Isn't it cool to be a celebrity?

"What type of nonsense are you spouting?" Xu Rei knitted her brows.

Yuxi: "I know your whole life history."

"You must've done a background check on me." 

"*Tsk* You got me. I was kidding, I admit. Now, Shall we go?" Yuxi let go off her hand.

"No." Xu Rei stormed out of the room.

"Master, Shouldn't we stop her?" Niao peered at Yuxi who had no intention of stopping Xu Rei.

Yuxi chuckled, "She will eventually come to me, so don't worry. Instead, You need to be cautious about yourself. " 

"Me?" Stunned, Niao exclaimed.

"You shall never activate the crest until I say so. I am aware that it will commence itself after a week, still, try your best to keep suppressing it." 

Taking notice of the solemnity in her voice, Niao nodded her head " Yes, Master. I will keep it concealed."



"What is wrong with him?"

"He is walking like a zombie."