Story 3 Part 3-Daisy Price

It's my second day working in this mansion. I've messed up countless times and even got yelled at by Robert. I couldn't help myself from laughing at this but the other maids looked petrified at what mistakes I made. To be honest, it was kind of entertaining when I purposely started to drop food and place it back on plates. The maids would become so petrified that they would start to look all around the room.

Although, it was kind of lonely during lunch break. None of the maids would sit next to me so I ate alone. I tried sitting next to them but they would look petrified and scurry away. It's kind of funny as I don't even know any of their names; all the names I know are the butlers names. Nevertheless, it doesn't fully bother me as I will just become Sir Thornton's mistress and become rich. After lunch, we maids all get back to work. I was placed on my own to dust one of the many rooms the master of the mansion owns. I begin to work lazily as I just dust the area of the room once and move on. It's not my fault I wasn't taught this, all I was taught was to look pretty for a rich man.

Suddenly, Robert enters the room looking furiously. His eyes are frowning and his face is curling in anger. He slips his finger on a vase only to be met with a thick line of dust. I snicker with laughter but Robert was laughing one bit.

"You Have Been Summoned By Sir Thornton!" Robert shouted at me.

This was news to my delight as I was going to finally meet Sir Thornton in person. This will be the very beginning of my rich and prosperous life. I happily stride alongside Robert and we both enter Sir Thornton's dinner table where he is sat eating what seemed to be a meal for a family. He still looks disgusting but I can get around this just by the thought of the money he will give me.

"So *Munches on food* you are the *Munches on food* other new lass aye?" Sir Thornton slowly mutters with food rammed in his mouth. This was utterly disgusting to look at but I nod my head in compliance.

"Robert *Coughs loudly* has told me that you *Munches on food* have been a pretty piss poor maid"

"It's not my fault it's Robert's and Spencer's fault for not properly training me"

"Is that so *munches food for a long time…* So you're telling me that my two very best butlers that are precise with their work of passion are the ones to blame for your incompetence!"

"Yes they are useless bas—" Sir Thornton cuts me off as he orders Robert to bring me right in front of him.

"You have just ruined my appetite and I absolutely hate wasting food. You're gonna compensate for this indulgence of stupidity. How dare you also mock my butlers!" Sir Thornton says as he struggles to stand up from his large size chair.

Viciously, Sir Thornton grabs my long hair and slams me to my knees. I squealed in pain but my face was met with Sir Thornton's fat penis pointing at my face. "You will be properly punished" he says in a prideful tone of voice as he holds my head ready to violate me. I didn't know what to do as I felt like I just blew my chance of becoming his mistress and so in desperation, I decided to just roll with it as I could be back on his good side.

Humiliatingly, Sir Thornton begins to dick slap his fat cock onto my face. The sound of this noise was so humiliating. His greasy cock began to grease my pretty face. He then began to press his fat cock onto my face. He then began thrusting his cock on my face as if he was skull fucking me. His cock slid up and down my face making my face even more greasy. Whilst doing this, he was breathing heavily and his foul breath began to fill my smothered nose. I felt like I was going to be sick.

"Now bitch, lick and swallow my ball sack"

These words filled me with even more disgust as he grabbed my head and smothered my mouth onto his ball sacks. I followed his orders and began licking the disgusting pair underneath and on top. I then swallowed the bastard things making my mouth feel like shit. Sir Thornton looked like a pig as he displayed pleasure in his face. Within 2 minutes of this degradation, Sir Thornton cummed at the top of my head covering my forehead and my hair. I was absolutely dumbfounded at this but I have had worse things happen to me whilst I was a prostitute. I spit out his ball sacks and begin to catch my breath.

"Oh crap that felt good…I guess you aren't entirely useless plus you didn't protest anything I did to your pretty face. So I don't forget, what is your name slut?" Sir Thornton said as he cleans his cock with his hand.

"Daisy…Daisy Price Sir"

"Nice name…By the way its master got it"

"Yes master"

"Good, now you can leave as I've suddenly got a strong appetite"

Robert smirks in pride at me and beacons me to leave whilst Sir Thornton is left alone to eat his banquet of food. As we leave the room, Robert spins me around and slaps my face. I begin to tear up but I don't say anything.

"Don't you ever disrespect me or Spencer again you fucking cunt!" Robert said.

"I…I'm sorry" I depressingly say. Spencer then directs me to the showers and I begin to shower all of the dirt/grease that covered my pretty body. When I finished showering, I noticed that It was late outside. I must have been in that shower for a really long time for it to be dark outside. I undress and lay in bed.

Although I had been completely humiliated today, I was still not done trying to be Sir Thornton's mistress. I had come up with a new plan as If I can't impress him with doing useless house chores, then I will just impress him by being his personal slut and use my body to impress him. I look up to the ceiling to think that everything will make sense in the future. However, I couldn't have been so wrong…