Chapter thirty-two

Ying Yong this time really cry more badly. This is the first world that Ying Yong really found kinship and maybe romance. This is why Ying Yong start to cry more badly when Ying Yong remembers the hardship, she had gone through in her previous three worlds.

It was too long Ying Zhen was forced to console people with him being on the throne at least for three decades. Ying Zhen could just keep on patting Ying Yong's back while using another hand to dry her tears.

But Ying Yong is not a person to cry for too long especially when she personally thinks that crying is a waste of time. Using her hands for one final swipe of her tears, Ying Yong smacks a kiss on Ying Zhen's face before using transport to appear in the room that was especially set aside for her usage in green brothel.

Ying Zhen sigh when he saw that Ying Yong has disappear from his embrace again. It was not the first time in eight years, Ying Yong did so. Ying Zhen knew from Ying Yong dark guards reports on how actually busy this future daughter-in-law of his is really busy. Sometimes Ying Zhen found that Ying Yong could be busier than him and he also worries. But considering the fact that if Ying Yong is really a child of her age, he will not even considered her for the position of crown princess as in this way, Ying Yong do not have the ability to succeed. Then Ying Zhen gives up on worrying about his little god niece.

Ying Yong appears in the room to find her subordinate kneeling immediately in front of her before saying.

"Miss, Shangan is suffering from what seems to be like a plague problem now. The common syndromes are coughing, pus bubbles, fever and the latest the patient will died after displaying these conditions is ten days. Official Wen have already started what you have taught all the officials in your states on how to behave in such a situation. When I have left Shangan, the first patient has died and at least twenty patients are found to have display such syndromes. Official Fan from Shenjing has reports that this plague may not be an illness after all and a conspiracy of the Xiongnu and Qing people. Worse of all, there are also suspicion that the people behind this plague may be linked to the people in XuanYang."

Once her subordinate has finished his report, Ying Yong signal for her beauties of this brothel to come in. it was rare for Ying Yong to come to her brothels as Ying Shimin always make havoc when he found her here. So, Ying Yong decides to take the last chance to relax as she has an extremely bad feeling that she will be terribly busy for the near future.

Ying Yong is a lover of everything pretty so that is why she also have a bad habit of teasing her beauties every opportunity she could get. Ying Yong snuggles her face deep into the lovely hills of the top beauty in this brothel, Chu Ying. All the top beauties in her brothel are especially trained in the dark guard camps Ying Yong has set. And the really top beauties were given her surname Chu as a sign of respect for them.

Chu Ying is already too used to her miss being a quite lewd person, so she just let Ying Yong have her way with her while she helps to massage her tense muscles.