Chapter Sixteen

"I was tricked into signing this contract!"

"No one tricked you, I have no idea why those pages were folded but you can't blame this on us. You should have carefully examined the form before signing." Kevin responds sincerely, though the satisfied smirk on his face told a different story.

"Are you kidding me right now?"

Outraged, I jump to my feet and raised the contract with a look of disbelief. "You can't honestly make me adhere to the contract."

"Ohm, yes we can." Dae-Hong draws to his feet as well and circles the desk to step closer to me, he strongly tugs on the contract I had bunched up in my hands and I released it.

"Look, we didn't want the media getting wind of those we've chosen for the competition so we had the schools we'd selected hold small competitions, and used their performance as audition pieces."

Raising his hands, he shrugs. "Now, I don't know who tricked you, but look at the bright side. The show would be a major boost for you, and with Cameron as a mentor your rightly on your way to stardom."

"As great as that sounds," I snort sarcastically. "I still can't be in this competition."

"Did we mention we're co-producing the show with KBS top producers?"

"Still… not interested."

"The entire thing is going to be featured on national television."

"No… f**king… thank you."


I'm startled by the question which came from the hotel guy named Cameron.

This is the first he's spoken since I've gotten here.

"Being in the show will give you fame and a clear path in the entertainment industry. I mean isn't that why you're at this school, to get famous?" He asks, albeit with a snide tone.

But instead of getting angry I simply stare at him with a cool and collected expression. Arrogant piece of shit!

"No, I'm not looking to get famous," Because I already am! "And even if I was, it definitely wouldn't be by your side." I sneer in disdain, and he narrows his eyes in anger.

Kevin Dean whistles playfully, his lips stretched wide with an amused grin. "Now, now kids, no fighting." He chuckles, directing a warning look at Cameron before turning his focus to me.

"Look, Lana is it, am sorry to say this but you have no choice but to follow through with this competition. You already signed our contract and breaking out of it is going to cost you a lot of money."

I remember the contract once again and cringe at my stupidity. "How much is it going to take for me to break the contract?"

The three of them share a look before Cameron lets out a mocking scoff.

"We're talking about a forty million dollar contract here," Kevin stares at me with a sceptical frown. "That's a lot of money."

"40 mi-mi-million—" I cut off my stuttering and try to swallow past the lump suddenly stuck in my throat.

Great, could my life get any worse than this? "F-fi-fine, I'll pay it."

The 3 of them stare at me in silence for a couple of strained minutes, before busting out in hysterical laughter.

Crossing my arms over my chest, I calmly wait for them to finish with an irritated look.

"Wait, you're serious?" Cameron asks in disbelief once they got a hold of themselves, standing to his feet he takes three steps forward and reaches my side.

I had to force my body not to draw back in instinct as I nod. "Yup,"

Breathe in, breathe out.

"Am sure you've all done some background research before considering me for the show, so you know my family do not lack money. Sure, it won't be easy to gather that much so quickly, but if you'll give me a little more time I should be able to write a check."

Cameron questions in suspicion. "You'll pay that much just to get out of the contract?" Rather than respond, I nod. "Why?"

"Let's just say I have reasons I refuse to share."

Letting out a defeated sigh, Dae-Hong nods his head slowly and shrugs. "Fine, if you can come up with that amount then I think—"

"Dae-Hong and Cameron, could you please give me some alone time with Lana here?" Kevin interrupts, and the guys turn to him with questioning looks.

He looks away from me and stares the both of them down with a look I couldn't quite read. "I won't be long; I just want a private word with her."