Chapter Nine

You know... I've been to a lot of malls back when I was in New York and I mean a lot, but some of them -in my opinion- can't hold a candle to Dream-Mall.

The building is built with metallic bars and crystal glasses to give the place optimal amounts of natural lights, the inside of the mall is large enough for a steady flow of foot traffic and the large banners hanging from the ceiling portrays various adverts.

Looking at the sea of faces crowding the mall my eyes move through every corner as much as they can and a part of me brightens at the thought of exploring more of it.

Jayden and I climb onto the escalator when I suddenly remember something Bora had said back at school. "Hey Jay, they said they're going to be waiting at Kai's Cafe?"

"That's great," He grins, looking down at me. "This is Dream-Mall's headquarters and the only place with Kai's Cafe and Restaurant, who are you meeting anyways?"

"Oh, it's a girl named-"

I get cut off by the sudden ringing of his cellphone and wait for him to pull it out and answer, as he talks to whomever he's talking to we get off the escalator and move aside for others to pass.

Leaning on the metallic bar of the glass railing on the first floor, I look down at what's going on the ground floor until Jay finishes. He has a sheepish smile on his face and he rubs the back on his neck when he walks back to me.

"Hey Lana, am sorry but I need to leave right now, my…" He trails off with a thoughtful frown, seeming unsure about something. "friend just called and something urgent came up, she needs to leave so I need to meet up with her like right now. I wanted to take you to the cafe but-"

"Jay, it's okay," I roll my eyes at his rambling. "You can leave, I'll just head to the cafe myself."

He sighs in relief and pulls me into a quick hug. "You're the best Lana, the cafe is on the 25th floor and if you just walk down this way the elevators-"

"Jay enough, just go. I'll find the elevator myself."

He hesitates and bites down on his lower lip in worry, clearly conflicted on whether or not he should leave me on my own or go to his friend. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, am sure, now go."

Smacking a kiss on my forehead he turns and rushes off without further probing, rolling my eyes with a smile I wonder who this person is that's got him acting so edgy.

Turning in the opposite direction, I follow his instruction and thankfully found the elevator, following a small group of people into the four-walled chunk of metal I press the button for the 25th floor and wait patiently as everyone gets off before I do.

Immediately, I spot the cafe and also notice a restaurant with the same name. The cafe and restaurant are kind of like a joint store, separated by nothing but a thick wall. Walking closer, I notice the daily specials are written in colourful letters on a chalkboard to the left outside the glass door of the cafe.

I push the door open and walk in, making the bell hanging overhead jingle to alert the occupants of the arrival of someone entering.

I'm heralded by a blast of cold air as soon as I step in and can't help but shiver, pulling my coat closer to my body I stare around to take everything in. The cafe is decorated with bright lights and equally bright colours, giving the place a warm and cheery look.

Clean terracotta rustic tiles are used on the floors and all around are square tables, glass tops, and menus under the glass tops. The waiters are smartly dressed in stationary black and white uniforms, and small vases of yellow carnation flowers are settled in the middle of each table.

Large windows show the view of the buzzing city below and on the far side of the cafe are stairs leading up to the second floor which looks like a modern mix of a library and relaxation room.

The music video, Three of us by Toy, Is being played on the flat-screen TV and the beautiful music resonates softly around the room, adding to that the aroma of freshly baked pastries and brewed coffee gives the place a comfortable feeling.

I look around and spot Bora and the guys waving, and with a relieved smile I head over to their table. "I hope I'm not late." I sigh as I reluctantly pull off my coat and take a seat next to Daejung.

"Nope, we just got here even. We were hoping to have some of Kai's popular rustic blackberry tart and some ice tea, we haven't even ordered yet so do you want one?" Bora asks and I nod, with a nod of her own she waves down a passing waiter who fills in our orders.