Chapter Eighteen

He tilts his head and leans forward so he can whisper directly in my ear. "They aren't tied to any confidentiality agreement now that you've cancelled your contract with them, so with the right price who says they won't talk when asked if this person in the picture," He taps the screen of his phone with a haughty smirk. "is truly L.K."


"And, Slim-Jim has Just the right incentive to rat you out."

Pulling out a voice recorder, he wiggles it in my face with a mocking laugh when he straightens from his position. "Plus, I'll like to just add, I've been recording our entire conversation since the others left."

Eyes wide, I grab it but he quickly puts it behind him with a noise of warning. "No, no," He wiggles his finger at me. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"What do you want?"

Tsking, he takes a step back in boredom and sigh. "You know what I want Lana, we need you on our show as yourself and not the masked Queen."

Tilting his head, he adds as an afterthought. "Though, having you as L.K herself would be nice."

"Like hell you–" He cuts me off before some intense choice words could leave my lips.

"Yes, I know, not happening. Look, you need to make a choice here, you're either a part of the show or not. It's completely your decision. But I want you to just know that if you choose to refuse, I will release this photo and the recording."

My choice my ass. I glare at the son of a bitch and sigh, knowing I have no way to get out of this. It's all in or not, and the not option is something I don't want to contemplate.

"Fine, am in," Grinning, he raises his hand for a handshake but I ignore it and ask instead. "Why me though, why did I get chosen to star in the show?"

"Because you're the least likely person to make drama, right now there are some scandals involving Cameron that has his representation at a low. We need someone with a decent background like you to help his image. Someone who doesn't have a scandal stuck to her name or any drama in the family, your clean image and credentials from your previous school will draw the crowd in and it will also help Cameron's image a lot. If you're one of the faces of the show, as your mentor Cameron will be closely linked to you and when that happens, we want the image portrayed to be good."

I give him an incredulous look. "You talk about scandals, but don't you see, if you draw me into the limelight it's a scandal you'll be getting when everyone starts looking into my background."

Just the thought of it strikes fear in my heart but I stay calm, not wanting to show any weakness that could be useful to the ass-hat.

"They'll figure out I'm the Masked freaking Queen!"

"So what?" He asks, a snort slipping from his lips. "That kind of scandal would be beneficial for the show."

I narrow my eyes into warning slits, and he releases an amused chuckle as he says with a reassuring voice. "But since I'm a generous guy, I'll help keep your secret if that's what you want. Just say the word, and am there to give an award-worthy excuse." He winks.

"Thanks," I reply flatly. "That makes me feel so much better." I finish sarcastically, placing my hand over my chest with a fake smile of gratitude.

He grins cheekily, a twinkle lighting up in his eyes as he pats my head like a child. "Your very welcome."

I slap his hand away in annoyance. "If that's it then I better go, I should be in class right now."

"Lana wait," Kevin grabs onto my bicep just as I'm about to head towards the door. "We still need to talk about the show and what it is we require from you."

"Later!" I snap in anger, but he dismisses my irritation and hands over his cellphone.

"Your number. I'll call you later today so we can talk further."

His voice brook no arguments and since am the one with the shorter end of the stick today, I comply unwillingly.

I punch in my number before throwing his phone his way, not caring if it smashed against the wall as I stormed out of the office and slam the door closed behind me.

Cameron and Dae-Hong stood by the door, and not acknowledging their presence I storm past the both of them before heading for Jay's class.