The Masquerade Ball 2

Clara entered her room and found Iliana trying to get into the gown by herself.

"Iliana, do you need help?"


"Fine, there and there....yes, it is done. Now your hair is next."

"I can do that by myself Clara, focus on yourself for once."

"Fine, fine." Clara said raising her both hands in defeat. She showered and changed into her gown as well. By this time, Iliana was through with her hair and was wearing the necklace that came alongside her dress. She slipped into her shoes and sat down at the dressing table. Applying a red lipstick and some mascara she stood up and turned back as Clara gasped at the sight of her.

"Oh my God! Iliana!, you look like a nightmare dressed like a daydream. The dress really does look like it was made specially for you..."

"Thanks Clara, you look beautiful as well." Iliana said looking at Clara's dress. Clara looked down at the dresser and applied her favorite lip gloss.

Facing Iliana, she said, "I need to go check on something."

After saying this, Clara walked swiftly down the long hallway and into the helpers' quarters. Entering, she saw that every single person was asleep. Satisfied with the sight, she turned to leave.

Suddenly, she remembered the guards that usually trailed Iliana around. Sighing, she picked up her phone.

"Yes, my love" A smooth voice said from the phone.

"You need to stop calling me that. Anyways, I need your help."

"At your service my queen. What do you want?"

"I need you to send someone to the Roberts Mansion, right now. There are some men outside a building waiting to attack me."

"Fine, fine. I will."

Five minutes later, her phone rang and she picked the call expectantly.

"It is done but you owe me. Note that the men will be unconscious for three hours."


With that the line went dead. Three hours had passed since Melina and her parents left. Taking note of this, she walked swiftly into the room and facing Iliana, she said,

"Now let's get going."

"Umm, Clara, you never actually told me where we were going."

"We are going to the ball my dear Iliana."

"But won't we need an invitation card?"

"Don't worry, I have us covered." Clara said flashing two golden cards with her in front of Iliana.

"But how did you get those?"

"That isn't necessary now. Let's go."

Iliana however didn't budge. "Ok, ok. I got them from a friend who owed me a favor. Can we go now?"

"Yes" Iliana said while scrutinizing her face.

Clara checked the time and saw that it was 9:05pm already. Once they got outside, Clara saw that the SUV she hired to pick them was there already. Grabbing Iliana's hand, she helped her get in first before following suit.

"Do you still remember the address I sent you Victor?"

"Yes ma'am. We may leave now."

It was a dark night but the darkness of the night was beautiful. The stars glowed more brightly in the sky and the evening wind soothed her bare shoulders. Running her hands over the fabric of the red dress, she said, " Thank you very much for this Clara. It means alot to me."

"Oh, it is fine Iliana." Clara said giving her a hug.

"But Clara what about the men that follow me?"

"I have taken care of them. Iliana, it is your birthday, just enjoy it and stop worrying so much. Okay?" Clara said while holding her hand.

"Thank you Clara but I can't just help but feel scared that something will go wrong."

"Nothing will go wrong Iliana, nothing will okay?"


Thirty minutes later, they arrived at the ball. The ball was held at the Harrison Heritage Hotel. Victor stopped the car and turning back, he asked,

"When should I come back ma'am?"

"Come back in two hours thirty minutes. Okay?"

"Yes ma'am."

They had their masks on immediately they stepped out of the house for safety purposes.

Walking closer towards the hotel, they saw reporters crowded at the entrance of the hotel.


Two hours earlier,

The Williams family arrived at the ball. Two servants rushed outside as they helped Melina to get out of the Limousine. Mark stepped out next when a servant opened the door and he helped his wife out himself. All the reporters at the red carpet greedily turned towards them in order to capture the best photo of the glamorous looking family to get a reward from their various companies.

Reporter 1: "Oh my God! Isn't that the thirty million USD dress that was trending few days ago?"

Reporter 2: "Yes!yes! You are right! Even if I sell everything I have I can never afford that dress. It is so beautiful."

Reporter 3: "Foolish woman, instead of you to think about how we will get the best shots, you are here thinking of how to buy a dress that even your entire family altogether is not worth."

Reporter 2: "Do not insult me because you can't afford it as well. I pity the woman who married you."

While the second and third reporter were arguing, the first had already quickly set up his equipments and followed the other reporters as they rushed towards the people heading towards them.

"Good evening Mr Roberts, Mrs Roberts and Young goddess Melina. We are very glad to see you here."

A reporter said as they all smiled.

"Young goddess Melina, how is your acting career going?"

"It is very fine. A movie I featured in will be released soon. I hope you all will give me your support."

"Of course we will. Young goddess Melina, your dress is extremely gorgeous. Are you expecting to impress anyone tonight?" Another reporter spoke up.

" Young mistress Melina, as all other ladies here, do you also have your eyes on the Harrison heir?"

"Good evening Mr Williams. Please what are your motives for attending this ball?"

The reporters kept on asking questions, as the Williams family's bodyguards blocked them away as they entered the venue after handing their invites in.


A reporter facing a camera outside was speaking.

" Seeing as it is two hours after the ball officially began, all guests have arrived already and we will......." The reporter trailed off upon sighting two feminine beauties walking towards him.

Quickly moving towards them before the others noticed, he started.

"Good evening young ladies. May I know your names?"

" We'd tell you but we do not like to be labelled." Iliana said while smiling as the reporter gave an awkward laughter in reply.

By now the other reporters who were distracted as well had already noticed the two beautiful damsels as they stepped closer.

"Can we know who designed your dresses?"

" He is a new designer and he isn't very famous." Clara said.

"Oh really, but your dresses are so beautiful, I can tell that they aren't made by an amateur" Another reporter replied.

"So do you also have eyes for the Harrisons' family heir tonight?"

"Umm, sorry who is that?" Iliana replied. While laughing, the reporter thought that she was joking and continued,

"So what are your plans for tonight?"

"We plan on having fun"

Clara said while the a female reporter gave her a quizzical look.

"Looking at your unknown faces, are you some nobodies planning on seducing the heir of the Harrison family as well?" Another female reporter said while eyeing them.

"Or did you come here to steal from the prominent guests here?"

"We'll be leaving now." Clara announced.

"Hey, wai......" The reporter trailed off as Clara threw her a look that sent chills down her spine.

They both walked gracefully and at the door, a banner saying, "Welcome To The Harrison Heritage Hotel"

Grabbing Iliana's hand, Clara whispered, "It is time to go ball-crashing" and they stepped into the grand building after giving the guard outside the door their invitation cards.