It had been several hours since I witnessed my father, mother and my sister Gloria being taken away from my very own eyes. All I had left was Shelly. Both of us looked scared and distraught. The tiny cages we were placed in were covered with a rug. We sat in the darkness silent, afraid to speak in case of any punishment we may face. The only form of talking I've had was to the lord. I pray for our protection but even I know from the bottom of my heart that me and Shelly are a far way away from seeking salvation and security we both seek.
It had been another few hours, I desperately needed to drink whereas Shelly needed to let loose a built up liquid inside her. Shelly had no option but to and urine spilled from her pussy. I knew she couldn't help it but I couldn't stop her even if I wanted to. Shelly looked like a shell of her former self. The oldest sister I knew was reduced from happy go lucky sister to a depressed stranger.
Shelly looked horrible, her eyes were covered in tears whilst her hair was greasy and her skin looked dirty. She smelt of urine and laid like a plank. However, I still love my sister. Whatever happens she is my hero and we will both get through this no matter what.
After another hour, the darkness that covered our cages was lifted and a bright early sun shined down on us. Pritchard, one of our former guards of the farm, was the one lifting the covers of our cages. He paused when looking at both of us.
"You two are two hot ass messes haha"
The remark made by him was answered with silence, me and Shelly were too afraid to answer him. He continued to look at us and sighed.
"C'mon you two, you both need to wash otherwise the buyers won't buy you"
Pritchard after saying this opened Shelly's cage first, the urine drenched cage of hers was soaking and Shelly crawling out of it made the urine more visible. Prichard laughed as this childishly mocked Shelly for her accident. Pritchard then approached my cage.
He looked at my naked body and smiled. From looking at him, his eyes were dull and black. I predict that unlike the others who have loved ones, Pritchard was alone within no one but himself to love. He beckoned me to leave the cage, I did and stood with Shelly naked in front of what seemed like a camp of some sort. The camp itself stood out from the neutral forest as the cheap tents stood out from the natural bushes around the side. Inside the tents were two other men who laid there sleeping.
"You two ladies are gonna make yourself look pretty, we're gonna go to a nearby stream and both of you are gonna wash up. I swear to God if any one of you tries to run then I'm gonna tie you to a tree and let some fucking goblins rape you. Understand!" Pritchard said to me and Shelly. We both nod with compliance and he leads both of us away from the camp to the stream.
The water felt nice as it ran through my hands and onto my body. Me and Shelly spent a long time bathing in the stream whilst Pritchard watched with lustful eyes. He watched from the tree with a hand down his pants. Me and Shelly turned around not to see him but his eyes pierced the back of our skulls.
"Avery, listen we need to escape this place. We can't allow them to enslave us. We already lost Gloria but it can't happen to us." Shelly whispered hastily
I didn't answer but instead looked at her shocked, Shelly looked at me with stern eyes as she said "You can speak, the sounds of the stream are blocking our conversation. Just look like you're still bathing."
"I...I don't think this is a good idea, I think we sho-" I sheepishly replied but was cut off when Shelly snapped "We need to leave this place now, there's 2 of us and 1 of him. If we scatter then only one of us will get caught. They are pretty good odds right?"
I froze from this response, I looked at Shelly like a ghost. My own sister just proposed that one of us gets caught and the other gets freedom. Did my sister just say that or was that me not hearing her from the stream? My suspicions were proven correct when Shelly said,
"We have a head start on that bastard Pritchard, if we start running now we can lose him in the forest. The worst case scenario would be like I said, only one of us can get caught, the other two men are sleeping and were too far away for them to hear Pritchard calling for them."
I began to hyperventilate, I couldn't believe what my sister was saying. Did she forget what Pritchard threatened to do to us? Shelly isn't like this, she's acting strange. I had to talk some sense into her.
"Shelly! You're just tired, you just need to lay down and think of a better plan, we can't risk this."
Shelly looked down on me, her eyes were filled with disgust. She looked like a different person when she stared at me. I began to look frightened and Shelly knew this. But her face changed dramatically.
"Wait...Pritchard can only chase one of us if he captures the other...he can only chase one of us...he can…" Shelly began to slightly laugh as she began to grin menacingly. I began to look at Shelly as no different from the men, her eyes began to look gloom, she had intentions which were going to harm me.
With an instant, Shelly swung a rock into my stomach sending me into a fall. I hauled in pain but tried to get up to run with Shelly. I didn't want to be alone, I didn't want to get abandoned. I cried out to Shelly to wait for me but she had already crossed the stream and ran into the thick gloom forest.
"Stop you fucking bitch, you fucking cunt wait" Yelled Pritchard as I heard the sounds of heavy movements in the water. The pain was traveling through my body. My stomach was aching and my eyes began to water. I'm too far away to cross this stream. I was only about 10 meters away but my freedom was snatched as Pritchard tackled me to the ground and began to yell profanities to my face. He yelled for his two partners to help but his commands were met with the chirping of birds. He dragged me back to the campsite and away from the stream.
The two men shot straight up from their tents, they looked pissed and grabbed their swords and ran to Pritchard. Pritchard threw me into the cage, locking me tight and all three men led by Pritchard grabbed the carriage horses and rode towards the stream in search of my sister leaving me all alone.
I began to cry from both the pain and shock of the situation I was in. How could my sister do this to me? How could the one I looked up to do this to me? I began to sob into my hands as the thought of being betrayed sank deep into my stomach. I continued to cry as it was the only thing I could do to ease the pain.
It had been many hours, the pain of being attacked had gradually subsided but the pain of betrayal sank deep. Still in shock, I sobbed uncontrollably but my anguish intensified as the three men returned to the camp empty handed. It was confirmed, my sister had truly gained freedom at the cost of betraying her family. The three men began to swear profanities at each other. Allan and Sam I assume were the two sleeping men who began to swear and blame Pritchard for Shelly's escape.
"If your gonna blame someone, then blame that fucking useless cunt in the cage who not only got hit by her own sister but also tried to follow her!" Pritchard snaps to the two men as he points towards my cage. I begin to back deeper into my cage in terror.
"I COULD KILL THE BITCH RIGHT HERE...FUCK! WHAT THE FUCK IS STANLY GONNA THINK OF THIS...OH FUCK" Pritchard shouted outload till his voice cracked. I began to cry in terror yet again. I feared what was going to happen to me.
"FUCK IT, THIS FUCKING BITCH IS GETTING FUCKING PUNISHED" Pritchard shouted as he swung my cage door open and pulled me from my cage. I felt fear knowing I was going to be degraded painfully.
Pritchard carried me on his shoulders and sat down on a tree stump. He then slammed me onto his lap bent over and began to spank my ass hard. As he spanked me, he insulted me calling me names such as 'Whore' or 'Slut.' I began to cry as it was extremely painful. I couldn't believe what was happening to me. He continued to slap me with the two other men watching whilst beating their meat.
After spanking me, he grabs a thin stick and orders me to lay bent over the tree stump. I obey and he gets up and begins to whip my ass with the stick. I cry out in pain begging to stop. He refuses and orders me to shut up, I obey holding my cries in.
My ass was as red as crimson, it felt raw with each lash being more painful than the last. Pritchard had grown tired of this as he ordered the other two men to squirt their love juice all over me. They did and semen covered me from head to toe.
"Your so fucking lucky that your slutty body is worth something otherwise my original threat of letting goblins kidnap you be real" Pritchard mockingly says as he stands over me looking down on me. I couldn't look at him but instead shut my eyes sobbing.
"It's time for sleep bitch." Pritchard said as he grabbed me by the hair and pulled me to the cage, he then grabbed me from the waste and threw me into my cage, locking me up and pulling the cover over the cage.
Yet again, I was plunged into darkness but this time, I was all alone with no one to talk to. I cried myself asleep with the frustration of pain and degradation that will face me tomorrow. If only I could speak to someone, I just wish I could hug someone and tell them about my problems.