In the dark fantasy world of Alavakia, chaos and destruction is a normality for the inhabitants. Monsters lay waste upon the land and the average man is corrupt, kingdoms are split in politics and the concept of death and destruction is around every corner. Women are the most in danger within this world as men treat them as a form of currency and monsters treat them as a breeding vessel for use.
Throughout the story, different women will have different stories of their personal lives within the world they live in. Some may become successful but some may meet a dead end. The world they live in is unforgivable and will strike at them whenever it has the chance. Additionally, you will begin to notice a recurring theme within the stories of how characters and place re-occur in a different girl's POV.
I look this kind of story and have been look for one. i can’t wait for the next chapter . Please keep up the hard work. I recommend this to any one that likes this type of story.