
On a rainy night , lightning was flashing across the sky .

" AHH ! " In the usually quite palace , a scream was heard making all the people in the palace startled . The next thing the people heard were footsteps hurrying towards them while screaming , " Her majesty has gone into labor ! Call the imperial physician ! " Just as that sentence was heard , all started running around anxiously .

Half an hour later , the imperial physician came running into the Queen's room . Inside the Queen was screaming her lungs out while her maid tried to help her and say comforting words , but all in vain , the screams only got louder . The imperial physician started his work immediately without delay .

Meanwhile at the palace gate

A lot of soldiers made their way through the gate with a man leading them on a horse . The man was quite handsome with green eyes that were deep like the forest and black hair that was as soft as cotton . That man was the King , Alexander Verlice . Entering the gate , he dispersed the soldiers and entered the palace with hopes to see his wife waiting for him , but what he got were only screams . The king rushed inside and then towards their room leaving shocked maids behind at his sudden appearance .

The King opened the door to find the imperial physician saying that the baby is almost out . Finding out what the screams were all about , he felt relieved that nothing bad happened to his wife , but that feeling was quickly replaced by anxiousness over the baby .

Hours later

The screams finally died down and were replaced with a baby's screams . Hearing the newborn's screams , everyone was finally relieved . A moment later , the door opened revealing the Queen's personal maid .

" Congratulations , your majesty . It's a boy and the queen is alright. " Then the maid went back inside to help the Queen with anything she might need . The King rushed inside to find his wife laying on the bed with sweat all over her face and her face seemed so exhausted while their baby was in her arms .

" Congratulations , my wife . " He congratulated happily while the Queen smiled and continued staring at her little baby .

" See how beautiful he is ? He got my blue eyes and your black hair . " She was staring so happily at her baby while the King agreed with her . The Queen , Eve Verlice , had blue eyes as deep as the ocean with blonde hair as yellow as the sun , quite beautiful .

" Also , he has a a weird birthmark . Look , it's a devil . " Seeing the birthmark that the Queen was talking about , the King was shocked .

" T-That's the evil witches's sign ! " He exclaimed , clearly shocked .

" WHAT ?! " The Queen yelled , not believing what her husband just said , " What does my son has to do with the evil witches ?! "

The King was confused too , but that was until he recalled a certain event in his trip .


The King went to destroy the evil witches since they declared war , and the war went well for the King that they won in just a few days of departing from the Palace .

At that time , only the leader was left and the two leaders fought with the King having the upper hand at first only for him to win at last while the evil witches leader died , but before she died , she said something .

" I , Evil Witches Clan leader , curse you to ..... " and then she died , but the King couldn't fully hear what she was said and to be honest , he didn't care , but seemingly regretted now .

Back to the present

" And that's what happened . " The Queen was shocked to hear what happened and then broke into tears .

" My poor baby , how unfortunate you are ! " She kept crying while the King tried comforting her , but then , " Stupid man ! From now on , you should listen to whatever anyone says carefully understand ?! " she exploded in her husband .