He just gets on my nerves.

Ji Yong peered at Yuxi who was also staring back at him.

"Well, But I want to sit there. I don't see anyone sitting there."

Yuxi: "She will be here soon."

Ji Yong: " She is not here yet."

Yuxi: " Either way you can't sit here. Choose another seat."

The teacher and other students were looking side to side whenever they spoke. 

Ji Yong: "You don't own this class, so you don't get to decide." 

Yuxi: "Neither do you." 

Ji Yong: "*Scoff* Indirectly I do, My parents are funding this school."

Yuxi squinted her eyes. In Ji Yong's view, her purple eyes were blazing furthermore.

'Don't get scared. You are winning the argument.' He kept reminding himself.

Yuxi: " Let the adult decide that. *gazing at the teacher* Maam, You decide. I will consequently agree with it without arguing."

The teacher flinched "H-Huh?"