Story 1 Part 1-Avery Seral

My name is Avery Seral, I'm an average farmer's daughter who yearns for an easy life within the kingdom of Kanut. I've had a somewhat tough up bring working on the farm but nevertheless, I enjoy life. I work hard on the farm and I'm currently saving up to be the first of our family to move out of the house.

My father and mother are both wonderful people and my 2 older sisters, Gloria and Shelly, are both my sisters but also my best friends. Where I live, there isn't much folk around and not much is around being far from the nearest town. We make our living on the farm and earn our money when the local governors buy food from us. Our family has always believed in religious traditions such as praying to our lord who made us and following the orders from the holy scriptures. We are a good family that has always stayed on the right side of the law and as a result, nothing bad has ever happened to us…The same can't be said about our country's kingdom collapsing in a revolt upon the majesty.

Local towns from where we live have erupted in anarchy as crime rates sky rocket and the threat of bandits rise due to the revolts on the collapsing kingdom. Going outside isn't safe and could lead to danger. Monsters and bandits within the area of our family farm have always been fought off by my father who has experience with a sword. But the number of attacks have been getting worse and my father is getting older.

After my 18th birthday, my father began to hire local guards to guard me and my family whilst we work upon the farm. They have been successful in fighting off the increased threats but every week, my father is buckling in paying them more and more. Before long, their wages will increase to a point that my father can't afford the fees. As a result, my father stopped paying them and told them to leave. They were angry and pleaded with my father as the guards had families to feed but my father was stern about his decision. The old guards left the farm with rage and cursed the family name.

After sending the guards back to where they came from, we continued to do farming work until it began to get dark, we had collected a fair amount of crops which would feed our family for a whole week. The livestock was healthy with the chickens laying eggs as normal. Life seemed normal but the threat of monster/bandit attacks was still in the minds of our family and so we kept a close eye out for anything suspicious.

As we came closer to the family house, my sister Gloria believed she saw someone in the bushes but my father dismissed this as he said "It was her being paranoid as the guards ain't here." My father laughed as he further said how "all women are the same." and he continued to laugh. This made me at ease but my sister wasn't buying it as she continued to look out to the corn field before she headed in the home. As my mother prepared our dinner, me and my sister began to talk about different ways we could keep fit during the winter but our conversation ended when we were called for dinner.

We approached the dinner table and prepared for our feast. Before eating, my father and my oldest sister Shelly have the duties of thanking our holy lord for the feast we have. I've always followed in the lord's teachings as our family has always been religious. As my father and oldest sister Shelly finish prays, we begin to eat.

Throughout our feast, we enjoyed the food that our mother had cooked and began to have conversations reminiscing about the past. In that moment, I truly felt at ore with the surroundings, I felt truly happy to be alive. All this was temporary cut short as the front door of our hose swung open.

Entering our home was 3 tall men wielding swords, our whole family stayed silent with the unexpectedness of the event. The silence was broken when one of the men said "What a lovely family, it would be a shame if something happened to them…" Me, my mother and sisters all stayed quiet but our father shot out of his seat and yelled at the men to leave. The men laughed at that and they began to approach us. My father reached for the hatchet above the fireplace near our kitchen table and threatened the men to leave or they would die. Me and I got up out of our seats behind my father.

"We don't wanna hurt any of you but you gotta give us your land and daughters if you wanna live" said one of the men as he pointed his sword towards my father. The threat sent me and my sisters into tears as I imagined the worst which could happen to me. My father became enraged as he didn't say a word and wildly swung straight at me. As my father swung, one of the men lunged at my father. The hatchet struck the man's shoulder but the man's sword sank deep into my father's stomach.

Gloria screamed as she saw our father's body bounce off the floor from the blade. I stayed there frozen as I couldn't believe what was occurring in front of my eyes. The quickest to react was my mother as she grabbed the table knife and threw her weight onto the man who stabbed father. Suddenly the man grabs the hatchet from his shoulder and smashes it against mother's head. Her skull bounced off the wall she layed dead. Me and my sisters screamed as we saw the blood staining all across our once peaceful living room.

"Yo...You killed the goddamn bitch, we could have sold her for some extra cash!" yelled one of the men. "She tried to kill me" "Who gives a crap we just lost easy money" Both men continued to argue but the third man said in a clear and commanding voice "Gentlemen it's alright we still have 3 gorgeous babes ready for bidding." My stomach dropped as he said this.

"St...Stanley could you?" Shelly said as she recognised one of the men to be an old guard who worked for our family. Stanley smirked as he approached us. "Don't hurt them...take me instead of my sisters...I will do anything you say just...don't hurt them" Shelly said as she stands in front of me and Gloria. "Sorry missy but that's not how the world works, this is a kill or be killed type of world, you and your sisters are gonna make me and my men happy." "Please im beg-" "Shut up bitch, all of you strip" Said one of the men behind Stanley as he flashed his sword in front of us. Me and Shelly complied and began stripping off our clothes until we were naked but Gloria remained still.

"Is this bitch dumb or something, Strip!" The man shouted as he approached Gloria. Gloria remained still as she began to cry more. "This isn't a request, this is a fucking order now Str-" as the man continued to say this, Gloria pushed the man away from her and yelled to get away from her. Me and Shelly looked at Gloria in fear as we feared the worse for her. "You Fuc-" "Easy tiger don't worry this bitch she won't make us much money, you could have her work for you, go show who her master is." Stanley said towards the enraged man. The enraged man smiled as he approached Gloria.

"You're gonna pay for that bitch, pay with your service" said the enraged man as he grabs Gloria. Gloria tried to struggle but the man slapped her face and began tearing off Gloria's clothes in front of us. Shelly began to reason with the man but she was yelled at and so she stayed quiet. The enraged man stripped Gloria down and pushed her against the table with her back facing the wall and the enraged man began to unzip his pants revealing a hardening cock pointing towards Gloria. Gloria continued to struggle but she spasmed as the cock penetrated her vagina.

"Your calmer now aren't ya bitch!?" the man said as he continued to degrade Gloria. Gloria instead of struggling began to ask for forgiveness but her cries were muffled with the man covering Gloria's mouth. Gloria's cries transformed into painful moans of agony as she cried loudly. Shelly couldn't look at it and looked towards the ground but I couldn't keep my eyes off this and felt angry towards the men but knew I would end up like this and so stayed quiet.

"You girls know what will happen if you try to disrespect me or my men, both of you have fine bodies and I wouldn't want to ruin them and lose profits." Stanley proudly said as he continued, "You two girls are gonna give me and my friend a good time." This threat shot straight down my spine as I couldn't believe what was happening to myself. Stanley walked over to Shelly and placed his hand on her shoulder. Following his lead, the other man approached me and began touching my naked body.

"Wow girl those are big breasts for a short girl" said the man as he fondled my breasts. I began to cry but just allowed him to continue. As I did, I began to hear the sounds of slops and gasping of air behind me. I knew the worst was occurring behind me.

"That's a pretty good idea Stanley, man I'm gonna be a happy chap" said the man in front of me as he looked behind me and back to me. Suddenly, the man grabs my shoulders and pushes me onto my knees. On the floor I look up and see the man's shaft fully erect pointing towards my mouth, I hesitate to do anything but the man orders me to 'work' his shaft. I didn't understand what he was implying and so froze. The man began to laugh condescending and shoved my head into his ball sack with his cock rubbing against my face. I began to lose control of my tears and they flooded out.

"You must be a virgin if you haven't got a clue,huh?" Said the man as he continues to rub his genitals in my face. "You're supposed to suck it little miss" said the man as he pointed his shaft in front of my mouth. I slowly began to slurp the tip of the cock out of shame but the man was inpatient and so pushed my head back and forth slurping his disgusting shaft.

His shaft was disgusting, everything about it was disgusting. The smell made me gag and the taste made my eyes water even more. Why was this happening to me?

As I continued to suck, the slurps continued behind me and the moans of terror from Gloria echoed within my ear drums. The cock in my mouth began to get more slippery before squirting semen into my mouth. I went to puke it out but the man kept his shaft in and so I swallowed. It was disgusting and made me cry.

"Good girl you made me happy, that's your treat for being such a good little cock teaser" said the man as he slipped his cock out of my mouth and stroked my head. I couldn't look the man in the eyes and stayed silent in place. "Their beautiful bags of profit as well" said Stanley as he held Shelly on his shoulders "I'm all done with this bitch as well" said the man behind Stanley as he held Gloria on his shoulders. The man that defiled me grabbed me and lifted my naked body onto his shoulders and all three began walking out of my once family home.

As walking out, Shelly remained silent like myself as she looked ruined with semen all over her face. Gloria was acting completely different as she struggled holding onto the doorframe. The man holding Gloria tried pulling her but Gloria's grip was too strong and so the man sucker punches Gloria's stomach sending Gloria into a spasm of pain. "That will teach you bitch!" yelled the man as he grabbed Gloria's long hair and began to drag her away from our home. Gloria didn't move but instead laid their sobbing.

Outside our home was a carriage and a bunch of iron cages along with 2 men looking directly at us. "Yoo boss, I see you have the women" said a familiar voice. "Sure thing Pritchard, these two lovely women on me and Eric's shoulders will garner us healthy profits" Stanley replied. "What about the third woman being dragged?" Pritchard replied only to be answered immediately by the man dragging Gloria "She's a reckless little bitch who wouldn't make us half a coin, she's gonna be my slave on my new ranch"

As we reached the carriage, Stanley ordered his men to chain me and Shelly in the iron cages, we didn't struggle out of fear and submissively allowed the men to capture us in chains like a bunch of animals.

"Right men listen up! Me and Erik are gonna dig graves for the bodies, you three escort our prized possessions to our camp. Wait there until we return." Stanley proudly said. This was the last time I saw Gloria as the carriage took off leaving behind the sister and best friend I shared a childhood with. I pray to God that she is safe. I don't know what is gonna happen to me and Shelly but whatever happens, I pray we are safe...