The Masquerade Ball

I walked out of Mark's room and down the passage. On my way back, the guards around were looking at me with awe as usual. Ignoring them, I walked further down into the passage until I got to my room. Sitting on a chair, close to the window, I looked out at the dark skies. The wind blew gently across my face. Closing my eyes, I allowed memories of my past flash through my head.

The feelings burning deep within me were too much to bear and I just could not hold it in any longer. A sharp pain from my eyes spread throughout my head and I knew I was about to get a migraine. A tear drop rolled down my face as I remembered my master and how he tried his best to protect me.

"I can't believe I failed my mission. How did this happen? How?! How did I end up at the mercy of a man?"

" man! He even had the guts to touch my hair. How he!? How dare......" Unable to complete my statement, I dropped my face into my hands.

"And he even had the guts to say I was not worthy of him! Who wants to be worthy of him? Who does he even think he is?"

"Clara, what happened to you?"

"I failed my mission Iliana. How could I? How.. and he... that man, he was so full of himself, giving commands to everyone, hmmph, who does he think he is?"

"Wait, but you came back with the briefcase, so how did you fail the mission?"

"I will tell you about it later. How about the cafe, aren't you supposed to be there now?"

"I can't go. I have to help Melina prepare everything she needs for the ball in the evening. She is with the masseuse now and very soon my attention will be needed. I came because I heard that you were back."

"Fine, go now so you won't get into trouble."

"Yes Clara. Take care of yourself and please be fine till I get back. You have to tell me about the 'man' " Iliana said winking at her.

"Common Iliana!" I groaned as she left.


"Mother, have you ordered my dress for the ball?" Melina asked her mother while the masseuse worked her hands on her back.

"Do not worry about your dress my dear daughter. Your father has prepared everything. The dress is from a famous designer overseas. I am sure you will be the shining light at the ball and even the Harrisons' heir's eyes will be blinded with your beauty."

"But if he is blind how will I marry him mother?" Lina said with a smirk on her face as she stood up with a white towel wrapped around her.

"Don't be silly."

"Miss, you are going to have to be soaked in milk for one hour to make your skin glow. It is 3:15pm already and the ball starts at 6:00pm." One of the aestheticians said.

"Just do what you have to do. I must be the prettiest at the ball tonight." Melina said with a bored look on her face.

Forcing a smile, the aesthetician who spoke prepared the bath.

"It is time, you can come in."

An hour later....

"Mother, my nails aren't done yet."

"Don't worry, the nail technician will be here soon. Oh, here she is."

"Hello, I am here for home service for one young mistress Melina."

"Do not hello anyone and get down here stupid girl! The ball starts in one hour forty five minutes and because of your foolishness I will be late. I don't know why third class people are always so foolish and lackadaisical. Didn't your mother teach you anything?"

"Sorry ma'am" The girl said looking down with tears in her eyes. Iliana who was there witnessing everything felt sorry for the girl and gave her a reassuring smile. The girl stood up and started treating Melina's nails.

Thirty minutes later, Melina's nails were done and her dress had arrived.

"Wow! Mother! Mother! Isn't this the thirty million USD handmade dress created by Antonio Antonia that everyone was talking about on the internet two days ago?"

"Well, I told you that your father never fails."

"Of course mother!"

"I am very sure no one would be able to compete with me. Very soon, every girl in Country M will be wishing to be like me." Melina said confidently.

Iliana who was still standing by the side looked down sadly as she remembered when her mother and father used to get her new dresses. She looked down at Melina's dress with a sad smile on her face. The dress was extremely elegant. It was a navy blue dress but as the dress flowed downwards, the dress had a lighter shade of blue creating an ombre effect.

The dress came with an extravagant mask, adorned with diamonds along the edges.

The shoes that came with the dress were made by the same designer as well. It was silver and was delicately decorated with beautiful precious stones.

"Don't just stand there, come and help me with my dress. As you can see the spa attendants are all gone."

"Yes mistress." Iliana said as she lifted the dress gently.

"Don't you touch it with your filthy hands! Do you know how much it costs? Mother will help me instead, get out!"

"Yes young mistress"

"Mother, when will the make-up artist be here?"

"She'll be here in fifteen minutes and she will only take an hour so that we will not be too late for the ball. Don't worry yourself about all this petty things. You are the young mistress of the Roberts family, you deserve to be pampered my dear."

"Yes I know mother. I just can't help but worry."

"Calm down okay? Everything will be fine. Now give me a dazzling smile."

Her mother said while Melina smiled sheepishly.

"Hmm, someone's thinking about a Harrison heir."

"Stop it mother." Melina said while looking down at her hands.


Dejected, Iliana left the room and went back into Clara's room. However, she didn't see her there and she wondered where she could have gone to.

She closed her eyes as tears flowed out of her eyes while she laid on the bed.

"Father, mother, do you remember what today's date is?" With a gentle laugh she continued, " It is my nineteenth birthday yet I feel so unloved, stupid and with no sense of direction. Why did you leave me mother? Why?"

Closing her eyes, she let herself drown in her pain when she heard her name being called by Melina. She rushed out of the room to meet them at the entrance of the mansion.

"We are leaving now, as you can see it is 6:00pm already. Clean the house and finish the chores you couldn't do this morning. Don't forget to arrange my room as well and do my laundry."

"Yes ma'am" she replied as she watched them get into a Limousine with the Roberts family name on its plate number.

Having nothing else to do, Iliana walked into the mansion and started doing her chores. She went into the hall and grabbing her cleaning equipments, she started scrubbing the floors.

When she saw done, she moved to Melina's room and did her laundry. Two hours had passed already by the time she she finished everything and there was still no sight of Clara. Sighing, she walked back into Clara's room and opening a drawer, she picked up a photo frame and hugged it while closing her eyes.

"Iliana! Iliana! Where are you?"

Stepping out into the entrance of the room, she saw Clara dressed in her usual attire of a black leather jacket, black jeans and ankle length black boots.

"Happy birthday to you my dear Iliana. I wish you all the happiness in this entire world for all the days of your life."

"You remembered?" Iliana asked with a surprised look on her face.

"Of course I did. How could I forget such a beautiful day, the day my darling Lia came into the world."

Giving her a hug, Iliana replied, "thank you so much Clara, you have no idea how much this means to me."

"Of course I do silly" Clara said pinching her nose.

"Iliana come with me" Clara said dragging her into the room.

When they got inside, Iliana noticed the shopping bag in Clara's hand and curious about what was inside she asked.

"Well,well,well, that is the main purpose for asking you to come into my room in the first place. Close your eyes now."

"Uhn? Why?"

"No questions,just do it."


Bringing out the contents of the bag, she said, "You can open your eyes now."

"Oh my God! Oh my God! This is......" Iliana gasped in amazement. Clara was holding the most beautiful dress she had ever seen in front of her.

The dress was red in colour. It had golden flowery designs spreading downwards from the bust area and stopping at the waist. The waist downwards was very full and golden flowery designs sprawled upwards from the tip of the gown. The dress' material was embroidered with sequins creating a wire effect on the dress. The dress came with a mask in red color as well with golden embroidery on it and a rope at both ends.

"Clara, whose dress is this?"

"Of course it is yours silly girl."

"Ahhhhh!!! Are you serious? How did you get it? Hope you didn't threaten someone to......"

"Oh, come on Iliana, I made a friend on one of my previous missions. He is a very good designer and his dresses are not for sale to anyone yet. He gave them to me for free, even though I did have to threaten to kidnap his cute cat." Clara said while giggling.

"He sounds so feminine." Iliana said while laughing as well.

"I am so glad that you are smiling now. So you see, I got a dress for myself as well." Clara's dress was a White Chinese style Cheongsam with a flower on the chest area. It came with a cape that had lemon green material around the neck down to the shoulder. The dress came with a white mask with lemon green coloured embroidery patterns on it.

"Iliana, I want you to take a shower now and change into this dress. I need to settle something."

Without waiting for her to reply, Clara walked out of the room and towards the helper's quarters.

Bringing out a little bottle containing a powdered substance, she looked around and saw that no one was in the helpers' kitchen. She saw the food the helpers had prepared for their dinner and carefully, she poured the substance into the food and stirred it.

Walking back into the main kitchen, she grabbed a plate of food and walked back to the helpers kitchen.

Grabbing a plate and a spoon, she clinked them together summoning all the helpers. In a straight line they all filed out into the kitchen.

"Yes Miss Clara, you called us." The eldest of them all said.

"As you all know, my mission was successful today. So I have decided to have my dinner with you all. Is everyone here?" She asked with a smile.

"Thank you very much for this privilege. Everyone is here. Arjun, come and serve everyone." The head helper said.

Everyone was served and they all sat around the tables to eat their food while Clara ate the one she had brought.

"Miss Clara is so humble. I wish to be like her in the future." One of the girls sitting on the floor whispered to her mother.

"Keep shut, she kills people and you want to be like her?." The mother of the girl cautioned her in a hushed voice though Clara still heard her clearly.

"Sorry mother." The girl replied and continued eating.

Soon everyone finished their meals and went in to sleep and Clara left. Satisfied that her plan was successful, she went back to her room.