Story 2 Part 4-Trisha Parin

I feel fatigued but joyful at the same time. After giving birth, I feel like a new person. When I used to look down to my bump in my stomach, I would be reminded of the savagery of what the goblins did to me but with that gone, I am a free woman. Although, I'm not entirely free as me, Rebecca and Kandi are stuck in a pact to repay the guy who gave us the spell. I find it idiotic that Rebecca didn't even ask for his name before signing the pact. She's a stupid girl but I gotta pay my respect to her, she is the person who saved me and Kandi.

The next day after me and Kandi gave birth, we set out to complete a quest. I'm lucky that Rebecca can cast healing spells otherwise I wouldn't of been able to walk. The quest we're completing consists of killing slimes and collecting their gel to sell. This is an easy quest and it doesn't pay well. It's the gel we're after as we'll collect more gel than needed and then sell it to a merchant. The quest is paying 50 gold for 5 glasses of gel. The location we need to travel to is around 30 minutes away so it's not too far. This is gonna be a piece of cake. Although, I don't know if Kandi can actually fight, Rebecca gave me and Kandi a cheap sword for the meantime but I don't know if Kandi knows how to swing one. It will be entertaining to watch if she can't.

"How are you guys feeling?" Asked Rebecca. Me and Kandi responded with the same answer referring to ourselves as fine. Rebecca might be stupid but she's a kind person. Kandi on the other hand is someone I can't make out what type of person she was. She's mysterious that's all I know. She doesn't seem to have a personality and it's hard to explain why. I would try to get to know her better but thinking about her backstory seems fishy. She said that she abandoned the life he lived to run into the forest. That isn't something a normal person would do. She must be lying about something and she doesn't want to tell us. Maybe she will when she feels more comfortable.

We arrive at our slime killing destination. The location is just a open patch of grass within the forest. Slimes infest the place. They bounce around and they consume the fruit from the bushes. They are somewhat big being the size of large sheep. I don't know much about slimes but strangely, Kandi knew a lot about them.

"These girls, are normal sized slimes. They bounce around like they're doing now and consume fruit. However, the more fruit they consume will result in the bigger they will become. Also, don't get sucked into one as wild slimes will burn off your clothing and will reproduce with you, making you filled with slime cum and birthing their children. Also, you can also become a slave to these things as they can trap you in a ditch and infinitely reproduce with you until the day you die."

Me and Rebecca give Kandi a strange look. It's weird how much she knows about slimes. Rebecca caught onto this as well despite how stupid she is. Kandi gave a smile at both of us before she walked forward towards the slimes. Rebecca and I watch her walk forward towards a slime. Me and Rebecca followed Kandi and together we faced a single slime.

The appearance of the slime was odd. The beast had no eyes nor did it have a visible mouth. I'm guess that when it sucks up fruit it must digest it within. As I think about that, Kandi's prep-talk about the slimes quickly reminded me about what they could do if they captured us. A shiver runs down my spine. However, I was not worried. Despite giving an artificial birth last night, I feel completely fine all thanks to Rebecca and her healing capabilities.

Kandi is now within 10 feet from the slime. The slime acknowledges Kandi and bounces towards her. I was about to give Kandi support but in the corner of my eye I look at Rebecca, she has gone red and one of her hand's is grabbing the side of her mage's cloak. This stopped me for a few seconds before I turn my head to see the most pathetic attempt of a sword swing I have ever seen in my life performed by Kandi. The sword did hit the slime but the velocity she swung was as if he was just getting out of bed. The slime absorbed the sword and pounced onto Kandi.

"Oh crap Kandi I'm coming to help!" I say as I quickly approach her with the slime on top of her stomach. Kandi didn't panic nor did she struggle. With force I swing my sword at the slime, cutting it into two. As I sliced it open, I noticed a pearl the size of an apple role from the sliced slime. The slime, being cut in half, did not move whilst on Kandi. The cut open slime slowly began to disintegrate from Kandi and the gel poured onto the floor.

"Are you okay Kandi?" I ask whilst I look at Kandi. Kandi responded by saying she's fine whilst still having slime on her. As the slime fully disintegrated off her, I look at Kandi and her whole shirt she was wearing has been disintegrated and exposing her breasts for the world to see.

"Silly me, I need to work on swinging my sword" Kandi said as she looks down to her exposed breasts.

"YOU IDIOT, IT'S NOT HARD TO SWING A SWORD AND LOOK WHAT'S IT'S GOTTON YOU, YOUR SHIRT IS BURNTED AND WE HAVE NOTHING TO COVER YOU UP WITH!" I yell at Kandi for being so in-competent. Honestly, how stupid is this girl...?

"AND AS FOR YOU REBECCA, WHY THE HELL DID YOU JUST STAND THERE DOING NOT-" I stop yelling as I see just how red Rebecca had become.

"Oh ugh yea sorry Trisha I'm just feeling...I little ill that's all yea, just a little ill" Rebecca stuttered. Both of these girls are hopeless. To think that their adults being 18, the same age as me. I sigh and grab Kandi's sword from the slime. As I do, I notice the gel that the slime had was forming around the pearl on the ground. I try grabbing the pearl but the heat from touching the pearl made my hand jump.

"Rebecca, you have ice magic, blast the pearl with Ice so It cools down." Rebecca listens to my order and casts a spell freezing the pearl. The gel around the slime stopped moving and just stayed there. I then order Rebecca to melt the ice, she did with fire and the pearl laid on the floor. The gel was no longer being attracted to the pearl and continued to stay where it was. I watch as the gel slowly evaporated, I came to realise that Kandi is an absolute fool. I pick up Kandi's sword and use it for my own. Theirs's no chance in hell I'm letting Kandi wield a sword ever again. I order Kandi to sit on a rock topless as me and Rebecca do all the work, she listens and sits on top of a rock. Now that we don't have to worry about that fool of a girl, me and Rebecca can kill these slimes and go home.

It had taken us nearly the whole day to complete this stupid quest. Me and Rebecca had trouble killing these stupid slimes. The burning gel from the slimes got onto our clothes and burned many holes into our clothing revealing mine and Rebecca's underwear. This is so embarrassing but Rebecca didn't seem embarrassed but instead sweating and panting whilst looking down. Kandi on the other hand seemed fine just sitting on the rock topless watching us. I'm a little angry but I know that me and Rebecca will be eating instead of her tonight. She can starve with not doing anything today. Us three girls gather and decide to go back to town.

On the way back, I come to notice how Kandi knew about these slimes but failed to tell us how to kill them. As well as, Kandi doesn't feel ashamed nor did she feel worried when the slime was on top of her. Kandi is a strange girl but she seems to be hiding something about herself. As for Rebecca, she's been acting strangely for the past few days, panting and being red face makes her look weird. I hope both of these hopeless girls become more aware of the world they live within. We arrived at town, got our money, went back to the inn and all collapsed onto the bed. It's lucky that it was dimly dark and that people were in their homes as otherwise, they would have had a good look at Kandi and would have seen me and Rebecca's underwear. That is for tomorrow as we got no clothing left to cover her. We all decided to worry about that tomorrow and rest for the night as for tomorrow, we will be picking up a big quest which will make us a lot of gold.