Chapter twenty- seven

While in the car, Xi Wang saw Liang Ming Ming and another female asleep so with two hands Xi Wang pressed two needles into the two men in the front seat acupuncture point to make them faint. Xi Wang stretch over wanting to take over the control of the car to stop it but to her horror the driver fainted in a wrong position and hasten the speed of the car. Without hesitation, Xi Wang transport the two buyers and two girls out of the car to lay on the ground a distance away.

There was no time as the car had crashed into the behind of the public transport bus where the engine is, and it is starting to burn. Worse of all the bus was hanging perilously over the ravine due to the car crash and it seems to be on the brink of dropping into the ravine at any moment. Xi Wang send a massive wave of her zhen qi into the bus and make every person in it faint and use that massive waves like water to transport all of them out to lay on the road. Xi Wang use the waves of zhen qi to push the bus and car into the ravine to let it explode in the ravine and to prevent any further injuries by fire.

Xi Wang knew that she was seriously overestimating her abilities. Pain was slicing Xi Wang like a knife slicing pieces and pieces of flesh off her. The pain was like what Xi Wang had seen a person feeling and the person is sentenced to death by lingchi in the third world where she was a general.

Xi Wang know this pain well. The only time Xi Wang had felt it was when she overextends her body by using too much Zhen qi in the third world where she was a female general. Xi Wang wanted to save as much of her soldiers as much as possible when they were struck in a ravine without sufficient access to food and drink due to a betray by one of her assistant general selling information to their enemies.

Xi Wang single handedly transport herself and all the alive soldiers back to her base which is an extremely long way from where they were fighting. It was the closest Xi Wang had been to true death in the previous five worlds where she was doing missions.

it was only with system help where Xi Wang soak her soul in the spring water in the system and a medical genius among the alive soldiers saving my physical body that Xi Wang was able to continue to live. But that was when Xi Wang soul is fully accepted by the body as Xi Wang had already addressed the regret of the previous owner by becoming a female general and the emperor teacher. Of course, Xi Wang used her powers in front of other people is because in ancient times, people are prone to believe especially the emperor teacher can learn the skills of the god.

Xi Wang do not know what will happen to her now when she still has not address the regret of the previous owner. But no matter what, Xi Wang bite her teeth until Xi Wang could feel it bleeding and use the last of her strength to work the waves of zhen qi into a barrier around us so that any cars driving will be able to stop in time without running over us. Xi Wang could feel her soul splintering and welcome the embrace of the darkness. It was just too bloody painful.

Xiang Ni was overseeing the operation of stemming the attack when he felt a splintering of pain crashing through his brain like someone is holding his brain and squeezing it. The same pain was also felt by his heart. He knew his girl is in trouble. Xiang Ni stab his leg so enough pain will be felt for him to keep awake. Xiang Ni detected his girl location and transported himself over. The image of his girl almost weakened his knees again with the pain felt by his heart. His girl was bleeding heavily from every pores of her body until it seems like she was a bloody rag.

Xiang Ni fall and held her hands while infusing her with great waves of his Zhen qi to ensured that her body will at least be alive. Xiang Ni knew the level to stop at to ensured that his body is alive, so he keep a glimmer of zhen qi in his body. Xiang Ni is an ancient god born along with mother earth, so he got the confidence to turn this disaster around. He will kill even hades to ensure that he got his girl soul back. Xiang Ni embrace the darkness so that he could release his soul from this body to go to hades to snatch his girl soul back.