder for sure. He also happens to be the dullest person I ever saw. Look how pasty he is.”

Whatever was making Don run around as a wild child drops as he bursts into tears. He’s a little kid who’s lived through a lot. If I were him I’d have folded sooner.

“You have fab people skills Mister Henley.”

Geordie stares in astonishment at Don’s sudden outburst while speaking to me. “Cloud High is a training camp not somewhere you invite strangers to join as though it were a cool edgy boarding school. I don’t even think you’ve grasped your own situation yet.”

“Where else is he going to go? I can’t let Thunders experiment on him even if he was born as one of them.”

Geordie pulls Don away from me. Grips at his shoulders. “Cloud High is training camp. They train you to fight Thunders. If you start going grey they’ll cast you out but if you stay healthy you’ll be stuck in the system. Get me?”

Don nods.

“Are you still up for it?”

Sniffing Don nods again. His tears have almost disappeared. That was a quick outburst. Not like mine. Mine linger until my emotions have dried up. Even a little kid has more self-control than me. How embarrassing. I wasn’t making too big a fuss about these body parts, was I? Geordie’s generosity never fails to surprise me he’s like helping Don up.

“So how old are ya?”


“That’s first year age; sorted.” Geordie pushes Don into me. “Look after Corey yeah, he gets hysterical.”

We must have strayed into Danny and Charlie’s patrol area because the two of them come riding over to us on their griffons. They look sort of serious up until they get closer then are more sickened. Chunk chewing on someone’s eyeball isn’t helping.

“What have you two got yourselves into this time?” chides Charlie while Hotaru tosses his head in disgust.

“You’re covered in blood mate,” says Danny.

“You think?” I'm guessing Geordie’s trying to sound extra rude on purpose because Danny chose to pair up with Charlie for the patrol.

“Don’t worry it’s someone else’s.” I jump in in my most cheery tone. “Chunk got a little over-enthusiastic.”

Charlie stares all round him. “A little, it looks like there’s been a chaotic battle.”

“There were only two Thunders.” Geordie yawns then strides off the way we came with Don scurrying after him. I stand swaying on the spot a moment.

“Al, are you alright?” asks Danny.

“Sure, I was thinking. No matter where he goes or what he does everyone ends up wanting to be on Team Geordie. Some people must be born popular hey.”

“Born bolshie,” says Charlie.

“You two need to spend some quality time together then you might see what I see. Shall I set you up on a play date?” I laugh as I run to catch up with Geordie. When I reach him I hang back slightly seen as Don’s besotted with him. I’m forgotten. Not that I mind especially when Sunshine sticks to my side seeking reassurance.

We abandon our patrol to take Don to Cloud High. He’s a month early but better early than late. I knock on Master Hugo’s shed door. Seen as we’re supposed to be patrolling he’s got a free period. I wonder what he does with his free time. I’m guessing he sits round sprucing up swords.

“What the…” musters Master Hugo when he finally answers the door. He has eyes only for Geordie’s blood stained state for the briefest moment, and I’m almost sure he let a hint of concern flash into his gaze. Sounds his usual un-enthusiastic self though. “You’re early. Should be patrolling for another hour yet. What are your excuses then?”

“Thunders were chasing this kid.” Geordie shoves Don into Master Hugo’s line of sight. “Corey thought he’d make a good recruit.”

“Too bad you lads aren’t in recruitment. I sent you to get used to your patrol areas not to pick up strays.”

“We can get back to our patrol when we’ve sorted out Don,” I say.

“You can get back to your patrol now.”

“And do what with Don? He’s in no fit state to join us.”

“He’s in no fit state to do anything. You can either leave him where you found him or ask at reception if they can arrange for him to get to Lundune.”

“Lundune could work,” muses Geordie.

“No Lundune’s horrid. Most of it's falling to pieces.”

“Don’t look at me like that Corey West. They won’t want him here. He’s sickly looking.”

“Only because Thunders were keeping him captive. He’s not contagious. If he stayed here a couple of weeks I’m sure he’d look much brighter then he’d be ready for the start of the new year here.”

“Hermm.” Master Hugo shakes his head at me. “You always have to cause me problems. I suppose you make a fair point. Give him to the newest recruitment members. He’ll be good practice for them.”

I pull Don behind me. “You mean Max. No way am I handing him over to that bully.”

“Calm down. Max is recruitment meaning making sure prospective new recruits are fit for Cloud High is part of his job.”

“Don’s not an experiment for a bully to practice his role on. I can look after him easy until the new year starts.”

“Recruiting isn’t your job. You’re a field agent.”

“I won’t go with a bully,” shouts Don. Gets hold of my sabre all over again and jabs at the air directly in front of Master Hugo’s face. “I can look after myself, but it’d be nice to have a room to stay in. Learning to use one of these properly would be neat. I think I’d be better at slicing through things than Geordie.”

“Cheeky gimp.”

Don holds up his cut hand. “You didn’t even chop off my hand when you had a perfect opportunity. Chunk’s the scary one.”

Master Hugo snickers. “Like the sword, do you?”

“Yep yep. Does liking the sword mean I can stay?”

“Ur-huh. You’ll still have to plead your case to recruitment in a month’s time. Come with me and we’ll see if reception can squeeze you in anywhere. You two combat practise. There’s no point in going back to your patrol this late on.”

Combat practise ot-oh. I wish I could have a go at Geordie with my switchblades. Before we get started I watch Don going along with Master Hugo. He’s gotta certain confidence about him. Never looks back at us, is too busy pounding questions into Master Hugo.

“Al sabre. Come on.”


“You need all the practise you can get. I know you can improve.”

“How do you know?”

Geordie waves a hand in front of my eyes distracting me from watching after Don. “If that kid can talk the talk after being traumatised there’s lots and lots of hope for you.”

False hope. The sabre really does nothing for me. Ready to get kicked to the floor I fetch a couple of practise swords from within the shed.