Chapter Nineteen

Seeing the fact that a teacher is absent in their class I badge in. 20 or so heads snap up at the sound of the door hitting the wall, ignoring them I focus on Jayden.

Tipping my head back towards the hallway, I indicate for him to come out.

"We need somewhere private to talk." I whisper once he's out and he quickly leads me away.

I don't pay attention to where we're going, but once I hear the slam of a door behind us, I look around to see we're currently in the school's auditorium.

"Jayden, I said somewhere private," I mumble in exasperation and he shrugs.

"It's not like anyone is here during this time. Come on." He grabs my hand and pulls me down the stairs until we settle in a seat. "Now tell me what's going on?"

I told him everything that happened, starting from the part where I first met Cameron by chance. By the end of it all, he just held me in his arms, rubbing my back in comfort as I silently cried.

"Have you told Sam about this?" He asks, his breath blowing hot on my scalp.

"No, I haven't," I answer, blowing my nose with the napkin he'd given me as I pull back. "I'll tell him when I see him later today."

"That's probably for the best." He nods and I sigh, dropping my face into my hands with a groan.

"Gosh, how do I get myself into these kinds of messes."

"It's not your fault Lana, if I'd known this would happen I would have told you about the competition earlier."

I raise my head to stare at him in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

He smiles sheepishly and rubs the back of his neck with a guilty look in his eyes. "Rumours were circulating last month, about how the school competition is somehow involved with a TV show. Then when that advert about the show suddenly popped up on TV that night, I kind of had my suspicions."

"Why didn't you ever tell me about this!"

Gently he tugs on my hand, a helpless apologetic look on his face. "I swear, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you. But I couldn't mention anything because my worries were just that, worries. There was nothing concrete enough for me to base my suspicions on, besides you already entered the competition which made things a little too late so I put it out of my mind."

At least now I know what was making him act strange all through last week.

"What the hell am I supposed to do now?" I throw my hands in the air. "I can't participate in this competition. My life is already hectic enough!"

"Just calm down," He tries to appease me. "If it's any consolation I was asked to join the show."

"What, when?"

"Last night, I got a call from that guy named Kevin. Someone dropped out of the show at the last minute for personal reasons so I was recommended as a replacement, I was on the fence about whether or not to join but now that you've told me how this guy threatened you I'm wholeheartedly agreeing just to keep you protected."

"Jay, you don't have to."

"It's not a big deal Lana." He interrupts, and at my look of scepticism, he says reassuringly. "I don't mind joining the show. Besides, if am being honest I don't completely hate the idea of participating and it would be a boost to my career someday. You'll need help on the inside too anyways, and I doubt you can trust that Kevin guy."

"I couldn't possibly make you do this just for me."

He wraps a hand around me with a small squeeze. "You're my twin sister Lana, I'll do anything for you."

We spent 10 more minutes just talking before Jay and I stood to head back to class. "Chill, everything will work out just fine." He reassures, his swinging hand playfully nudging mine to get my attention.

"For my peace of mind… I hope so."

Kissing my forehead, he grabs my shoulders with a squeeze. "I'll see you later, yeah?"


I wrap a hand around his waist for a short hug before turning and entering my class. For the rest of the day, I kept to myself, ignoring everyone. Even Bora and the twins.

I know they're curious about why I was called to the Vice Principal's office, and why I'm so silent after returning, but I don't have the energy to make up some lie.

As soon as school ended, I called Sam to know where we're meeting up. Thankfully, he said to meet up at KAI's so it was no trouble locating the place.

Inside the cafe, I waited impatiently for my manager, and when he finally showed up twenty minutes later than our appointed time, I breathe out in relief and quickly told him everything as soon as his butt settled in his seat.

"Shit Lana!" He groans. "This isn't good."

"I know that Sam!"

"Has he called you yet," He asks, ignoring my snappy tone. "To tell you where you can meet?"

I shake my head in reply.

"Good, that's good." He mumbles and stands abruptly.

"Where are you going?" I ask in surprise, following behind as he walks over to the cashier to pay for the drinks we ordered but barely touched.

"We have somewhere to go before this Kevin guy calls."

I struggle to keep up thanks to his hurried pace, and we were just about to head out when we ran into Cameron.

Sam of course pushes past him not knowing who he is, but I paused momentarily and blinked in surprise.

We stare at each other for a long second before I hurriedly pushed past him to catch up with Sam when he calls out to me. Pressing his hand softly against my lower back, Sam hails a taxi and helps me inside before slipping in.

I asked where we're headed in such a hurry but all he gave me was a short and curt response. "We're going to someone who might be able to help."

I open my mouth to ask him to elaborate and he shoots me a look that told me to drop it, grudgingly I did and stayed silent for the duration of the ride.

The taxi stopped in front of a large glass building and after paying, Sam got out with me not too far behind. Staring up at the skyscraper I frown. "Where the hell are we?"

"We're at our new future," He replies, his annoyance momentarily washing away only to be replaced by a pleased grin. "This is K.S Entertainment Agency. One of the biggest entertainment agencies in Korea, the C.E.O made an irresistible offer and I promised we would think about it, but given the circumstances, we have no choice but to accept."

"Are you crazy!" I turn to him in alarm. "What makes you think this is the answer to our current problem?"

Looking around to make sure no one is paying attention to us; I question in a hushed whisper. "After what Slim-Jim put me through do you expect me to just sign with any agency?"

He smiles reassuringly and pulls me into his arms. "Stop stressing Lana, I've known the C.E.O for a long time and we went to high school together. I trust Yoonwoo," He says, and then points between the both of us. "We can trust him. He's a great person with promise."

Even after what he just said I'm still not convinced about this, but I reluctantly nod once I remember we have no choice here.

He drags me along with him into the building and 15mins later we're inside the office of the company's C.E.O, Mr Eun Yoonwoo.