Story 1 Part 4-Avery Saral

Working at Sir Thornton's mansion for over a month sure has been better than a prisoner. I've made friends with the other maids and I make sure to complete all my chores to my best ability. I still feel numb after my family's destruction and Shelly's betrayal but the environment around me makes me happy. The only problem I have here is being put on 'display' and being 'human merchandise'.

For me living here, I am reminded that I am still merchandise. Due to my virginity, I'm worth a fortune. Additionally, I am good at housework and my behaviour in the mansion is said to be 'perfection' and so my price has sky-rocketed. This is good for me as it means that only the rich will be able to afford me meaning my chances of finding a better household to live in will increase. Well, that's what I'm predicting anyway.

When it comes to displaying myself, Sir Thornton makes me strip or to wear some lingerie and pose in front of him. Honestly, I've been through alot more than this and I don't really affected by this. I admit I would rather not do this but If it means that I will be sold off to a more capable owner then it will justify it.

When it comes to the idea of being sold off, I hate that this will happen but If I get a good buyer, I might still be able to live a somewhat, free life as a wife or even just a maid. The worst can still happen though as I could be sold off to be a mistress of sex but if thats the intentions then I will run away. Thinking of it, that's what my sister did. I wonder how she's doing?

Throughout the month I've lived here, Spencer the old butler helped me out tremendously. He would make sure that I did everything right and would always try to limit the amount of time I was put on display. He was a true gentleman but it's sad to see that today is his last day of work before retirement. I've only known him for a short time but it makes me sad knowing that I will probably never meet him again. It's sad to see that the other maids here don't care and just want to leave this place as soon as possible. It looks like I am the only maid who will be giving him a farewell present. It's not much but I can give him a nice purple flower, cut from the garden carefully. I'm sure he will love it. To see Spencer for the last time, I walk to his room to find him packing all his belongings.

"Hey Spencer, it's Avery" I say as I brush my hair to the side. Spencer smiles with warmth and stops packing.

"Oh hello there sweet Avery, I hope you slept well last night"

"I sure did Spencer, I just came here to say my last goodbyes before you leave"

Spencer's face changes with his warm smile transforming into a sad smile. His eyes looked gloomy and his positive attitude turned into sorrow.

"It saddens me that this will be the last time we see each other. I wish you the most sincere best of luck"

"Thank you Spencer, I even got you a little something" I then handed him the purple flower I picked. Spencer returns to his warm smile and holds the flower, he then pins it to his shirt. It looked beautiful on him.

"Thank you Avery, I will try and keep the flower alive as long as I can" Spencer approaches me, reaches for my hand and kisses the top of my hand. This was so sweet of him, he is truly a gentleman.

"Avery there's something I need to tell you" Spencer said as he lifted his head and looked straight into my eyes. This was such a sudden twist in mood that I didn't have time to react. I just listened to what he had to say.

"I am the most trustworthy person that Thornton knows, he believes that I am truly just retiring. Little does he know that I am going to use my retirement funds to raise a posse of soldiers to storm his mansion in order to set you all free. I wish I could just call the authorities but they are under his pay books and will result in me being killed."

This was big news for me. Spencer would go this far just to save some strangers he didn't even know. Not to mention that me and the other girls will be saved. My face began to light up with hope. Before I could say anything, Spencer immediately told me to shush.

"This will take some time and so Avery, just try and stay here for as long as possible"

"I…I will try my hardest Spencer. Honestly I could kiss you with joy"

"Heha I'm honoured sweetie, I better be going. Remember what I taught you and stay out of trouble."

With those final words, Spencer grabbed his case and was ready to leave. I hugged the man who will soon save me and he walked away from the mansion. The only two people who watched his leave were me and Robert, the younger butler. My face was puzzled to see Robert smiling from eyelash to eyelash. It didn't look like he was sad but instead…happy that he was gone. I didn't say anything and just returned to resume my chores.

The rest of the evening went as any other. I finished my chores and then returned to my room to sleep. I laid in bed wondering about the future. Oh I can't wait to be free…






Suddenly I awoke to my door being creaked. My eyes were fuzzy as the light of a candle burned my eyes. As my eyes began to adapt to the light, I witnessed who opened my door…Robert! He closed the door behind him and he approached my bed.

"Hello sir, is there anything you need?" I say to him in a low tone of voice. Robert smiled like he did at the departure of Spencer. He scared me but all I did was just lay upright in my bed, luckily dressed in my nightwear.

"Well well well, Avery. Who would have thought that the old man would finally die" Robert said as he placed his hand on my shoulder. My stomach dropped and my head began to spin.

"You…you don't mean Sp-"

"Yes Avery, Spencer is dead, he is an ornament"

"An…ornament…what do you me-"

"Sir Thornton has a thing for collecting TRAITORS heads, he likes to place them on a pike and let them rot on the wall in his underground cellar where he keeps other ''ornaments' haha".

My eyes began to water, such a kind and honest man was miserably slaughtered and humiliated. Robert began to smile more menacingly at me. It looked like he was enjoying all this happening.

"If I do say, Spencer made some very funny cries at the hot knife slicing him apart. The old dog, well, whelped like a dog haha."

"You…you monster-"

"Oh no no don't raise your voice, you don't want to wake the other members of this household and certainly not Sir Thornton up now do you?" Spencer said in a mocking tone of voice whilst coursing my hair. I was paralysed in emotion. I wasn't this heartbroken since my sister betrayed me and my parents' death. I sobbed more but forced myself not to moan in sorrow outloud.

"That's a good girl, It is a shame that we had to kill him, he did nothing wrong but the fact he was leaving the household can and will not be accepted by Sir Thornton. We can't run the risk of people telling others what they do here now can we?"

I honestly want to kill this man, how dare he speak like this about Spencer, the gentleman who wouldn't hurt a fly. How dare he think he can say this. No why am I thinking this, I'm like Spencer, I am as harmless as a fly. I need to stop thinking like this. As my thoughts troubled me, Robert lowered his hand and began touching my breasts. I was horrified at this but didn't say anything.

"Mmmhhh what big breasts you have for someone of your stature, Spencer was a fool to try and shelter you from your duties of being a woman. Remember Avery, your a slave you got that not a free woman and tonight I will teach you this"

Robert slaps my mouth and rips my nightwear top, exposing my breasts. Robert then places his knees beside my body and undoes his pants, revealing a small cock pointing at my breasts. He then slots his dick in between my breasts and begins to hump it. I felt so humiliated and began contemplating trying to strangle him but my passive nature overtook me and I just laid there, accepting the humiliation I was receiving. With this, tears also came over me as to think that Spencer's death is being humiliated with me getting tit fucked by this sorry excuse of a man. As he tit fucked me, he then began to suck on my breasts.

"Mighty hell, you taste and feel amazing. I can see why your price in gold is five figures"

With the tit fucking becoming faster, so did the thoughts of killing him. On the desk beside me was a glass vase. All I have to do is grab it and smash it over his skull. But I can't, my body won't allow me. I gotta do this, I gotta do this, I gotta do this, I gotta do this, I gotta do this, I gotta do this, I gotta do this, I gotta do this, I GOTTA DO THIS!

I dig my fingernails into the thigh of Robert. He squeals a noise of pain, I suddenly realize what I did and immediately stop and apologise to him. Robert was furious, he raised his hand and was going to slap my face but instead, he slapped my breasts with force. I squeal in pain.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH…*clears throat*…That is very…unlike you Avery…but it turns me on to see a woman fighting back…here's the deal then…don't say a word about this and I won't continue to well…have fun with you…just don't step out of line and do what you just did…oww it's painful"

With this, Robert pulls up his pants, blows me a kiss to mock me and walks away with a stride. I lay there naked from the top above. My big breasts feel sticky and my nipples have saliva on them. I grab my pillow and cry into it. I miss Spencer, I wish he was still here. What did I just do? Why did I just do that? I'm like Spencer, I wouldn't hurt a fly! Re-adjusting the pillow. My eyes spread at the sight of blood on my nails. The crimson color smeared drops onto both the pillow and my skin. I shut my eyes in fear. I want to forget that this ever happened and I want to not ever have to do something like this…ever again…