
" Oh ? Who are you ? " Asked King Alexander clearly annoyed .

" I'm Ophelia's father , your majesty . " Duke Kade introduced himself .

" Why do you object ? " Asked King Alexander with a dark gaze that said that he wanted to cut him into pieces . ' How dare he ?! I'll protect my daughter-in-law ! '

" Your majesty , Ophelia has always been reckless and uneducated . She used to skip a lot of classes and fight a lot . I'm only worried about the royal family's reputation . If his highness agrees , I can send my second daughter instead as she has always been more sensitive and gentle . " Duke Kade was obviously bluffing , he didn't even send her to school or got anyone to teach her .

" Your majesty , I'm worried that my sister is going to trouble the prince and also ... " Elora stopped talking and used her acting skill to appear hesitant about a huge secret .

" What is it ?! " King Alexander becomes irritated at them for slandering his daughter-in-law . It was so obvious from her clothes , gaze and the way she talks that she was so innocent .

" Actually , my sister has been meeting a lot of men recently and she threatened me not to say anything about it , but since things are going to this extent , what my sister does can destroy the royal family's reputation , even only for 2 weeks . " She admitted while shaking making her appear scared and her mother went to hug her .

Gasps and whispers could be heard throughout the hall .

" Didn't know the eldest daughter was so spoiled ! "

" And I thought she was obedient . "

And whispers continued .

' What ? Why are my family slandering me like this ? I was always so obedient and never did something like this . I love them a lot regardless of whatever they do , especially my father , he loved my mother a lot and that's why he hates me . I'm really disappointed with my family though , how can they do this ? ' Thought Ophelia while feeling greatly shocked .

Prince Aaron observed her while they were slandering her to know her reaction and know the truth . Just as he thought , she's being slandered .

" Why are you slandering me ? Am I not your daughter ? " Ophelia was totally broken , her own family was slandering her , she didn't believe this .

" Of course not ! I don't have a shameful daughter like you ! Actually threatening your own younger sister and wanting to seduce his highness ! " Upon hearing her own father's words , her world came crashing down like a black hole swallowed her and ended her fantasy of a happy family while her sister and stepmother secretly smirked while watching her getting destroyed in public .

' I never thought my own family would actually hate me like this . And I actually thought that after all the whipping and the treatment I got , that was worse than a maid , what I could get in the end would be a loving family , but how wrong was I ? So all this while , I was used ? My family hate me ? ' Ophelia was beginning to realize everything slowly , ' No way ! It won't end this way ! I won't let them get away with this ! I will take revenge . ' With this thought , the weak , naive and kind Ophelia disappeared and a new Ophelia was born .