Chapter Seventeen

It was on the tip of my tongue to object to them leaving because I didn't trust the sly look in Kevin's eyes, but Cameron pulls Dae-Hong towards the door before I could protest and I gape as it closes softly behind the both of them.

Kevin clears his throat and my attention turns to him wearily. "Loo,k Lana–"

"No matter what you say I'm not going to change my mind."

He grins as if expecting that precise response. "Even if it involves me possibly exposing your secret?"

"Excuse me?"

"You don't recognize me do you?"

"Am I supposed to?" I frown and he smirks.

"Though everyone knows me as Kevin Dean here, my nickname back when I used to work in New York was KD. Former manager of Sofia Rock, the famous Victoria Secret model who used to be your friend."

I believe this is the part where my subconscious tells me… yup Lana, you're fucking screwed.

Now I know why he looked so familiar, Sofia had been my best friend and the only person apart from Sam who knew the real person behind my Mask.

Though I'd only met Kevin Dean a handful of times when I still communicated with Sofia before the explosive fight between the two of us, I don't think he'd ever seen me without my mask. So how the hell did he recognize me?

"I have no idea what you're talking about or who you are?"

He gives me a patronizing stare, as if mentally asking, is that all you could come up with?

"Thanks to the both of you being so close I've been to Slim-Jim agency with Sofia more times than I can count, and during three of those times, I saw you there. So tell me now Lana, do you still not know what am talking about?"

He raised a dark eyebrow in my direction, stepping around the desk to draw closer and stare me down, making the distance between the both of us only a few inches.

Feeling unsettled by his closeness I stand and clench my hands into fists behind my back. Staring into his grey coloured eyes, I try to tame down the quivering fear building up inside of me and push my shoulders back.

"I did some modelling when I lived in New York, so maybe you saw me there and confused me for someone else."

"I took pictures Lana, or should I call you... L.K." He tuts, stepping back a bit which made me breathe easier.

I watch him bring out his phone to show me a picture of myself as L.K in my private dressing room, holding my mask up in the air as I talked to Sam.

He must have been within a close distance when he took the picture because it's so sharp and clear, not a single blur to give me an edge against this.

"I took this without any intentions really, but am glad I kept it. Because now, I can put it to good use." He gives me a sly smile that practically screamed… got you!

Pointing an accusing finger at him, my eyes widen in anger. "It was you, you tricked me into signing this stupid contract!"

Feigning confusion, he holds up his hands in the air. "How the hell would I have managed that when we just met?"

"Yet you have an old picture of me as the Masked Queen on your phone, just conveniently there for you to use so you can blackmail me. I'll tell you now, that picture doesn't prove anything. I could simply come up with a good enough explanation for the mask. After all, thanks to my fame, the mask is pretty much popular everywhere now."

"That may be true but, the fact that you're talking to the Masked Queen's manager while holding onto it, in a private dressing room just for the Masked Queen herself is enough to pique everyone's curiosity and raise questions. And let's not forget about Slim-Jim."

He chuckles deceptively, bending at the waist so he stood at eye level.