Genetically, I've always had bad luck. I was born frail and have always been even at the age of 18, I'm as weak as a feather. I'm not the tallest either, I'm only 5ft2 with other people towering over me. My boobs are also small only being B cups. My parents knew I was weak and so raised a shepherd dog named Maximus to protect me in life. Maximus is a huge dog and even weighs more than me. When he's porched up on his paws, he's easily bigger than me. He's the perfect guard dog.
Despite being genetically unlucky, I've been socially lucky as I've always been the popular friend amongst my friend group and I've always had boys asking me out and even marriage proposals. Weirdly, I've never actually done it and I'm still a virgin.
When I did turn 18, I wanted to move to the countryside, I hate city life and the constant crime and corruption within it. My parents were dead against this idea as they knew I was weak physically and wanted me to stay. I rejected this by already renting a house in the countryside via the housemaster in the city. My parents couldn't say no and so only ordered one thing, to take Maximus my shepherd dog with me to live. I accepted and me and Maximus took a carriage to my new secluded home in the countryside.
After a day of travel, me and Maximus had arrived safely to our new home. It was deep in the woods with the nearest small town around a 15 minute walk. The inside was big enough for one person and her dog. This was gonna be the start of a new and improved life.
It had been a whole week since moving to the countryside, I had gotten a job in the town of Karp as a waitress working 6 days a week. One the last day of the week, I went grocery shopping. I love this new lifestyle but I can't say the same for Maximus, he's beginning to misbehave by scratching the floorboards of our home. I discipline him but he does it the next day. I just think that Maximus is just adapting to environmental change of his surroundings
Two weeks had past, I'm still loving life in the countryside and had even bagged myself a date with a blacksmith in his mid 20s. Me loving life has come to the expense of Maximus becoming much more aggressive in his behaviour. Hes beginning to scratch the walls and has began peeing all around the house. I continue to discipline him but Maximus is not listening. I tried taking him on walks through the woods which does calm him down but the very next day he reverts back to his aggressive behaviour. I still love him I just wished he begins to behave.
On the fable day that changed my life, it was just any other ordinary day. I had work that day but then had a date after with Zack the blacksmith. I left for work leaving Maximus, he growled at the sight of me leaving but I shrugged this off with him being lonely but he had to learn that this is the new way of life. I left and headed for work.
Work was just ordinary, I had the occasional cat calls by drunks but to be honest, I've gotten used to it as I get extra tips from those same drunks. During work, I fantasized about my date hoping it will go well. Nerveless, I continued working hard until my shift was over allowing me to go home. I rushed home in excitement ready for a great night.
I arrive home and as usual, Maximus had misbehaved again. Although, I felt happy today so ignored it and would clean up and discipline him in the morning. I rushed into my bedroom and prepared to chose what I wore. Admittingly, I wanted to wear something frisky and so wore a short skirt with a nice t-shirt matching it. I also wore stockings to add that little attraction to my outfit. All that was left was to wear my heels and so I confidently walked out of my room to only to be met with Maximus peeing on my only heels. My happiness turned to anger and so I let Maximus know.
I begin screaming at Maximus trying to discipline him for his actions. I had no other fancy shoes ad had to wear my waitress shoes. However, Maximus wasn't gonna back down and so he began growling louder at me. I grab hold oh his collar in attempt to put him back in his cage but Maximus wasn't budging and began shrugging my hand off his collar. He then began to bark loudly at my and snarl his teeth at me. I didn't know what to do, I was truly terrified as Maximus has never done this before. I began slowly walking away but the further I travelled, the more aggressive he became so I stood still in fear not knowing what to do.
Maximus suddenly bashed me into the corner of the wall, he had no problem doing this as I was smaller than him and weaker than him. In the corner, I crawled up in a ball as Maximus began barking in my face. I cried in shock as I didn't know what to do.
In an attempt to run, I tried to crawl away to safety but this was the biggest mistake of my life. Maximus exploited my lack of thought and jumped onto my back holding me down. I cried pleading to Maximus, my former guard god, to let me go but a dog wouldn't understand my commands.
Due to me being crawled up in a corner, my lower half of my body was exposed with my skirt being raised exposing my panties. Maximus must have had a serge of hormones as I felt his rod grow long under my leg. I didn't understand what was going on at first but I understood when Maximus tried to enter my pussy with his rod trying to penetrate me. The only line of defence left were my panties. Maximus tried to chew them off my leg but he was unsuccessful. The only thing that can pull them down was myself.
After around 2 minutes of Maximus trying to tear them off, he became frustrated with me and began barking in my ear. I began to cry and kept begging him to stop but he refused and continued. He then began scratching my legs with his claws. This was pain that I had never experienced before. I sobbed begging him to stop but he continued by biting my shirt to shake me. All of this was beginning to stack up on me and I yielded, I pulled down my panties in hope it would stop him. Maximus stopped his aggressive violence but changed to sexual violence as he penetrated straight into my pussy.
Maximus began thrusting hard inside me, I cried in sorrow as I was being de-flowered by my own dog. Maximus's rode was huge being 8 inches big, it tore the walls of my pussy and pain struck inside me. My body was being rocked back and forth and was uncontrollable being violated. My body had to accept what was happening to it, it did by squirting on Maximus's rod uncontrollably. Why was a dog being my first time?, why was a dog raping me?, what did I do to deserve this?
Maximus was beginning to speed up with his thrusts, he thrusted harder into me. I began crying again as I couldn't stop what was about to occur. With sudden shock, Maximus's rod expanded slightly inside my pussy keeping Maximus locked inside me. I began to let out moans of uncontrolled pain as I felt Maximus's love seed squirted inside of me.
After finishing inside me, Maximus stopped thrusting but instead stood over me. I didn't exactly understand why he did this but I now know that he was waiting for his rod to slip out of my pussy. It slowly did and the less inflated it became, the more of his love seed spilled from my pussy. I felt the love seed run down my leg, I felt ashamed that this had happened to me. After pulling his dong away from me, my legs grew weak and I stumbled onto the floor. I was truly exhausted unable to move.
After finishing inside me, Maximus stood looking at me and sniffing my pussy. He then finally did the last degrading thing to me as he stood over my face and began peeing all over me. I couldn't stop him from doing so and just layed there accepting what had happened to me. I had truly been degraded.
Maximus was done degrading me, he walked off into the living room leaving me in a degraded state. I layed on my stomach thinking what had just happened to me. I just layed there and slowly I fell asleep out of exhaustion. This was the beginning of how my easy countryside life had truly become a miserable life.