Chapter thirty-three

Ying Yong than lay herself flat on the floor with her head positioned on Chu Ying lap while she helps to massage her. Ying Yong then opens her mouth to eat grapes that were feed to her by another beauty, Chu Yong who is a male while listening to people playing the guzheng. Ying Yong has male and female beauties in all her brothels to ensure higher chances of her getting information.

Ying Yong was running over all the information in her mind, but she still could not get a sense on who is the person behind all these. Ying Yong decides to personally goes to Shangan to personally see what was happening despite her people also are skilled doctors even in the area of poison. Maybe in that way, Ying Yong was thinking she could find more information. Ying Yong was almost asleep when she hears an awfully familiar sound.

"Chu Ying Yong! Why do I caught you again in a brothel? You do not know that you are a girl is it" Ying Shimin yelled while pulling Ying Yong away and also attempting to carry her up in a princess hug so he could carry her out of the room.

But it was at this time, a loud commotion happens outside of the room they were in now. Ying Yong almost wants to rub her hands in glee that she most likely got a target to release her tension on. After all Ying Yong knew that Ying Shimin will subject her to a screaming battle once he is angry enough to call her full name and that is why she is extremely tense now. Ying Yong angrily smack opens the door with her beauties and Ying Shimin also following behind.

Ying Yong found that it was the minister of finance eldest child, Chong Yan and he was seriously drunk. Chong Yan was almost screaming about the fact that he wanted Chu Ying to serve him. Ying Yong being the owner of multiple brothels is not known expect to Ying Shimin, Ying Zhen, and her father. So, on the surface, Ying Yong could not come out in defense of Chu Ying.

Ying Yong is only famous in Xuanyang for creating a lot of trouble and liking once in a while to go to brothels. In the beginning, officials also complained about Ying Yong actions but give up very soon after that when Ying Zhen subject them to a serious beating. Ying Yong already a long time ago will find something to subject Chong Yan to the law not for the fact that Ying Zhen gives one chance to him because of his grandfather, Chong Zhan.

Chong Yan was suspected to have serious perverted needs as regards to females. That is why Chong Yan was almost subjected to the law when a family of a maid in the Chong residence came to the capital and lodge a report that their daughter was tortured to death. but the worse thing is that this maid has sign a death agreement when she become a maid in the Chong residence. A death agreement in the Qin empire means that the maid being death or alive is subject to the master whims.

Ying Zhen gets to know of this case, but he also could not do anything as the timing was quite bad. At the time of the case, Chong Zhan being a minister for three emperors has just passed away. That is why Ying Zhen decided to give the Chong family one chance in consideration of Chong Zhan. Thus, the case did not bring down Chong Yan.