Chapter twenty-eight

Xiang Ni open his eyes to find himself at a familiar place. He was at the riverside of the river of sin and forget in hell. Xiang Ni will always go through the river for the river to judge him on which life he will be born into. Although Xiang Ni is an ancient god, he is also sick of living as a god since he knew that one day once his good karma is used up, he will permanently fall into the five lower paths. So that is why Xiang Ni choose to be reborn into the five lower paths to suffer calamity in a bid to seek for higher enlightenment.

Maybe he laughs too much at gods of lower ranks then him when they go through trials of love so that is why fate had finally arranged in this life for him to go through the trial of love?

Xiang Ni eyes widen with panic when he saw a woman with tree limbs instead of normal limbs floating above the river of sin and forget. Worse of all this woman was laughing like a patient from a mental hospital while holding his girl in her tree limbs. Looking at the glittering of her spirit like stars even in the stiff dark atmosphere that is of the river of sin and forget; Xiang Ni went mad and wanted to go to his girl, but he was stopped as expected.

Nobody could go near to the river of sin and forget unless he or she was a spirit deem for rebirth. of course, the only other exception someone could go near the river is that if it were born from a god. A being born from a god is not of the sixth rebirth paths could easily go near the river. And Xiang Ni was not near the time for rebirth yet.

There was why it seems like there was a wall blocking his path. But his girl spirit appears to be in dire state. The glittering means that his girl has already splintered and have no strength to support rebirth and in the worst circumstances, she could be sallow by the river of sin and forget. Xiang Ni heart is screaming at him not to lose his girl but despite throwing waves of his powers at the barrier, the barrier has no reaction at all. Of course, Xiang Ni being in his spirit form and not restricted by his physical form still had a high degree of his god's powers back although not all of his powers. The only time Xiang Ni will have his powers back will be when he gone through the river again and the river deems him to have enough karma to be reborn as a god again.

There was a rumor that were known by all gods about the river of sin and forget. It was said that the river of sin and forget is run by the meng lady, and she was the wife of hades when he was a human. And while meng lady was a human and due to hades betraying her, her whole family and children was killed, and her country destroyed. With the last of her strength, while meng lady was crying, she curses hades to be forever in hell and not be allowed for rebirth.

As hades is a wise emperor who benefit his citizens but due to the curse of meng lady. The previous hades sentence him to take over his position and meng lady to be the goddess of the river of sin and forget. And it was said that meng lady will allow a couple to go into the river of sin and forget together if they wanted to be together in the next life.

But even a person going through the river of sin and forget was a process of pain that no human words could describe as the river of sin and forget was the last place to wash a person sin before rebirth. And a couple going in will double the strength of the pain at the very minimum. Xiang Ni knew that in the worst circumstances, he will want to be with his girl at least in the next life. Xiang Ni knew that he being the first god to be born with the earth, once he go into the river of sin and forget together with his girl, he will be able to ensure that his girl will reborn successfully together with him in the next life. Xiang Ni was sick of the loneliness of thousands of years that he had previously go through.

"panicking already, my dear?" the woman said while laughing loudly.

"who are you?" Xiang Ni yelled back at the crazy woman.

"ha ha ha, you do.. not know me despite I was the only one accompanying you for the thousands of years before you choose to go for rebirth. why do you forget me, I am the peach tree that has been accompanying you ever since you were born! Why did you choose to go for rebirth along with this woman when I knew you longer than her! Both of us are born from you and why is she of the six paths now and I am still a spirit not even of the six paths" the woman said while alternating between laughing and crying.

Xiang Ni eyes widen with fear when he saw the woman release her hold on his girl and she started the fall into the river. There was a push behind him at this time and the push allow Xiang Ni to catch his girl in time before they fall into the river.

Throughout the whole process of being in the river while being pulled apart by pain until it felt as if their souls had really splintered, and the river had sallow them in her depths. Both tightly clenched to each another with one lingering of refusal to give in to the pain. Images run through them of their past and why it seems like they were fated to be together.