Curse and Cure

Years passed and now the Prince is 3 years old

King Alexander and Queen Eve kept waiting for the curse to trigger as to now what it is , but .... nothing happened . Weird , right ? That's what they thought , that maybe the old man misheard or that birthmark was a coincidence , but their hopes for that were instantly destroyed when ...

" Your majesties ! The Prince is behaving weirdly ! " The maid came rushing into their bedroom where they were sleeping .

Immediately , they both woke up and gave each other a worried look while hurrying to their son's room .

As soon as they arrived there , they found that the door was locked and nobody could even break it even if they want to .

" What happened here ?! " King Alexander exclaimed clearly anxious and worried for his son .

" We don't know what happened either , your majesty . Prince Aaron woke up feeling thirsty and then went to the kitchen and found me there cleaning , and when he was drinking , he suddenly let go of the glass and started screaming that his chest hurts and without another word , he just ran towards his room and locked it . We could hear his screaming , but no one knows what to do . " The maid , that Prince Aaron found cleaning the kitchen , explained , not knowing what to do .

His parents were shocked as his chest was the place where he had the birthmark .

" My dear Aaron ? Can you open the door for mummy , please ? " Queen Eve tried knocking on the door and talking to him and suddenly , the screams died down , but that wasn't all .

" What mummy ?! Go away ! " A voice yelled from inside . All were shocked , since when have their little prince been like this ?

" That voice is Aaron's , but it's like another person is talking . " King Alexander stated confused by what is happening .

And this continued the whole night . They would try to talk to him , but Prince Aaron is always telling them to scram and that was when his parents knew that the curse was triggered . Prince Aaron stayed locked in his room until the sun was showing off it's brightness .

The next morning

The door opened revealing Prince Aaron with dark circles under his eyes .

" Aaron ? Are you alright ? " Queen Eve didn't hesitate to ask her son when she saw him clearly exhausted .

Prince Aaron looked up at her then left , all were shocked at his attitude , but Queen Eve was shocked more than anyone else .

" His eyes ! They were full of coldness , not showing a little bit of emotion ! Oh my son ! " Queen Eve sobbed , not believing the drastic change that happened to her son in a single night .

Prince Aaron was a cheerful child , always full of energy and emotion , but now he was as cold as ice , like what happened in his room changed everything .

The next few days , King Alexander and Queen Eve tried talking to their son , but all in vain . He either ignores them or looks at them with cold eyes . No emotion . And every night , his screams were heard .

So in the end , they had no choice , but to find witches and tell them what happened to find the cure . Although they told him what happened in the war with the evil witches , he never told them a thing about what is the curse .

One by one , all witches failed to know what is going on until one witches came and said ,

" According to his attitude since that happened , we can comprehend that his heart is frozen from what he experienced and the only cure is to melt his heart . " The witch explained .

" You mean ... " Queen Eve trailed off , not knowing if what she was thinking is correct .

" Yes , that's right . The only cure is to fall in love . "

And that sentence started the chaos in the Ravary Kingdom .