[06] Connecting the dots

I woke up with my limbs still sore. I remained sitting down for a minute because of my headache. What a hassle.

Yes, I am a well-trained demon. I am trained for physical fights but what happened yesterday was beyond my limits. I was not prepared for their weapons against me. And those irritating bells, if only I can crash them with my hands, I wouldn't stop until I turned them into powder.

It's already 9 in the morning. I'm sure late for my classes, but I'm not dumb to go back to that place.

Yesterday, I went back to my hut to gather my belongings. I can't stay there anymore because Columbane might show up any time. I decided to find a better place to stay in, nonetheless, I also need to stay hidden for a while so I enter the nearest woods.

Fortunately, I saw a house made of bricks in the woods. The owner happened to be a 'Mangkukulam'—which others call a witch. I almost got deceived because she looks like a normal human. She seems quite decent though. Witches are one of the dependent creatures who refused to side with anyone. Luck was on my side because she was actually about to sell the house. This will be temporary so I only paid her for a couple of days.

The house was designed according to human standards so it's pretty fine. The owner has also stocked foods to which I'm grateful. I somehow learned how to cook basic food like frying an egg.

I'm a fast learner, you can't expect less from me.

After eating my breakfast, I cleaned myself quickly and decided to aid my wounds. Curse those whips. The wound on my stomach and the slight burnt on my leg has healed, although not completely.

The poison was too strong that it scarred my skin. Good thing, I brought healing potions from home. Unlike humans, demons rely on potions to heal themselves. They are a hundred times better than medicines here on Earth. The wounds don't hurt anymore but I'm irritated with the marks they left. My leg then appeared to be fine, however, there's still a faint mark. It's unnoticeable, so this can carry on, but the irritation I'm feeling is hard to suppress.

As I won't go back to school, I have all day to think about my plans. I forgot to bring the book which Traiser has promised to lend me.

Speaking of him, I didn't notice him yesterday. Was he not there? Even though the worship hours for the school is mandatory. I wonder where he was.

"Limdi, stop thinking about him" I muttered to myself. I shake my thoughts away and grabbed the journal and scroll.

There are no new clues.

I am still not sure if the clues in the book are credible, thus I should still make a note of them.

"Soul as pure as white,

Blooms flowers at midnight.

Sweet scent radiates,

As sound resonates"

I wrote it down in my journal, in case I forgot. Better to be sure than sorry.

I still don't get it. Bloom flowers? Does that mean in a garden? The sweet scent might be from the flowers but why is there a sound? Flowers don't have sounds, do they? This is harder than I thought.

"Red strings attached,

Blood to those who watched,

Fate shall know no mercy,

massive loss of lambs in journey"

This line might refer to the people around me, and the pure soul. I must find the person quickly to prevent additional deaths. I somehow remembered Mistress Tanao. Great diablae. I will never forget the sacrifice she made to help me.

"A mark from birth,

Tells thy worth.

Scars and constellation

The moon in complexion"

A birthmark? This doesn't help at all! There are millions of humans here! How can I find the pure soul just with a birthmark? This is frustrating. In terms of intelligence, I can say that I am above the average of the demons in Zonax, however, these riddles are making me stupid.

I only got three clues and I can't even solve one. I can't waste more time. This place is getting dangerous for me, and the pure soul might be in danger too!

Nothing will happen if I just sit here and sulk. I must go outside and try to observe people. Maybe, I'll be able to feel the energy of the pure soul. Let me try my luck.

I went out of the house and wandered on the streets. I am really amazed at their technological advancement. Back in our world, everything works with the use of the magic of whatever it was. The cars and technologies here do seem to be like magic for me. Humans are indeed smart, but they are dumb to believe myths.

Moments later, I realized that there are several students walking and talking around.

Oh, I did not notice the time. It's already four o'clock. I wasted so much time just walking and observing them.

Immediately, I wear the hood of my jacket. I should not be recognized by students from Kingston University. For sure, my face is plastered on this brain. Who would even forget the girl who was kicked out of the Pagsamba Hall, the famous 'atheist' girl—which is me.

As I was walking quickly with my eyes on the ground, I bumped into someone. I looked up and got surprised.

"Hanna?" His eyes widened, also surprised to meet me here. And again, we bumped each other. Is he some sort of a mushroom? He keeps on appearing in every place I go.

"I—I gotta go" I tried to walk away but he reached for my wrist. Crap, why does he keeps on holding my wrist? I felt uncomfortable. His hold is warm on my skin, sending a tingling sensation to my body. What the hell?

"Hey, wait" I stop on my feet as he pulls me.

"What? Do you need something?" I show my uninterested face, then I furrowed my eyebrows, displaying my discomfort on him.

"No, but how are you?" he lightly pressed his hand on my wrist, to which I these a glance.

"I'm fine" I snatched my arm and walks away, not looking back. After few steps, I mentally exhaled to my relief.

I should go home now. I don't want to risk myself, who knows, Columbane might be the next one I bumped into, and that won't be good, because I might do something she won't forget.

Walking through the woods, I heard some footsteps behind me. I stopped on my tracks, and the person following me seemed to halt as well. I ready myself to attack when I run fast, circling around the trees to confuse the person then hid behind a huge tree.

As I heard the person breathing heavily at the other side, I quickly went behind and locked the person's neck with my right arm, while pointing a stick I saw earlier.

His breath hitched. "Hey hey, it's me!" he speaks up, my eyes widened when I recognized the voice.

I loosened my arm, letting him free.

"Why are you following me?" I ask with my eyebrows knitted together. What if I decided to kill him from behind a while ago? What a careless human being.

"I'm curious why you went here, and I thought that something bad might happen to you. What are doing here in the woods? Why do you keep on putting yourself in danger?!" I was almost taken aback when he slightly raises his voice.

"It's none of your business, just stop following me" When I looked back, he's catching up.



He's annoying, again. I just found my lips curving on its own. I'm starting to believe that someone is controlling my body. I've been doing unexpected actions these days.

"Thanks," he said when he was able to catch up with my steps.

"What? I slowed down because I'm tired, don't be so full of yourself" I rolled my eyes but he just smiled.

We reached the hill where we can already see my house.

He gazed at it. "So you live here."

When we arrived in front of my house, I looked at him. "You can't come in. I'll get you water. We'll talk here, outside" he nodded as a response.

I step inside, then get a glass of water. The house is neat but I just don't like humans entering my territory. It's like allowing someone to enter my safe space. Since I was young, I was already sensitive to my personal space. I don't even let other demons get closer to me.

I stepped outside only to see Traiser standing there, watching the view, with his back facing me. There's nothing much to see here, just trees. I wonder what he is thinking.

"Here." he turns around and reached the glass in my hand.

We settled down on the grass, with a remarkable distance between us.

"Now, why are you here?"

"I heard what happened." He replied while looking at the grass. Avoiding my eyes.

"What exactly did you hear?"

I do believe that students were not aware of the battle between the engkantos and I, fighting to the death. What I believe is Columbane starting to spread a false statement about me.

"That you're an atheist and you got humiliated in front of everyone. I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry? It's not your fault. Tsk" He's not even there. He was not part of the students who laughed at me.

"So you don't believe in supreme beings? But you acknowledge their existence last time, right?" He turns his head to me. Asking for clarification.

"Misotheist is the right term to call me. I believe in their existence, but I hate them because I believe that they are as good as they seemed to be."

He seems amused by what I said. Is this his first time meeting someone like me? I mean, not in a way of being a demon. Well, I can't blame him. Humans have their eyes opened to the lies fed by deities. So, I wouldn't be surprised if not a single person has the same perception as me.

"Anyway, here." he rummaged through his bag and handed me the book about Pure Souls.

He had it! He had no idea how glad I'm feeling right now. My thin-lined lips curve up.

"Thank you!" I beamed, hugging the book on my chest, with extreme excitement.

I opened the book to find the other clues.

"A euphonious voice,

thus enfeeble noise,

A spellbinding moment,

aligning signs is meant" I read aloud.

It's the last clue. The other pages are just stories and theories about the pure soul, so I can't really depend on them. But, what does this even mean?

"Why are you so interested in those clues written to find the pure soul? You're not finding it yourself, are you?"

"And if I am?" He looks at me seriously. As if no one wanted to cut the eye contact, we just stare at each other. Then he flicks his fingers at my forehead again, but I was able to avoid it. He laughs loudly, letting himself fall to the ground.

What a weirdo, in a nice way. I then smiled to myself.

When he calms down, he sits back again. "I'm bored." He glanced at me. I got a sense of he-has-an-idea, which probably I'll be troubled with.

"Then go home." He chuckles, messing my hair with his hand. I grunt at his gesture.

"Let's play arcade at the mall"

What in the world is an arcade?

"What's that?"

"Are you serious? Where have you been all these years? Are you really an alien?" he teases which made me stop. I wonder what if he finds out that I'm a demon? Well, at least I'm not an alien.

"You are really coming with me. You can't say no! I let you borrow the book." he stands up, pulling me to stand afterward, then he started to walk, dragging me and I just let him. It won't be a bad idea to follow him, right?

Besides, I'm doing this so he can stop bothering me after. Another thing, I might be able to bump with the human I'm looking for. Those are the only reasons why I'm letting him drag me, nothing else.

We walked outside the woods. The mall is near, about walking distance. He's still pulling me while we stroll, annoying. He even intertwined our hands as he walked nonstop. I never had the time chance to complain because he made it seem like it's not a big deal, it would be embarrassing if I made it into one.

When we reached the mall, some students are looking in our direction. Ugh, I hate attention. I don't really like having eyes on me. It feels like they are stripping me naked with their eyes, reading my whole identity, like they know I am not one of them.

"You're such an attention-getter" I commented.

"That's why they describe me as a magnet. I attract people." He shrugs his shoulders while saying that.

Reaching the place, he taught me how to initiate the so-called game machine. When a token has been fed, the machine will allow anyone to play. He even made me play different games, and surprisingly, I find myself smiling the whole time.

This is fun.

Wait for what? Am I really having fun? Since I starter training, I never experience real fun. I mean, I get excited when I rank some tasks given to us, or when I play combat with other demons to test our strength but I never really fooled around.

"Stay there. Do you sing?" he asks me, pulling me into one corner with a machine placed that reads 'karaoke booth'. I shake my head as a response.

"Then I'll sing" he smiles and started to press the buttons.

When he started singing, he puts his whole attention on me. He had the lyrics memorized that's why he didn't bother glancing at the machine to read the lyrics.

People are also starting to crowd around us, curious about who is the person with an angelic voice.

As he sings another part of the song, the noise around me and the audience's cheers started to fade. It is as if I got lost with his eyes. I don't even know why I am here, standing, listening to this guy when I have a mission to accomplish. His singing voice is completely a new sound to my ears.

"Maybe this is destiny" he sings the last line.

After finishing the song, people are clapping and praising him but he just walks straight towards me and pulled me out of the crowd.

"How was it?" he asks, smiling as we walk away from the booth.

"You sound nice." I shrug, pretending that I wasn't flustered a moment ago.

"Let's go outside. Have you tried streetfoods, I'm sure you did—"

"No." I cut him off and he stopped walking but he catches up with me after a second

"I shouldn't be surprised with that. But, I'm starting to believe that you're not from Earth."

Only if you know.

Traiser bought different foods and drinks. They tasted decent and well, weird. I'm not used to eating human foods. Demons eat fresh meat, while humans cook their food. Also, we rely on energies, supplied to us.

"By the way, where were you yesterday?" I asked out of curiosity. The worship was mandatory, so not attending is quite a big deal.

"Oh. My parents got sick. We're really not sure why. But they are fine now." I nodded and we eat silently.

Afterward, we wandered around the streets. He even dragged me to a park. I didn't have the chance to complain. I let myself have some fun.

It was few minutes before midnight when we decided to walk back home. He insisted to take me home before he would.

Time flies by so fast that both of us didn't notice how the sun and moon have changed their roles.

"You know it's near midnight, I can walk by myself" I speak up on our way to the woods. I don't really mind walking alone, no one would dare to attack me anyway.

"And if something happens to you, I might be suspected. I don't wanna go to jail." He's really something else. I purse my lips into a smile.

Darkness surround, while the moon gives off little light through the gaps of trees' leaves. Traiser lit up light from his so-called phone. I wanted to say that I can see through this darkness. But, let him be.

He pulls me closer to him and I said nothing about it. My sense of smell got a tingle of sweet and spring scents.

"You smell like flowers," I commented while my eyes not leaving the path.

"What do you mean? My perfume has actually strong scent" He turned to his right, sniffing his shirt.

"I don't know. You just smelled like flo—AHHH" I stopped on my feet when something rings. I shut my eyes tight, feeling the pain.

Loud ringing, buzzing within my head.

"Hey? What happened?"

"Do you hear that?" I ask, covering my ears as the ringing goes on.

"What do you mean? I can't hear anything."

For a moment, I couldn't hear any other noises. My hearing was completely shut off. Even if I stare at Traiser, he's moving his mouth, I tried to least hear him.

Suddenly, it stopped just like out of blues it came unto. These rustling of the leaves can be heard again as well as the worried voice of Traiser.

"Nevermind." I shake my head. As I look at him, his face said it all. He's worried about it.

I ignore him, and just walk forward. He seemed troubled about what happened but he decided not to ask, and I'm thankful because I don't even know what to answer if he did ask me.

When we reached my place, I faced him. "You can go. My house is just there. Thanks. Take care."

He didn't reply nor react. Just took a nod and paced away from me. I knew he's worried, and probably thinking it's his fault.

I rush inside, help myself to lie down in bed. My energy has worn out. Traiser made me used them all. Even my emotions are all exhausted. I still keep on thinking about the ringing inside my head.

Half an hour wasted, I noticed a small light coming from my left side. The scroll! I immediately opened it and saw the clues from the book written on it.

"A male with a crown,

built a tower in town." I read the first line again. This is about Kingston University. "Like a magnet it attracts, the eyes, lips and smile attracts"

"That's why they describe me as a magnet. I attract people."

My eyes widened when I remembered what Traiser said back at the mall. No way. I might be so desperate that I start to connect things without a proper basis.

"A euphonious voice,

thus enfeeble noise,

A spellbinding moment,

aligning signs is meant."

The memory of Traiser singing in front of me flashes through my mind and the way the noise around me faded. No. This is impossible.

"A mark from birth,

Tells thy worth.

Scars and constellation

The moon in complexion"

Scars? Birthmark? I didn't see any marks on him! It can't be him. But it could be hidden from my sight? What if it was somewhere that could be covered with his clothes? This is making me lose my mind.

"Soul as pure as white,

Blooms flowers at midnight.

Sweet scent radiates,

As sound resonates"

Wait. Now, I get why he smells like flowers. It was exactly midnight and the sound rang in my head!

"Red strings attached,

Blood to those who watched,

Fate shall know no mercy,

massive loss of lambs in journey"

I stand up immediately, realizing everything.

"Oh. My parents got sick. We're really not sure why."

"Traiser." I whispered, as I threw the scroll somewhere and run as fast as I can.