[07] Unleashing my demon

"Oh. My parents got sick. We're really not sure why."

"Traiser" I whispered, as I threw the scroll somewhere and run as fast as I can. I don't know why all of a sudden clues came to life in my mind. Just after I spent hours with Traiser, the scroll glows as if showing signs that the pure soul is near....

I couldn't believe this fate!

I hop as higher and farther than before, from one tall debris to another. Along with this, I enhance my senses to their limit that I could feel immediate exhaustion by activating.

I don't know the reason but I need to talk with Traiser! Although, I already consider him to be the one I'm looking for. I'd rather say it's all about the quest.

Ten kilometers ahead and I'll be at the front of their house. I already gain frequencies, by far they are noises of Traiser's parents.

"We won't let you have our son!" Traiser's mother exclaimed.

Then, his father. "He doesn't possess pure soul! That's ridiculous!"

A familiar noise says, "If we cannot have him, then the demon will. You do not perceive that a demon already infiltrated your premises. Fools!"

"Demon? The deities confirmed that they banished them into the underworld. What are you even claiming this point?"

"But you fool do not know anything. Humans only serve to be underlings of deities, and beyond lower than Engkantos."

I have never forgotten that voice. It's the one who torments Mistress Tanao, and who possessed poison whip. "Engkantos? Do y-you.. mean.. No! Those are myths! Only deities are real... Not, the underlings..." Traiser's mother trembles as she speaks.

"Do I look like a myth? Without further ado, James and Kara Lustrado. The deities are pleased with your loyalty. However, they are not pleased by your disloyalty to sacrifice your own son. You may now rest in peace."

The engkanto resorted to a wicked laugh. They even disappear, leaving no aura behind. As I am about to get near, some enormous aura begins to topple their house.

An awful scream came audibly when I exactly land on their house. My third eye reads the interior of the house, scanning for auras, but I couldn't see a single level. On the other hand, my hearing senses pick up strange noises. I heard loud thumping and endless splattering of liquids. I even heard Traiser's low cry. I suppose he's hiding his presence from something.

I tried to enter their gate for the fifth time. Unfortunately, my hands burned for no reason and my whole body has suddenly electrocuted. I remember engkantos have been here first, and probably they put a spell or deities' drools every entrance.

What would I do?

Panic begins to domain my system. My mind went blank. I feel the same emotions when Mistress Tanao sacrificed herself. I am such a useless demon!

No, this is not me. I am Limdi Panah, a courageous diablae! And, Panah family never quivers in times of danger.

I remind myself just like what my father always telling me. "Miracles happen within yourself, never limit to act and quiver in fright. Panah is a name for a proud family! We create our own miracles."

Crystallized both inner and outer layers of my body, with repeated steps back and forth, preparing myself to attack. My eye also sees deities' barrier shells created throughout the house. Maybe some deity nearby is watching, perhaps expecting me to be here.

Well, you got to expect the unpredictable event.

I direct my horns in front, forming huge arc crystal horns. Slamming into the gates successfully wrecks the whole. My hundred years of training in crystallization pay off. I did not waste any second and then rush inside the house.

What I caught is a miserable sight.

Two Bakulaw punchings and pounding James and Kara's bodies. Even turns them unrecognizable as their bodies become thin and flat. Bits of bones and lots of blood scattered all around.

I'll give you justice, Mr. and Mrs. Lustrado.

Increasing my size equal to the Bakulaw's with ten-foot and weigh probably hundred pounds. I remain in my crystallized form and unnecessary to cover my third eye and horns.

Both turn their heads in my direction. They sneer and grunt madly. Their hairs all over their huge bodies are covered with crimson blood. Their eyes are thrice larger than humans and eyeballs similar to reptiles. They seem to look like massive bears ready to devour me.

At last, they let out annoying growls.

The first one attacks me, obviously, it doesn't think of a plan, just bears its fangs and throws several punches. I received its lousy blows. So weak.

I then crush its two fists that surprise me a lot because I did this effortlessly. It moans in pain and falls on its knees.

I kick its head by my knees. Delivering harder hit and at the same time, I stab it with my dagger repeatedly on fast time interval. I heighten my speed, manage to stab the latter's neck. Their gross bluish blood spring into my face and to the surroundings.

I did not control my instinct and went unstoppable. I continue to stab and punch then pound them until no more bluish blood sprouts.

Bakulaws are not moving a muscle anymore.

I stop on assaulting when Traiser taps my shoulder. Angrily, I turn my face to him. "What?!" He's taken aback and staggered a bit. "That's e-eno-ough.."

Realization hits. I am in my original form yet Traiser is facing me, and even directly eyeing me.

A smell of reinforcement greets my nose. Group of engkantos. I think I can handle them now.

"Do you know what's happening?" Again, my realization regains as Traiser queries. I look at him. He has swollen and reddened eyes due to crying, and his breathing is heavy.

"If you want to know, go with me, and let's escape." My original voice-acted up. Of course! I guess he'll be scared of me, but he holds my arm.

"If you promise, you'll keep me safe," says he with hopeful eyes. How can he do that? He seems so charming despite the fact that his parents are massacred! Wait, I'm the one who's been crazy. Uh, what am I thinking?

I store my dagger back into my skin. I change my form into a regular disguise that startles Traiser a lot. "Hanna?" He looks so shock and disoriented. I nod at him, assuring him he's not delusional. "I'll explain later," said I, while activating camouflage.

"Yeah, you've got a lot explaining things to do." He mutters with a priceless shock face. I carry him at the back like a dead moose I hunted in Zonax. Anyways, the reinforcement is getting nearer to my position. So, I take the odds to escape here through the backyard, hoping no more barrier planted.

Unfortunately, there are several.

Engkantos are damn smart to execute plans. Nevertheless, they are much dependable in basing logical solutions. Contradicting to this, demons are masters of exit and entrances.

If Traiser really is a pure virgin soul, then we have one way to get out of this deities' barrier. "What are you doing?" asks he.

I ignore his question and just speak a Southern spell. A teleportation spell, to be particular. After I cast the spell, I close my eyes.

I almost forgot to tell Traiser. "Close your eyes" I hope he does that.

In a blink of an eye, my whole body twitches and feels nauseous. The moment I open my eyes, we are already in my new shelter.

I put Traiser down, he sits uncomfortably in the wooden chair. He stares at the air and mumbling, not audible words. I quickly storm inside. Searching for some useful potions for him might be some teleportation medication. I'm stupid to realize that I only brought potions for myself.

He is fifty percent a pure virgin soul. Only with those souls and calm zui can initiate one powerful spell, such as teleportation. I pack useful things in a bag I bought at the mall. I lend a handful of water to Traiser who still stares and expressionless in his seat. "Here's some water." Hastily, he drinks in one gulp. And, continue to be silent.

I do not know where to start whether on how I knew he's in trouble, how I become Hanna or even the whole story of this.

"Look, Traiser. I don't have an idea on what extent of your knowledge about pure soul nor the existing feud." That's a good start.

He finally gazes at me. His warm brown eyes are no more warm, instead of cold and lifeless brown eyes met my three eyes.

He did not reply or give any expression. I suppose he's waiting for more.

"How long have you been in there when the engkantos arrived?" It might be good when I explain the topic his parents and the engkanto were discussing.

"About two minutes earlier... Then, my mom told me to hide. I'm about to check on their temperatures if their fever is still high... and give them their meds.. but... they... I don't know. I want this to be a bad dream only. If I could, no.. this is a.. d-dream, right?" He held his head, shaking and pulling his hair. Tears slid down his face in a continuous phase.

His zui shows unreadable hues and distinct ones. He even punches his face. I gasp air as he does that once again.

I grab his fist and stop his actions. I look at him straight. But what the hell am I feeling right now? I just think that he's still gorgeous while tearing down.

Limdi, restrain!

"You're gorgeous, no! I mean, this is not a dream. You need to calm yourself before I explain everything." First, he's confused about why I complimented him at this unsettling time. Second, he begins another episode of tearing down when heard the reality.

Last, I ended up seizing him to stop himself from beating himself. And, it's a pretty awkward position, I presume.

Both my hands are crossed and locked while my legs are also crossed and prevent Traiser from moving. Another thing, I am now sitting on his lap because of this.

"I promise to keep you safe, Traiser. I will never cause harm to you. I'll explain from the beginning so stop hurting yourself. Traiser, please, hear me out." said I, at his left ear.

He sighs. "I guess I have no choice. At least, let me breathe."

I notice that my weight presumably pins his chest. I let go of my arms and legs from that awkward position.

He looks at me, still with cold eyes. "I'll trust you when I've got to know you. First, who are you? What are you?"

I am about to answer but I sense something wrong. Something approaching from the woods.

"First, we need to get out of here!" I grab him and the bag. He clings to me like a baby monkey to its mother. I sprint rapidly through the woods and road. The background becomes blur and noises become silent.

Traiser closes his eyes and tightly clings unto me. Out of the blue, I felt my hearts beat so fast. Am I running out of carbon? Or iron? Geez, why don't I know the reason?

We stop at the West district, cemetery. I see a swarm or several lost human spirits in here. Nonetheless, this place is temporarily appropriate. Unless some ghouls will attack.

Hopefully, no more attack for today.

We settle in a three o'clock direction. Traiser begins to cry once more. I did not stop him to do so. According to the journal, humans with relationship attachment had bid farewell or die in an unexpected way, the left ones are emotionally damaged.

And, I do not see any differences between Traiser emotional distress and me, being empty on Sunday.

Traiser wipes his cheeks. "I'm sorry I think I disturb you."

Is he insane?

I smile at him. "Don't be sorry. Actually, I am the one being sorry. I'm sorry things quite went unexpected..." He smiles, although he had cold eyes. "Yeah, many... many things have become unexpected. I couldn't hold it anymore. I hated how I just hide and watched my... pa-parents get slaugh-tered."

"It's not your fault. I arrived too late.. Damn those Bakulaws! If I got earlier, then I might save your parents. I'm sorry."

"Bakulaw?" He's confused as his eyebrows twitch.

I nod. "Yes. They are stupid giants who obey orders from someone with higher rank or powerful than them."

"But, they're just folklores... myths.." Slowly, his mouth hangs open. He realizes what he said is the same statement his parents claimed. Then, tears again flow down on his cheeks.

Lovely cheeks.

"Traiser, folklore, and myths have half-truths. Some of them are pure lies, while some are true."

"That's what my grandfather used to say. And, dad won't believe it. But, mom did believe. "

"Any who, I am Limdi Panah. You are right, I am a demon. I came from Zonax."

He blinks few times.

I added, "In Ancient Tale, there was an existing feud among superior beings over pure virgin souls. These souls were inside all humans. They were so powerful even when a deity consumes one, they can destroy the whole world. But, as the centuries got old, these souls slowly become rare. Rarest among humans. This new century, twenty-first, has only a single pure virgin soul revived. The feud has been alive."

He stares at me with disbelief. He shook his head, trying to get the thoughts out of his head. I think.

He laughs. I'm offended, by the way.

"That's my mother's theory! How do you know? Are you reading my mom's book? That's purely based on fiction! No way, a feud is alive." mocks he. I have the right to glare at him. He studied my face. "I'm.... kidding.... or are you?"

"I'm not. That's the truth. I am a demon who accepted the quest of the ruler on finding the only pure soul on Earth. I have found you."

Now, he's the one glaring at me. "A quest? So, your mission is to bring me to your underworld? You said you're going to keep me safe!!"

"I am! In Zonax, you'll be safe. No more deities to hunt you!"

I said what I've said. I felt a lump on my throat and a weight on my chest. I suddenly felt something heavy inside.

"How do I know to trust you?"

That hits like a thousand lousy punches of Bakulaw into my face.

"I should have let you be devoured by Bakulaw. Or worst, let engkantos tortured you.."

He keenly stares directly into my eyes. "You're right. I do owe you gratitude for beating those Bakulaws for my parents. Anyways, what do we do now?"

I grin. "We'll find the portal of Zonax."