PoV - Kaule
Lyunil seems to have encountered more problems yesterday. I wonder what could have happened. My healing ability is still not strong enough to close wounds as deep as that. I asked Lahri to buy some important items for dressings, but I still need to look for the Torenthili herbs to really help with the treatment. In the city you probably couldn't find anything, and if you did, it would be at a very high price. Here in the forest is a more favorable place to get what I'm looking for.
It's been a while since I was alone with nature… it's really lovely to be with her without the presence of noise and things that get in the way.
It seems that in this direction there are Torenthili herbs!
Walking in that direction made me find a pleasant surprise.
- Neru? Mya? What are you doing here? Are they hurt again?
- Lord Kaule! (Neru)
- Uncle Kaule! (Mya)
- It's not that, we're not hurt, we're just collecting extra resources for tomorrow! And what are you doing, Mr Kaule? Are you alone? (Neru)
- This time I'm here alone, I came to get Torenthili herbs to take care of Lyunil's wounds.
- Uncle Kaule, is Uncle Lyunil alright? (Mya)
- You are, little Mya! No need to worry, it's just wounds from yesterday's fights. And are you okay? Yesterday's event looked pretty dangerous.
- Yes, we are, we got some points and bought some resources, but I think we still need more things. (Neru)
- I got 12 points yesterday, Uncle Kaule! (Mya)
- Woww, this is amazing, little Mya!
I stroked her head smiling. It's really amazing to know that they managed to survive without any problems, I don't think we can underestimate them when it comes time to challenge these two.
- You wanted to know about the Torenthili herbs, we found some coming from that direction, I hope no animal has eaten. (Neru)
He pointed in the direction they came from.
- Thank you very much, Neru. It really helped me a lot!
- Hey he. (Neru)
- And where are you going now?
- We are looking for a magic temple! (Mya)
- Magic temple?
- We heard from someone in the mountain temple that somewhere in this forest there is the forest temple and we want to look for something valuable there that can help us. (Neru)
Mountain and forest temples, right?
Hmmm, those two guardians commented on temples too. Fulg would be the guardian of the fire temple and Quinnea the guardian of the water temple. And probably every temple was made for every single one of the titans… so this temple in the forest would be the temple of the earth titan, Thyrus.
- ~But don't tell anyone, Uncle Kaule!~ (Mya)
Mya whispered to me, trying to make it sound like it was a secret.
- I won't tell anyone, believe me!
- Do you know where it is? (Neru)
- I don't know, but if you allow me to talk to Lyunil about it, he might know something. What do you think, Mya? Can I talk to Lyunil about your secret?
- With uncle Lyunil you can say yes! ^^)
- That's good! Next time we meet I'll bring you the answer!
- Thank you, Mr Kaule! (Neru)
- Thank you, Uncle Kaule! („• ᴗ •„) (Mya)
- Good luck on your adventure!
After we said our goodbyes, I followed the direction Neru pointed and while they went in the opposite direction. A little further on I could see the herbs I'm looking for, those kids really helped me a lot.
They looked happier and more excited than the first time we met them… that's a good sign.
But what caught my attention the most was what they commented on temples. Neru said that they heard in the mountain temple, that means they were there… so is it possible to go to these temples? But the temple in the forest is lost… Neru and Mya may not know anything about the titans and so they see this just as an opportunity to explore ruins and get more resources, but what really happened? What was Thyrus planning?...
Anyway, we won't be able to find out until we investigate the place.
It reminded me of the old days, when she met me and everyone was fine. In the forest we lived in, when there was still beauty and purity everywhere. I didn't really like the commitments my family had and the other apprentices didn't want to spend time with me, after all I wasn't interested in combat techniques or developing new things, my biggest interest is in nature.
The twilight elves have always loved nature, the stars, the moon, the sun, after all, it is from them that our forces and our home come. But I wanted to pay more attention to detail and get to know more deeply about this mystery between our lives and the environment, but it was a lonely path I lived on for a few years until she showed up and wanted to join me.
We grew closer to each other and when my marriage was decided I never felt so happy to know she had been chosen. It seemed like everything was perfect, but on the eve of the wedding, she was chosen to be a guardian and was taken away immediately… that pain of having to say goodbye to her and not having said anything, not having done anything to stop it, it's a pain that is marked in my heart until today... When I reached adulthood, I decided to explore the surrounding lands and do the reconnaissance of areas that we hadn't explored yet, as I didn't get married and had no interest in other works, this was the only option that I had…
The first time I went out, I tried to cheer myself up a bit and hoped that that way I could meet her again at some point in my travels. It only lasted five days and I hadn't found anything interesting, but when I returned home, I no longer recognized that place and that corrupt eclipse had already taken over everyone...