My Niche

We sit on our griffons at the edge of those rocks which lead to Watch Post. Zel wants us to have a race to see who the best flier is. I’ve practised way more than any of the others know. Don’t show my full potential in class because we haven’t covered half of what me and Sunshine have been up to. Figure I might get in trouble ‘cause Zel doesn’t like us doing anything too complex without supervision.

Sunshine is raring to go. Jumps around while Chunk snaps at him. Honey couldn’t care less about a race. Hotaru keeps tossing back his head.

“Corey, get control of Sunshine,” instructs Zel.

“I do have control. He’s excited aren’t you?” I give his neck a friendly pat.

Zel gives a sigh. “Whatever you say.” She doesn’t believe I have control for a second. “I want you to fly once round Watch Post and back. This race is of upmost importance. I need to see how much you’ve all progressed, so we can start on formation when flying after Thunders. Of course I’ll be taking your combat skills into consideration; will be having words with Master Hugo.”

“We’ve got this in the bag hey Chunk.”

I tilt my head to the side. “You two do have the most muscle.”

“Yeah power. Try not to lag too far behind.” Geordie sounds way serious. Must reckon we’ll finish last. I have must be good at something. Geordie attacks. Danny defends. Charlie plans. I need my niche.

“Let’s have loads of fun Sunshine.”

Sunshine purrs.

The others stare at me as though I’m some playful fool. Well I am but with the fun want to have a shot at winning this race.

“On the count of three fly. A nice clean race please.” Zel looks from Charlie to Geordie. “One.”

I get Sunshine to back up knowing he likes taking off at a run.


Bounce. Bounce. Bounce.


Chunk throws himself into flight without needing a run up. He’s sooo strong. My main competition. Sunshine runs then springs. We’re currently at the back. I don’t mind. Enjoy the view for a second.

“Catch up with Chunk,” I half whisper which has Sunshine pick up the pace. We soar past Honey then right by Hotaru until we’re on Chunk’s tail. “Not full throttle yet.”

“You won’t catch me, Charlie boy.”

True. I give Geordie a couple of seconds to revel thinking he’s got this race won. “Let’s win this thing.” I do have a competitive streak. Yay. Sunshine spirals a few meters up. We go into a sharp dive, landing in front of Chunk.

“Hey!” shouts Geordie in surprise.

Giggling I span out my arms as we round a bend, going around the plateau, lean in the direction Sunshine flies, still with my arms spanned out. This is the best way to fly. Geordie and Chunk attempt to catch us up but are busy contending with Charlie and Hotaru from over taking.

There’s Zel waiting at the top of the hill for us. Race over. I drop my arms then hold onto Sunshine’s feathers as he twirls upwards. Showing off he does a three hundred and sixty turn so I’m upside down for the quickest time then he dives to the ground.

“Well done you were fabulous.” I jump to the floor as Chunk touches down with his usual thud. Closely followed by a put out Hotaru and real casual Honey.

Geordie’s giving me his signature smirk. “Flying’s your thing.”

“Small means fast.” I wink. “You came a respectable second.”

Purr purr purr.

Geordie practically jumps on me. “You really do practise hard with your flying.”

“Yeah how you do aerial tricks is awesome.” Danny gives me a punch to the shoulder.

Think I found my niche.

On making our way to Clover’s class I figure I best let them in on what Cain told me about clouds. “The blue sky is nothing to be afraid of.”

“You what?”

“I’ve been flying above the clouds and saw no Thunders.”

“Are you crazy?” Geordie’s arm slips from around my shoulders to shove them.

“Cain doesn’t think so. I told him yesterday and he said the masters scaremonger us into keeping to the clouds. They want us to get used to the grey clouds where danger actually is. Skeletals hate direct sunlight.”

“I don’t believe the masters would mislead us like that,” says Charlie.

“How can flying in blue sky lead to trouble?” I give my hair a flick. “Look how healthy the sun makes me.”

“I’m not disputing direct sunlight is bad for you. I’m saying it’s dangerous out in the open.”

“So what if it is? Surely being healthy is more vital than living scared of meeting a Thunder.” I turn to Danny. “I bet if you got twenty minutes of sun light a day you’d avoid ever developing the affliction. Wouldn’t have to live in fear anymore.”

“Back up Al. What are you getting at?” asks Charlie.

“Plants, trees, they need sunlight, but are lacking it that’s why they grow hollow. Could be the same with people.”

Geordie gives me another shove. “I told you not to trust anyone except us. Cain’s putting ideas in your ditzy head.”

I make my eyes go wide in my ditzy head and giggle. “Silly Al listening to Cain telling me to question everything the masters tell me. Silly Geordie listening to Clover telling you to fly in the Cloud Barrier or else you’ll be sighted by nasty Thunders.”

Sunshine rests his head atop my shoulder and purrs as though to back me up.

Geordie stares at me confused. “Do you play it cute or have you no idea what you just said?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Winking I mount Sunshine. Give Geordie a playful salute, making the other two laugh, as I take to the sky. Yay Danny follows me.

“You two are being bloody irresponsible.”

“At least they agree on something.” Danny nods his head at a fidgety Charlie. I think we may have been low enough for Geordie to hear that comment because he ends up rolling his eyes at us then jumps on Chunk.

“A field agent is meant to fly, get your ass up here,” Geordie shouts to a hesitant Charlie.

I break through the barrier. Warm sunlight greets my face. I look behind me as Danny joins me in real sky. He shields his eyes with his hand to get used to the bright glare. Think he might have only dared venture into blue skies once before. Chunk blasts above us taking Geordie to new heights. Charlie's in a shocked daze as drifts about blueness for the first time ever. I stick with Danny, keeping pace with Honey.

"I'm almost sure sunlight will save your soul."

"My soul?"

"Keep you from developing the affliction. Once trainees get griffons and start flying in sunlight none of them have ever gone grey. Meaning you've no need to be afraid anymore."

Danny runs his hand through black hair which is taking on a sheen already. "Opportunity," smiles Danny as Honey speeds up to gain more height. Sounds like I'm not the only one who has been getting pep talks from Master Hugo. I hover further below watching Danny take hold of his sabre which he practises curving round in the air as he makes to catch up with Geordie.