
When the two were still talking , they didn't know that a couple was very happy with what they were seeing .

" OMG ! Can you see that ? Our son is talking to a girl ! " Whisper yelled Queen Eve as to not attract unnecessary attention .

" Yeah , I can see that . Actually , that's very good for our decision , right ? " King Alexander asked smiling at the sight of the two in front of him while Queen Eve nodded to his question .

Then King Alexander clicked his glass and raised his voice to attract everyone's attention .

" First , I thank you all for coming to my son's 18th birthday banquet . Next , I actually have an announcement to make . " King Alexander then looked at his wife who gave a slight nod and then to his son who was curious about their announcement , " I , King Alexander Verlice , announce that every 2 weeks , a girl will be selected to stay in the palace in hopes of helping the prince . " Announced King Alexander and then was accompanied by startled gasps while Prince Aaron , who was already having a bad feeling , then sighed , feeling tired of his parents and their tricks .

" And Prince Aaron is to choose this girl . " Right then , Queen Eve joined her husband in making their son even more exhausted .


Everyone was waiting for their prince to show himself and choose a girl , but girls were specially excited about entering the palace and having a chance at being the next queen . While Prince Aaron is yet to show himself , he looked to his right to see the woman beside him completely relaxed .

" Why are you so relaxed ? Don't you want the prince to choose you ? " He asked clearing curious as what he saw from women all the years were hopes and excitement of being the next queen , but that still didn't hide his coldness .

" No . " She answered simply .

" Why ? " He still persisted in asking as his curiosity only grew .

" You know , yesterday , I heard the maids talking about the prince and the curse . They said that he was getting colder as time goes by , but I can see why he's being like this . He's lonely . According to what they said , he always locks himself away whenever the curse triggers . He became lonely because of suffering alone all this while even though there were people to comfort him and people for him to trust , he still chose to suffer alone and that's hard . So you can say that I hope he finds his happiness . " Explained Ophelia , still oblivious that she was talking to the prince .

Even though , Prince Aaron's heart was frozen , he couldn't help feeling that his heart melted a little . This woman understood him very well , but he started wondering why . Did she also go through a similar experience ?

" Prince Aaron , please come up , so all can see you . " Queen Eve called out to her son when she saw that he wasn't moving .

Just then , Prince Aaron started walking towards his parents , although he didn't want to .

" Wait ! Where are you going ?... Don't tell me - " Ophelia was so shocked that she started questioning whether it was a dream or reality .

" Yes . " He answered her simply and continued walking there with his cold expression while everyone's attention went to him .

His parents smiled upon seeing him and then Queen Eve encouraged him , " Son , choose a girl . "

All the girls there were so happy and were hoping that he chooses them , but reality is heartbreaking .

' Choose ? There're all annoying . Well , ... Why not choose Ophelia ? She doesn't seem as annoying as all the girls here , so I can at least have two weeks of peace and quiet . ' Decided Prince Aaron and then started walking towards Ophelia , who was still recovering from shock .

" Ophelia , I choose you . " Prince Aaron shocked Ophelia again that she thought her heart stopped beating for a moment , so she could only nod .

Silence . All were shocked again while Queen Eve grinned and whispered , " Seems like we found our daughter-in-law . " King Alexander nodded while smiling .

While on the other hand , her family didn't like where this was going , after all , she was the abandoned daughter of the Campbelle family . So ...

" Your highness , you can't ! " A voice rang out through the silent hall .