Chapter Ten

"Hey, I'm home!" I call into the living room as soon as I step in and pull off my coat, draping it over my hand I pull off my shoes and pick them up so am walking barefoot.

"In the kitchen!" Jayden responds, and I head in that direction.

Breathing in the familiar smell of brewing kimchi stew, I walk further to see my brother standing behind the kitchen counter with an apron wrapped around his waist.

"Well, this is a familiar surprise." I smile and fold my hands in front of my chest. "I thought you didn't cook anymore."

Glancing at me briefly with a happy smile, he responds. "Just because cooking isn't my first love anymore doesn't mean I stopped dabbling now and then, anyways you're back a lot later than I expected. Did you have fun with your new friends?"

"Yup, after meeting them over at the cafe we watched a really good action movie and played a bit in the arcade. They wanted to do something else when we decided to leave, but it was late and I was tired, so we decided to just head home." I sigh, draping my coat on the wooden chair tucked into the dining table.

I drop my boots at the foot of the chair and walk around the counter to head to the fridge for a glass of water. "How about you, how was your date?"

Smirking, he doesn't rebut my "date" comment. "It's was fine, though we couldn't spend more than 30mins together."

Sighing, he almost sounds a little bit sad as he moves away from the stove to start chopping down some carrots. I lean my shoulder against the fridge and stare at his back while he worked, I would have offered to help but am no good in a kitchen.

"Why did she have to leave early?"

"Family stuff I guess."

A brow lifts at his short response but I decided to leave my curiosity alone, if he doesn't want to talk about his date then I shouldn't probe.

Heading towards my coat and boots I pick them up and say with a tired yawn. "I'm going upstairs to shower, call me when dinners ready."

"Sure, no problem."

Later that night Jay and I are settled in the living room, with me watching TV since I've got nothing better to do and Jayden texting on his phone. Scratching my head with the remote I hear the front door open and turn to see my dad walk in.

He pulls off his coat jacket and hangs it in the coat closet, his shoes come next and with dragging legs he walks over to the armchair across from us, slumping onto the seat heavily with a groan.

"Welcome home, Jayden cooked dinner and we left yours covered in the kitchen," I say, and he sends us both a small smile.

"Great, thanks."

We're sitting in silence when the show on TV changes to a commercial, the boisterous voice of the person talking tugs on everyone's focus.

Narrowing my eyes, I think I might recognize the man. He's one of the men that stepped out of the Vice Principal's office earlier today, half-listening to him talk enthusiastically about some music show my attention turns to Jayden when he sits up in interest.

I was going to tease him for it when my phone buzzed at my side, pulling it out I'm surprised to see a text from Bora.

Hey, I just wanted to say the guys and I had fun today and we were wondering if you wanted to hang out again? – Bora.

I'd love to, though maybe you should be more specific about the next place we go to. If it weren't for my brother, I probably wouldn't have been able to know which Dream-Mall to head to. – Me.

Oh shit! I forgot you just arrived after living abroad, it skipped my mind. Am so sorry. – Bora.

It's no problem, it all worked out well in the end right? – Me.

Right, but don't worry though, am going to still make it up to you. – Bora.

I won't be able to change your mind, will I? – Me.

Nope, so don't bother. – Bora.

Fine then, I look forward to what you have planned for your apology. – Me.

You should, anyway I've gotta go. See you tomorrow. – Bora.

Smiling, I put my phone down and look back up to see the commercial is already finished and the show I was watching is once again on.

When I first arrived I wasn't all that enthused about finding a friend at school or work now that I'm starting over, because the events that had taken place in New York is still ingrained in my mind.

But now that I've found Bora and the twins, I don't quite hate the idea as much as I once did, in actually looking forward to it.

I just… I hope I don't make the same mistakes again.