I pushed off the sneakers from my feet and climbed the incredibly soft bed of the hotel room I was staying in. Hotel Maze, with blinding white marble adorning every inch of its floor and furry wallpaper on every wall, took my breath away with its beauty the moment I had entered.
I checked my phone, there were 11 missed calls. Five from dad and six from mom. Gosh! They were so impatient. I called mom. She picked up after just one ring.
"Honey, are you okay?" She sounded worried and I immediately felt guilty.
"I'm alright mom. I got here fit and fine, no need to worry." I assured her. I'd never been out of town and it was obvious that she'd worry.
"Where are you right now?"
"I'm checked in a pretty nice hotel near the airport," I informed her, clenching my eyes because I knew I was going to be scolded now.
"Jane Lewis, don't you dare do that to me again!" She was angry, which was not unexpected at all. "Your father would like to talk to you." I winced. This was unexpected. I didn't want dad to scold me too.
"Baby girl, you scared me." His voice was soft with a hint of fear. "I thought I lost you." He whispered as if his throat was unwilling to voice those words.
"Dad, never think that. I'm never letting you down." I told him with conviction. I meant it. I could feel him, almost hear him smile in relief.
"I know." He said. "Here, talk to your mom. She's positively and highly agitated." He was poking fun at mom that meant his mood was good now. I chuckled a little at his words.
"Honey, now tell me about the hotel you're staying in." She was curious. I was in a safe zone. Sighing in relief, I thought of the perfect way to describe the hotel and smiled when I found one.
"It's just like the Sunday pancakes gran makes," I told her, anticipating some strong reaction. Which I got. But it was negative rather than positive.
"Jane, you know we can't afford such a hotel. It's luxurious and must be expensive too."
"Mom, that's the catch. It's luxurious but very cheap. I only have to pay $10 per day as rent." She gasped. I had reacted the same way when the receptionist had told me this.
"How is that possible?" She asked, clearly shocked. "There must be something wrong with the hotel then."
"No mom, nothing's wrong with the hotel. It's perfect. I'll send you the picture of the room I'm staying in. It's beautiful and full of items of luxury. There's a mini-fridge stocked with flavored water and soft drinks from various brands. I've got access to Netflix and that too free, I mean with no extra charge." I heard her gasp again. "The mattress is soft as clouds. It feels so good just sitting on it so imagine how divine it'll feel if I lie down, which I'm going to do right about now." I said, teasing her.
"Alright, fine." She said, grudgingly. "Enough with the description. You're seriously making me jealous now."
I laughed. "I'll call you tomorrow mom. I gotta sleep. This trip was surprisingly exhausting." It was.
"That's because you don't travel much." She stated. 'And to whom does the credit go?' I retorted, silently. Immediately feeling guilty. "I'll let you sleep now. Good night, your grandpa and dad are wishing too."
"Good night to all of you, my sweet sweet old people," I said, laughing.
"Love you, honey." Mom and dad said together. "We're most certainly younger than you, Miss Jane," Grandpa shouted in the background, making me laugh again.
"Bye-bye," I said and hung up. Lying back on the bed, I took in the view of the room. Its beauty could almost accurately be described as hypnotic. It held me enraptured, fascinated. Being from a medium class household, I had never actually gotten the chance to experience such luxury but this time was different and I decided that I liked ‘different’. I closed my eyes and drifted off.
This music was catchy. Gotta do my hair, put my high heels on... I couldn't remember the name of this song. It was on the tip of my tongue. Wait! Why did it stop? I opened my eyes. I was in my hotel room. I sighed, it was a dream. I checked my phone. It was eight in the morning.
I realized the catchy music had been my alarm going off. Gosh! I was going to have to put an annoying song for it, good songs just didn't wake me up.
My interview was tomorrow so I decided to prepare for it just to pass the time. After some time, I closed my portfolio file and prayed that my performance would go just as good there as it did here. I checked my phone again. It had only been an hour since I woke up. I realized it was going to be a long long day. Mom was right, I should've taken the flight for tonight. Mom's always right. I wonder why I didn't listen to her more often.
I freshened up and decided to take a bath. A bath's a good pass time, also it's relaxing. Turning the tap, I sat at the edge of the tub while it filled up. My favorite songs were playing on my phone but I didn't feel like dancing to them, which was strange. When the water neared the top, I turned it off and immersed myself in it. The bath bomb was working wonders in the water and I felt fascinated by it. There were so many new things I was being introduced to, this experience was new, very different and as I had decided before, I liked different. I smiled and relaxed.
My skin was all pruney and the foam was gone too, so I lifted myself and dried my body with the super big, soft, and pristinely white towel in the bathroom. After dressing up, I switched on the smart TV to watch something on Netflix but apparently, my luck had run out because it showed an error. I sighed and switched it off, deciding that a stroll around the place wasn't a bad option either. I grabbed my phone from the bed, locked the room, and took the elevator to the ground floor.
"Do you need anything, ma'am?" The hotel manager, I think, asked me as I came out of it.
"No, no. I'm just going for a stroll." I said, smiling.
"Are you bored then?"
"Sort of," I replied hesitantly.
"Well, I can suggest you some activities to lessen your boredom, if you like." He was very polite and I suddenly felt a strong urge to listen to his list of time-killing activities instead of going out.
"You can watch any show or movie you want on the TV through Netflix."
"I already tried that, it's not working. There's some kind of error displayed on the screen."
"Oh." He frowned, looking disturbed. He must not have been expecting negative feedback from the first person who came to stay there. "I'll have that checked out as soon as I can but meanwhile, maybe you can try our adventure land." He offered, his expression was hopeful.
"Adventure land?" I was surprised. They had their adventure land? That was crazily awesome.
"Yes, if you like I can take you there."
"Sure." I nodded, readily. I know it was going to be the perfect cure for my boredom. He gestured for me to follow him down the hallway to the back of the hotel. I was confused. Why was he leading me to the back? Shouldn't the adventure land be outside?
He stopped in front of a metal double door and looked at me. "We're here, Miss Lewis." He flicked his head towards the door.
"Wait! How do you know my name?" I blurted and realized that it was a pretty stupid question. Of course, he knew my name, I was the only person staying in this hotel at the moment since this hotel had opened out just a few days ago.
"I'm the hotel's manager. I must know these details." He answered with an amused smile.
"Yeah, I...I just.."I felt stupid and embarrassed so I focused on something else and I realized something which widened my eyes. "Wait! Is the adventure land inside the hotel? Behind this door?" He must've been joking.
He nodded. "It sure is. And I assure you, it's not boring in the least."
"I don't find amusement parks boring."
"Even if you did, you would find yourself in an exciting place because it's not an ordinary amusement park." He told me. "You'll find other people there too, from our hotel chain in other cities."
"Is there some holographic effect or something?" I asked, seriously interested now.
He shook his head. "No, all real people. Flesh and bones."
"You're kidding right?" By a look at his expression, I could tell that I am wrong. He seemed dead serious. He smiled and it was not the kind of smile that said 'Yeah, I admit, I'm kidding' but a kind of smile that said 'Oh you'll see how funny I am." Creepy! I shirked that thought off and returned his smile. It was getting awkward so I started walking towards the metal door and realized that he was not with me. I turned and saw that he was still standing where he was a moment ago.
"Are you not coming?" I asked him. He shook his head silently. I frowned. "Why?"
"Staff's not allowed inside." He stated quietly.
"That's silly," I said and bit my tongue. I just couldn't drop the habit of saying whatever was in my mind. He shrugged and nodded towards the door, urging me on. I decided to finally listen to his request and strode towards the entrance to the so-called adventure land. Turning the door handle, I glanced back to the manager. He was watching me silently, his coffee-brown eyes intense. I smiled again, just to shake off the chills that tried to settle at the small of my back by that look. He didn't return it this time so I turned back to the door and yanked it open, surprised at its lightweight I peeked inside but there was nothing to see, everything was drowned in darkness.
Shrugging off that creepy feeling again, I entered the place and looked around. A loud crash occurred behind me and I realized that the door had closed because the light coming from outside vanished along with the crash. My heart started racing and my breathing accelerated, I could see absolutely nothing.
Suddenly, the whole place started shaking like there's an earthquake. I tried in vain to grab some support to keep me steady, clawing at the empty air. There came a loud crash again, vibrating the ground beneath me dangerously, and I fell to the floor.